View Full Version : Multiple gallbladder polyps, terrified

05-12-20, 02:49
Hi everyone. I am in such a bad place and am desperate for help. This is long, I apologize for that, but I need to get this out so I beg you, please read this, I am in dire need of help. Please someone, or as many people as possible, help me. I lurk this site frequently to help quell my health anxiety, and it has helped me a lot. But now I am really desperate and feeling so unwell and out of control, I need help. I’m so scared. A bit of background: Cancer has been my most dreaded fear and obsession since I was 10. I have OCD, generalized anxiety disorder, severe PTSD, and depression. I have struggled with mental illness since I was 10. I’m now 40, female.Two and a half years ago I had the worst bout of health anxiety I had ever had, convinced I had oral cancer no matter how many doctors and dentists tested and looked at me and said all was fine. Then it was lymphoma or throat cancer (I had some nodes in my neck, the doctor was concerned but I asked for an ultrasound, had it, and it discovered tiny nodules on my thyroid. I then paid $700 for a CT scan because I was terrified of thyroid cancer. A CT was recommended but on an appointment basis. There was no way I could wait three weeks.

Went and had CT, all was fine. Nothing concerning at all. They told me to have another ultrasound done in a year, but I didn’t, because after hospital bouncing, x-rays, CT, ultrasound, visits to an ENT and countless GP;s, I was just so exhausted and swore I’d never do this or feel like this again. It was rock bottom. A new low. I began to go the opposite way with my health anxiety, avoiding doctors except for my naturopath. Now, flash forward to 2020. A lot has happened this year for everyone, and the pandemic catapulted me into a totally new health anxiety. My husband and I separated, my OCD has has been out of control, I hole up in my apartment and don’t see anyone. Even checking my mail is a huge feat for me. I’m depressed and anxious, I sleep a LOT and find I always feel tired, though fatigue has frankly always been a thing for me. I’ve lost about 50 pounds since Summer 2019 (intentionally, down from 180 pounds), and have been exercising indoors a bit but spending way too much time in bed because I can’t face the day. My sleep is also really messed up, I sleep during the day and am up all night.

Anyway, I was reading something about lymphoma and swollen nodes in the groin (I have been obsessed with lymphoma due to my dad being diagnosed this spring, He has a type that isn’t genetic. But I’ve been obsessed nonetheless. About a month and a half or two months ago, I felt my groin and felt two small lumps there. I don't know how long they've been there. I didn't regularly examine that area until recently. They have not changed, at least I don't think they have. One is hard, in my estimation about 2 cm, but again, I now I can’t really measure them. This has made me absolutely sick with worry, enough that my fear of cancer overshadowed my fear of covid (which is an EXTREME fear and has navigated my life since March), and booked in with my doctor. I was praying that she wouldn’t be concerned, I envisioned over and over again her saying "Oh that? That's nothing, go home", and at first she wasn’t concerned, but it’s because she didn’t feel the lump I was talking about at first, only the smaller one. She said “oh that’s nothing, you don’t need an ultrasound for this, it’s just a little lymph node, totally normal” . Relief washed over me but something inside me told me to ask her to examine again. She’s not the most thorough doctor and she honestly didn’t really examine me very well in my opinion. She did feel the second one this time and said “Oh, there is another one. It’s bigger. Yes, I think you need an ultrasound” This was today, and I am beside myself. I burst into tears and hyperventilated. I must have looked ridiculous crying, wearing several masks and a face shield, and being terrified to touch anything. She also did a vaginal swab (normal paps my whole life, not due for my next one until June), but my period this month was two weeks late, and that happened once in the summer too. When it came it was normal, though this one was 7 days long, which is a bit long for me.

She then asked if she could listen to my chest, she said it sounded clear. Then she checked my armpits and stomach and said all clear there too. But THEN she said she wanted me to have a chest X-ray! I asked her if she suspects lymphoma and she said “there’s a small chance, I can’t diagnose lumps because I’m not a professional at that, I just want to check and rule it out.” I’ve also been having a weird, rumbling/vibrating type of feeling in my right chest (I think lung) at the bottom for several months off and on. And about a month ago, I felt searing pain in the right rib cage at the bottom, it only lasted one day, for a couple minutes at a time, twice. It hasn’t returned except once a few weeks ago but it wasn’t nearly as bad, and it hasn’t returned since.

