View Full Version : In A Pickle

29-10-07, 16:35
Am 20 an I have Agoraphobia/Anixety. For the past month or two I have felt more nevrous an anxious, I only go out about 3 times a week, if I can but I go away this friday with family but I have doubts that I can go away. an it makes other problems with stresses me out even more.

I dont know what state I am in now even when I go out its to the pub with my dad but Its a struggle at times to get there even though I have been going an doing it but I am wondering if the Alchol is making me worse.

Started going out with a friend at weekends to so. I take stress herbal tablets, feels like am in a blur at times an anyway not so good.

30-10-07, 10:02
It is fantastic that you have been going out even though you are anxious, keep facing your fear it will get better, not sure about alcohol are you drinking a large amount that woudn't be good. Anxiety makes you feel strange so that would account for the blur feeling. Hope you feel better soon.

30-10-07, 10:43
Hello Tweedy,

Good job on going out. Keep positive, and moving forward, it will get easlier.Try to stay away from alcohol it tends to make your anxiety worse.

Hang in there and remember you aren't alone.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

30-10-07, 12:14
How long are you going away with your family for?

Its great that you have been going out but I agree with the others that alcohol might not be best, depends how much you are drinking.

I used to suffer with bad social anxiety but had to force myself into the situation. Sometimes it helped but other times I didnt feel so good but you have to keep on trying.

I assume your family are aware how you feel? Is there any reassurance you can seek from them?

30-10-07, 14:47
Thanks for the replys well I have decided to stop at home it was only for a few days but I think it'll be to much for me. I havent seen my physcologist for about 5weeks an I dont see him again till 28th November which is a while.

I think your all right about the Alchol i think am drinking far to much I cant remember the last time I went a week without having a drink 3 times a week!

Would be nice to see what am like without a drink for a week, I went out last night, an today I feel better but I do feel slightly anxious. I normally go out Thursdays an Saturdays but I wont this week to see what am like without drink.