View Full Version : More bowel troubles again

02-12-20, 14:10
Oh dear, this has put me in a panic today.

I woke up this morning with stomach cramps, pains, and a general uneasy stomach, felt sick as well.

Went the toilet, and it was normal.

Cramps and pains continued and half an hour later had a bought of diarrhea, and I had eggy wind (sorry tmi).

Then an hour later, another bought of diarrhea.

My stomach stills feels on edge and sensitive, and I'm panicking it's some form of IBD(yes, again). I don't normally get symptoms like this first thing in the morning, and haven't had this sort of uneasy stomach for quite some time, so I'm worried.

I can't think of any food triggers, although I probably ate a lot of rubbish yesterday and day before. Two nights ago I ate a packet of spicy plant based chicken pieces, which I've done in the past with no issues. Stress wise I heard a comment yesterday which has lead me to believe (possibly wrongly) that my new workplace won't be extending my contract beyond December, and the thought of being unemployed again is incredibly worrying. Didn't sleep much last night worrying about it.

02-12-20, 14:18
Ruling out your HA "diagnosis" of IBD why do you think you've got an upset stomach now?

What's the logical non-dramatic explanation for this?

02-12-20, 14:19
Ruling out your HA "diagnosis" of IBD why do you think you've got an upset stomach now?

What's the logical non-dramatic explanation for this?

Stomach bug maybe?

I guess it's possibly a stress reaction to the job worry.......

But I suppose I've had quite a bit of stress going on recently and my bowels haven't been affected much until now.

Diet I'd say no because I've managed to eat those spicy things before without issues, and I had curry on the weekend with no probs.

02-12-20, 18:10
So it's got to be colitis/crohns/bowel cancer at the very least?

Or maybe just an IBS flare or something mundane like a stress reaction to the prospect of losing your job?

Hope your guts have settled anyway..I know how worrying a time this must be for you re your job and I hope you get some reassuring news about it asap.

02-12-20, 20:08
Well.......you know how it is with people like myself, you always jump to the worst case scenario.

Which is apparently what's happened with my job. Because I'm a contractor rather than a staff member, I'm not entitled to holiday pay, and our department are more or less shutting for two weeks over xmas/new year. I am on their payroll though, so I'm not self employed. All a bit confusing. But apparently they still want me from January onwards until they create a full time position (which I will still have to apply for).

Bowels seem better tonight, but they've felt dodgy all day tbh. I also feel absolutely exhausted - can that be an IBS thing? I listened to my hypnotherapy tracks on lunchbreak and fell as asleep! I also took two immodims this morning so I’ll probably have a panic if I have diarrhea again.

How are things with you anyway? Are you in any sort of lockdown/tier over there?

02-12-20, 20:38
I'm in tier 2 for what it's worth! Adds to my already challenging home scenario but hey ho..Not sure it's much different from "lockdown" but the tea shops are now open so that's a bonus for me!

Exhaustion is pretty normal with anxiety and you did have a pretty troubled night didn't you? Really glad the job situation has been clarified and that you have some stability although I do appreciate that the full time position is not yours yet (if you want it, that is).

How is your uncle? How are you coping with that in the background as well?

02-12-20, 22:48
I'm in tier 2 for what it's worth! Adds to my already challenging home scenario but hey ho..Not sure it's much different from "lockdown" but the tea shops are now open so that's a bonus for me!

Exhaustion is pretty normal with anxiety and you did have a pretty troubled night didn't you? Really glad the job situation has been clarified and that you have some stability although I do appreciate that the full time position is not yours yet (if you want it, that is).

How is your uncle? How are you coping with that in the background as well?

Well to be honest, tea/coffee shops are more important to me than a pub as well! Drakeford has banned the sale of alcohol in pubs/restaurants if you didn't know, and any hospitality business has to close at 6pm. To be honest, it had to be happen - the amount of people out last Saturday in my local town was mad - no social distancing either of course.

Yeah I'd love the job, it's working from home at the moment, but the office is only 5 mins from my house anyway.

Uncle's struggling along, he had to spend 10 days in hospital recently with an infection and his bile stent had failed. Had another one put in and came out last weekend. He's skin and bones the poor guy, but apparently the tumour has stopped growing. The dr's think it's the chemo working (he's only had 3 mild cycles), but they don't know he's been taking 'extra strong' CBD oil I sourced since diagnosis! I swear it's that.

04-12-20, 16:55
Cramps and pains continued and half an hour later had a bought of diarrhea, and I had eggy wind (sorry tmi).