I am a pot smoker, and my smoking has become heavier since the pandemic. I would say I smoke about 3 joints a day. However, I haven’t had any in about a week because I ran out, and I won’t be getting more, for sure. Too scared now. I’m beyond terrified that it’s either thyroid cancer because I left it too long and it has spread, lung cancer, some kind of pelvic cancer that may have spread to my lung (the lung rumble is on the same side), or lymphoma. I am in such a bad state and I know i”m not supposed to ask for reassurance but I don’t know what else to do. I'm falling apart, I have a nine year old daughter who needs me and adores me and is very emotional. I can’t leave her. I’m so scared. I have the worst nausea, knots in my stomach, horrible butterflies that won’t go away, I can’t eat and can’t focus. I booked a private ultrasound for tomorrow morning and am absolutely terrified. I paid extra to get same day results, but just realized that they probably won’t send them to me? Or will they since I paid? The main concerning lump for me feels hard, round, smooth, and fixed, though the skin above it can SORT OF move it around, but when I dig deep it feels attached, and deep. I have a harder time finding it when laying down, but when standing up it's very easy to feel. It is not visible, and is on my right side right where my hip meets the top of my pubic area. I haven not been sick or had infections or anything.

I keep falling asleep and waking up with these awful butterflies and panic. I can’t think of anything else and can’t enjoy anything. I’m a wreck. The requisition says my lumps are 1 mm and 1.4 cm, one soft, one harder. The doctor said they are not fixed, but I think the bigger one is. I think she either doesn’t want to freak me out more or didn’t feel it properly. How can you even feel a 1 mm node? That’s the size of a pencil tip and the smaller lump is definitely bigger than that. The bigger one is about 2 cm in my mind. The thing is, if these are within normal size, why the ultrasound and why the x-ray?? She suspects something, and I am beside myself. I know you guys can’t diagnose me but please, someone, anyone, help me somehow. I’ve never been so scared and panicked. I pray to god they say I don’t need another CT because I can’t wait for one and don’t have the money to pay for one. Also, during covid we are not supposed to have these procedures unless they are urgent, so if she’s going to the trouble to get me into an ultrasound and a chest x-ray, it seems VERY grim to me. This weird rumble/buzzing sensation that comes and goes (it's not audible, just a feeling) in my chest makes me so scared too because she wants the chest X-ray and it's all on the same side. Nothing on the left side. No swollen nodes or anything. Previous to this year, when I wasn't so isolated, I had bronchitis a few times, strep often, and have mild asthma. I also had pneumonia as a child. What else could this be if not cancer or an infection? I'm pretty sure it's not an infection. I asked the doctor was type of cancer this could be indicative of and she said "well, any type of pelvic really" and then when I called her later to ask about whether she suspected lymphoma (after googling groin lump and chest xray to try to find the reason), and that's when she said that she wants to rule it out. Oh my god. I am absolutely freaking out.

I’m so sorry for this extremely long post - please please help me if you can. I keep dry heaving and can barely keep water down. My appetite is totally gone since the appointment. And to top it all off, I've now been in a doctor's office in a small room and have been around the staff and the doctor - something that absolutely terrifies me. And now I have to be around an ultrasound technician for like half an hour without distancing. So I get to be terrified of cancer AND cover. I can't cope. And if I have to get further testing I don't know what I'll do. I'm unravelling. I can't handle this. I can’t parent right now, so my child is with her dad. I am so scared and feel desperate, alone, and hopeless. Again, I now you can't diagnose me and that my ultrasound is tomorrow anyway, but please, if someone can help give me some peace of mind tonight I would be so grateful.

05-12-20, 02:59
@fishmanpa I hope you can comment on this, I always love your feedback

05-12-20, 03:40
Hey ShadyB.... Wow, you certainly have yourself in a tizzy eh? Certainly your history of mental illness and the trigger with your Dad added to the pandemic isn't helping. I hope he's doing Ok.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. You said you never noticed it until you poked and prodded and they haven't grown so...I think you know what I'm going to say... Its called CYA medicine (cover your arse). If she blew you off you'd be worried she missed something.

Of the tens of thousands of posts about similar fears I've read here through the years, I know of only a few whose fears were realized. All of them were treated and are doing well and oddly enough, their anxiety took a back seat and has remained there since.

