View Full Version : What is this ????

26-11-20, 10:27
So I’ve been having problems worh knees recently where it gives in as I’m trying to get up and creakes a lot when I move tbh I’ve put it down to lack of movement during lockdown. Yesterday when I was doing my exercises I noticed I had a soft swelling behind my left knee on the outer side I’d say a size of gold ball checked on other side and it’s flat. Obviously it sent me in to spiral and I ended up googling which I know I’m not meant to anyways google is sayings it’s probably a baker cyst or can be scaroma which scared the living day lights out of me. I can only feel this when I flex or straighten my leg when I bend it can’t feel it. Has anyone has
This before and it turned out to be nothing sinister. Got an telephone triage with gp today not
Very keen on the telephone appointments I feel better if it’s face to face 🙈.

Well just spoke to go from the image I sent him he said there a little swelling and it’s looks like a cyst or muscular and we need to get an ultra sound just to know what it is. He said from the picture it doesn’t look anything sinister. Obviously me I’m really worried and really worried as he said we need an ultra sound to know what exactly is happening and he couldn’t rule out cancer he just said from the picture it doesn’t look like it’s anything serious and it’s very very common

03-12-20, 14:49
So as you ready above this happened last Thursday, and I’ve been in pain since,doctor was quiet vague and more fool me I didn’t ask what to do in the mean time and anyway I’ve tried the RICE method for past week no real difference and I’m in pain coming down the stairs or when I’m trying to get up etc. Rang my
GP and receptionist said they weren’t giveing me another appointment about this until the ultrasound is done as the GP said it’s unknown although he said to me it looks like pulled muscle or cyst initially he didn’t want to even look at the image ,and that if it was to hurt or go bigger then I should go toA&E I asked if could speak to a gp just to advise what I should be doing as the RICE method isn’t that effective she declined. I then chased up my ultrasound referral which isn’t until 18th December. As a fellow HA sufferers what do you think I should do go A&E I don’t want to put a strain on them anymore as I already live in a tier 3 area but my GP is not willing to help until the ultrasound am I over reacting? It’s got me more worried now as he said to me it looks like a cyst or pulled muscle but on my notes his said unknown my health anxiety mind is going in overdrive I’ve managed to book a private scan for the 13th this is a very difficult month for me as it is as it’s by dads death anniversary and his birthday and to top it up I’ve got this worrying me now as I don’t know what this swelling behind my knee is and by the sounds of it neither does the doctor any helpful suggestions will help and to top it off I’ve not had a period since October so that’s worrying me as well it’s like everything has come together

14-12-20, 23:47
Why me so tired of thinking like this!!! So quick update I had a nasty fall where my knee buckled in and trying to save my self I bruised my ribs in the process any how went to A&E got checked by a lovley doctor and got X-rays done said no damage however the lump behind swelling does clinically look and feel like a bakers cyst. He said I need to have an ultrasound and then I get put on a list for a injection to relief the pain. So had my private ultrasound on Sunday so I say to the sonographor it looks like a bakers cyst according to doctors he said it feels like but when scanned my knee there was nothing there. So he wrote a report out saying there was no abnormalities and I went of happy. But today morning the fears started to creep in did I show him the correct knee etc did he check it correct and bam back to square 1 ! What my brain can’t grasp is if something looks and feels like a cyst then why is it normal, there would be something happening right ? On top of it I rang my gp to advise scan done the receptionist confused me even more saying so does it say normal on report I’m like yes it says no abnormality shown so she then says but does it say normal , so that got me even more confused and doubting myself