Thems what I call 'danger farts'. :scared15:

06-12-20, 09:29
A Shart.:D

06-12-20, 09:44
A Shart.:D

It's happened to us all. That moment when the ol' tum's a bit sqiffy and you chance a fart when you really shouldn't have done. :ohmy:

I had a mate at work who told the manager she wasn't feeling well and she'd have to go home. He refused, so she went into the bogs - retrieved her soiled knickers from the bin and tossed them onto his desk. :roflmao:

06-12-20, 09:49
I would have done the same as your friend :yesyes:I have shit me duds on a number of occasions the last time was 3days ago my boss offered to hose me down lol I went into Target and got some cheap Cottontails :D

06-12-20, 09:55
my boss offered to hose me down lol

I find that slightly worrying lol. I bet the dude has a glass table at home lol :roflmao:

Or wasn't it a dude? If so, it's slightly less worrying....

06-12-20, 09:59
She is a classic a real laugh,I don’t think she is a dyke.:scared15:

06-12-20, 10:03
She is a classic a real laugh,I don’t think she is a dyke.:scared15:

I was thinkin' more of a fetish with the brown stuff lol

06-12-20, 10:09
Oh that’s sick:roflmao:and guess what her name is Helen lol and a Supervisor is Rebecca Ba!ha!ha!ha!.

06-12-20, 10:14
Oh that’s sick:roflmao:and guess what her name is Helen lol and a Supervisor is Rebecca Ba!ha!ha!ha!.

To be fair to me, she offered to hose the shite off you - which is a bit niche lol

P.S ask her if she's got a glass table lol

07-12-20, 08:47
Milly doesn’t have a glass table:Dshe was curious as to why I asked I left her in the lurch :D

07-12-20, 09:11
Milly doesn’t have a glass table:Dshe was curious as to why I asked I left her in the lurch :D

I reckon you're safe then cocker. I would have been concerned had she had admitted to a glass table and copious amounts of Windowlene under the kitchen sink lol. :roflmao:

07-12-20, 09:14
I would have been worried if she did and had a bowl on it where you put your keys.:roflmao:

07-12-20, 10:43
Well this thread took an interesting turn, thanks for the entertainment!

My bowels still don't feel right 5 days after the first episode - my guts just feel 'on edge', mildly uncomfortable, 'knotted', and bloated. Making horrible gurgling noises this morning as well after being to the toilet.

I should know by now that worrying about it will make matters worse but I can't help it. It was actually two years ago this month that my HA properly kick off with bowel issues, 2 years later, and multiple tests, I still find I'm unable to reassure myself when I get flare ups.

08-12-20, 00:29
Well I'm truly fed up now. Been to the toilet three times today and my bowels still feel bloated, tight, burning and sore. Still got urges to go again. Tried my IBS meds, nothing, took an immodium just to see if it would do anything, nope.

Sighs, this is so tiring. I just want a break from physical symptoms now.

08-12-20, 07:25
I would have been worried if she did and had a bowl on it where you put your keys.:roflmao:

..and soundproofing. :yesyes:

08-12-20, 07:26
Well this thread took an interesting turn, thanks for the entertainment!

No probs Mr Lurcher. Happy to help. :yesyes:

08-12-20, 16:33
Thoroughly pissed off this afternoon. Went to the toilet after lunch, normal. But since then my lower belly has been burning and bloated all afternoon. Really dragging me down. I've tried some yoga techniques to see if wind needs shifting, nope. Mebeverine isn't doing bugger all.

It's been nearly a whole week of bowel issues now, think it may be wise to visit the docs now.

And to make matters worse, while driving through town earlier I passed the lady to who did my flex sigmoidoscopy - that must be a sign surely?

08-12-20, 18:10
Nope..Just that you live in a small town probably...It's not a portent of doom.

How's your secondary bone cancer this afternoon?

09-12-20, 09:33
Thoroughly pissed off this afternoon. Went to the toilet after lunch, normal. But since then my lower belly has been burning and bloated all afternoon. Really dragging me down. I've tried some yoga techniques to see if wind needs shifting, nope. Mebeverine isn't doing bugger all.

Have you tried peppermint tea or oil capsules? Peppermint is natural and very effective on bloating...

Also, get your Vit B12 levels checked as deficiency (common) causes bloating and I haven't felt bloated since I've been taking them. It could also be the probiotics I'm taking, but as bloating is a symptom of deficiency, I'm inclined to conclude it's them.

It's been nearly a whole week of bowel issues now, think it may be wise to visit the docs now.

How about you leave it for another two weeks and see how you feel then?

And to make matters worse, while driving through town earlier I passed the lady to who did my flex sigmoidoscopy - that must be a sign surely?

A sign of what? These are normal human beings doing these jobs and I think the NHS allows them out from time to time..