Let us know what they say and as always....

Positive thoughts

05-12-20, 04:17
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. You said you never noticed it until you poked and prodded and they haven't grown so...I think you know what I'm going to say... Its called CYA medicine (cover your arse). If she blew you off you'd be worried she missed something.

Let us know what they say and as always....

Positive thoughts[/QUOTE]

Thank you, Fish. I am in such a state. I googled cancer forums to see people's symptoms and so many are similar - even not as bad - as mine!
This is one woman's sorry that absolutely terrified me - so many people saying they have cancer and their nodes were TINY, not even palpable! I'm so scared. I don't know how to cope. I can't stand waiting for results and I feel absolutely sick. I just don't know what else all of this could be. And the fact that she's sending me for these tests during a pandemic points to something very sinister to me. Thank you for your positive thoughts on my dad. He has follicular lymphoma which is very slow growing and he is doing really well, they said he's probably got 20 years or more and something else like natural causes ay even get to him before this does. Here's the story that scared me, among others - people with about cancer on the cancer forums often say they had TINY nodes or NO symptoms.

I didn't actually display any of what they call B symptoms e.g. sweating, fever, itching. My investigations started as I had groin and pelvic pain which they thought was a ruptured ovarian cyst but they did an ultrasound of my entire abdomen and found lesions on the spleen and a couple of the groin nodes enlarged- not enough to feel them mind you! It seems having lymphoma without the b symptoms is quite uncommon, even the specialist the first time he saw me said it was highly unlikely I had malignancy but here we are!

05-12-20, 04:22
can anyone else join in as well, please help, please I'm going crazy

05-12-20, 05:14
I know the feeling and it doesn’t help when you’re alone with Dr Google.

I’m happy that you have an appt tomorrow—not too much longer to live in panic and worry.

Try to stop touching, stop googling, and maybe download a meditation app to get you through the night.

Keep us posted <3

05-12-20, 05:20
I know I need to stop googling, it's the worst. Has anyone else had symptoms and experiences like this and it turned out just fine? I just read that many people with lymphoma and other cancers have even smaller lumps, that can't even be detected in imaging yet STILL turn out to be cancer! And that round lumps (which I have) are likely malignant, whereas elliptical shaped ones are usually benign and I'm so scared. Mine is round, hard, smooth. The other I can't really tell what shape it is but it's not hard. Also, I read that ultrasound won't even tell me anything and will probably just lead to inconclusive and need a scan!! I'm so terrified to do testing like this during a pandemic, and the fact that my doctor wants me to get them, when we're not supposed to right now unless it's urgent, scares me endlessly!

05-12-20, 08:26
please does anyone have a similar experience, I'm unraveling

05-12-20, 12:07
Does anyone know how I can make my post more visible? Is it because it’s too long?

05-12-20, 18:06
How did your ultrasound go?

05-12-20, 19:35
Update! The ultrasound went very smoothly, the tech said she saw nothing at all concerning and that she was certain there was no cancer. Which I really appreciated because I know they’re not supposed to say much but she saw how scared and upset I was (I was shaking and crying and dry heaving) and she was so kind to me. Still waiting on the radiologist report, and hoping that he doesn’t have a different view, but it should be fine, she showed me everything and said these are all normal lymph nodes, nothing over 1 cm. She said she didn’t think I needed a chest X-ray based on what she was seeing, I wonder if my doctor will still want me to get one. The one thing she did find was a tiny polyp on my gall bladder, and I’m trying very hard not to freak out about that because she said it’s common and it’s tiny and we just have to monitor it once a year, but she said no further testing is required and that absolutely nothing sinister was going on. Now I have to focus on not worrying about the radiologist report and not freaking out about the usual things, like questioning her feedback, thinking maybe she wasn’t thorough, maybe you can’t actually tell if anything is sinister from an ultrasound, maybe it is bad and she just couldn’t tell, or maybe she was saying it to calm me down, etc. All these thoughts have entered my mind but I’m trying not to dwell on them. It’s time I tried cbt. I can’t do this to myself anymore. It’s crazy how health anxiety won’t let you have ten minutes of joy and relief before it goes “ah, but....”. Thank you for your support you guys, sorry I got sort of out of control there.

05-12-20, 20:14
Glad you’re feeling better today! I’ve been there in that total panic state and it sucks. Glad you got an understanding tech that could provide you with some instant reassurance, too.

