View Full Version : I don't want to go through this again!

28-11-20, 15:10
Hi everyone

So I was doing so well with my HA and today its come back with a bang. I'm literally sick to my stomach with fear and feel terrible.
When looking in the mirror to put some cream on. I noticed what I thought was a spot or blemish red pinky coloured in my cheek. I don't think it was there the day before so appeared overnight. I'm scared thinking it's skin cancer I know that is so irrational but my mind won't stop thinking and looking at it. I've cried over it and told my partner who didn't think much of it. I just can't believe I'm back here again and feeling this way. I honestly feel terrified that I could have skin cancer and I'm going to die. If anyone has any kind words then I would love to hear them please and thank you in advance.

28-11-20, 16:21
It's a massive overreaction.

Stop looking at it, go do something else. Distract yourself.

This is a self made problem really, right?

28-11-20, 17:03
I think so I hope so. I'm trying to ignore and not work myself up to much. But I am going to contact my gp on monday and ask her if she thinks it looks ok. Im going to tell her I feel like it's a partly due to my health anxiety flaring up again. I'm so so disappointed in myself I was doing so well.

29-11-20, 06:35
I’m sorry, I can commiserate.

What helps me is the recognition that it’s likely HA creeping in and derailing your rational thinking and you seem like you do acknowledge that so try to keep your mind there. (Easier said that done as you can see by my recent threads, ha.)

Take care.

29-11-20, 10:52
I’m sorry, I can commiserate.

What helps me is the recognition that it’s likely HA creeping in and derailing your rational thinking and you seem like you do acknowledge that so try to keep your mind there. (Easier said that done as you can see by my recent threads, ha.)

Take care.

Yes I'm quite sure it is. My HA hits me the worst as soon as I wake up which is such a struggle because you don't feel like getting out of bed. I had my HA under control for nearly a year that's why I'm so upset with myself. Im hoping talking to my doctor will ease my worries so I can get back to feeling well again.

29-11-20, 21:40
I'm really spiralling this evening guys. I've started googling I know that's so bad 😭😭😭😭 I wish I could get a call with my doctor sooner. I've gone from thinking I have skin cancer to specifically basal cell carcinoma. I know I'm probably overreacting but right now I feel very scared :(

29-11-20, 22:20
What do you want people to say? You've gone from a pinkish colored spot to basal cell carcinoma in a day :huh: You say you don't want to go through this again. You've done so well the last year. You know what you need to do ;)

Positive thoughts

30-11-20, 00:10
What do you want people to say? You've gone from a pinkish colored spot to basal cell carcinoma in a day :huh: You say you don't want to go through this again. You've done so well the last year. You know what you need to do ;)

Positive thoughts

I know when I read someone else saying it it sounds so incredibly stupid. But there is always this one part of my brain that says what If. I really am annoyed with myself. I haven't been to my doctor for anything in a year and now this has happened. Damn my brain!!

30-11-20, 16:31
My doctor will phone me tomorrow regarding my worry. I've sent her a photo so she will be able to check it for me. I'm annoyed thst I've picked, scratched and squeezed my skin and have now left it with a scab so stupid. I'm so worried she will think it's something bad and refer me :(

30-11-20, 19:27
My doctor phoned about half an hour ago. She was supposed to phone tomorrow but said she had some time before surgery closed so gave me a call. She said the blemish is nothing to worry about and that's all it is is a blemish. I feel alot better now. I was supposed to be coming off my meds November but we've decided it's better I stay on for now since some of my anxiety reared its ugly head again. Im feeling alot better now after the call and that I can call her if my anxiety flares up again.