05-12-20, 20:57
Courtesy of the "Told Ya So" Gang.


Positive thoughts

05-12-20, 23:55
Haha! I knew that was coming!!!!

radiologist report came back finding completely normal lymph nodes and three sub-centimetre polyps, they just said repeat the ultrasound in six months, which is no big deal. I feel so much better.

06-12-20, 08:39
Hello all. I posted my first post just yesterday about lumps in my groin. Had ultrasound done today and the lumps are just normal lymph nodes, but during the ultrasound, they discovered THREE polyps on my gallbladder, the largest one being 7 mm. At first I felt okay about this, and an ultrasound is recommend again in six months. After reading about them though, the fact that I have multiple ones, and that they are not cholesterol doesn't seem good, and I am terrified and can't stop obsessing. I have even read stories where some people only have ONE polyp that is smaller than my largest one and they are advised to have their gallbladder removed!! I just wasn't prepared for this and I am so upset and scared. What if it IS cancer and they grow and spread out of control before the six month ultrasound? These are usually either cholesterol or tumours. And since they're not cholesterol and there are three of them, what other explanation could there possible be? Now I just want to get the damn thing removed. I can't stop thinking about this. Can anybody help?

06-12-20, 09:46
I was feeling so much better about the lumps but of course I was only allowed a few moments of relief before more panic set in. I have read that groin lumps should not be larger than 1 cm. My largest one is 1.7 cm - very nearly 2 cm! So how can that be written as "normal" when it's clearly enlarged. I am also freaking out about the gallbladder polyps that were found- the largest one is 7 mm and there are several. From what I'm reading, both of those facts are not good. I am at my wit's end here.

06-12-20, 10:39
Did you read that on the report or are you on Dr Google.

06-12-20, 11:51
@lolalee1 The report says normal lymph nodes, and three gallbladder polyps. Says I should repeat ultrasound in six months. But the largest one is 1.6 cm (I thought it was 1.7, but it actually says 1.6), and everything I'm reading says that's not normal for a groin lymph node :( Yes, I have been googling.

06-12-20, 13:40
What do you want people to say? You had an expensive and thorough scientific medical test and deemed clear by medical experts who literally do this for a living. Now, you're pointing a gun (Dr Google) at your head and repeatedly pulling the trigger!

Its over. Its done, there is nothing physically wrong! What are you doing to treat your mental health?

Positive thoughts

06-12-20, 14:18
Surely they wouldn't leave you 6 months if they thought it was cancer?

06-12-20, 14:22
:( I don't know what I want people to say. It wasn't exactly deemed clear, as there are polyps on my gallbladder, but yes they did say the nodes are normal. It just doesn't mane any sense to me that a 1.6 cm node would be deemed normal. It's also very very close to 2 cm. I also know ultrasound doesn't always pick up on things or have the clearest picture. I'm just scared, you seem frustrated with me :(

Yes, I am very mentally unwell. I've spoken to my doctor about medication, have booked an appointment with someone at a stress and anxiety clinic near me, and have begun the workbooks in the link you include in your responses.

I am trying.

06-12-20, 14:24
I guess, but just the size of the one scares me. I know opinions vary from tech to tech, it's just everyone I have read about who has even just one polyp that is smaller than that is advised to get an ultrasound at three months and even have the gallbladder removed - which I am strongly considering. I mean maybe they don't suspect anything sinister YET but I'm just scared they will grow to the point of being malignant and out of control within that window.

06-12-20, 14:29
Why not talk to the consultant then rather than google and scare yourself to death.

06-12-20, 14:31
I've emailed them

06-12-20, 15:44

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

06-12-20, 16:01
These are totally different topics. One is about groin lumps and the other is about gall bladder polyps. Completely different issues, and now I won't get as many responses to the polyp thread as I could have. The original post is very long and now people will have to wade through it all to get to the post about an unrelated issue that I was asking about and hoping to get opinions on...

06-12-20, 16:16
If people want to help they will read it and reply. If they can't help then they won't.

It helps people to see the whole picture about a person so now they can read everything that you have been through.

06-12-20, 16:31
OK well as I said, this is a very different issue, very specifically different, and I'm having a lot of anxiety about it so I was really hoping to get some support. But I guess I have no choice in the matter. Thanks for replying!