View Full Version : Crazy obessesion that something is wrong with my heart

30-10-07, 02:47
Does anyone else have an obssessive fear that there is something wrong about their health? As mentioned earlier, I have had about 4 EKG's done, 1 2-D Echo of my heart done, a lot of blood tests which indicate that everything is normal. But i cannot seem to shake off the concern that there is something very wrong with my health and I experience feelings of dizziness, chest pains etc. This happens even when I am not undergoing a "panic atack". All of these feelings persist for a while. Sometimes for a few hours. I dont know what I am going through. Would really appreciate it if you guys could tell me if you go through similar things. I.e. an obsessive feeling that something is wrong with my health and spells of dizziness, choking, and chest pain
Just have a crazy crazy obession that something is wrong with my heart!!!!!
I dont know what I have to do to get it aways
Some1 please help

30-10-07, 10:08
After all the tests i'm sure nothing is wrong its the anxiety that wont let you think straight. I am always convinced I have a brain tumor even when I have been told loads of times I have'nt.I try to think of other things when the thoughts of illness get to me, there are all of us here to help you through this.
Best wishes

Elly 2
30-10-07, 11:07
Hi rish, you are not alone with this. For the past 18 months I have been getting chest pains on an off but for the past 2 months I have them constantly. I wake up with them and it lasts all day. Like you I have had ECG's, treadmill test, bloods etc and all are normal. I was referred to gastrologist and had endoscopy which was normal, my next test is to measure amount of acid I am producing which I am petrified of having and also I have to have an angiogram to completely rule out heart. The doc says it isn't heart but to put my mind at rest is doing angiogram. I alsmost wish they weren't doing angio because I get so worked up about having to go anywhere let alone people doing things to me. Like me, you have probably convinced yourself that they are wrong and you are subconciously and consiously thinking about it all the time, so that any little ache or pain is blown up out of all proportion. Oh I should listen to myself! how come we can give advice and support to others but can't apply it to ourselves!! lol I hope this has helped a little,
Take care

30-10-07, 11:29
Hi rish!

I also have a crazy obsession that there is something wrong with my heart, I get lots of heart symptoms and I just can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. I get chest pain, an ireegular heart rate, ectopic beats and other strange sensations. It feels like it couldn't be more obvious.

I've had 2 ECGs now and am being refered to a cadiologist at some point. I don't think I feel anxious a lot of the time, yet I still get these horrible symptoms. All I can do is try to carry on with my life the best I can, which isn't easy, some days I pack in all together.

You're not alone in this and all the best. :)

31-10-07, 02:24

I am so with you on all this. It all gets so frustrating and tiresome doesn't it. I am convinced I have something wrong with my heart and i've sought out about 3 different doctors for opinions, all saying same thing everything ok, still I can't believe them.

Gosh we are our own worse enemies.


01-11-07, 06:38
Thanks so much guys - i just find it very very hard to believe the doctor when he says that my heart is his "last concern" - just keep feeling that the doctors are missing something cuz my chest pains are just not going away.. i mean ive had so many tests done - wish all the symtoms would go away :(

01-11-07, 18:41
Well rish i have exactly the same things as you describe, not so much pains in my chest just a sensation that something is not quite right like its gonna grab at any second you know what i mean. I have had this now for 3 years after having a massive panic attack on boxing day 3 years ago. since then i have been convinced that i have something wrong with my heart but as you have had i have had every test imaginable and yeah all clear (apparently) lol.. I guess its one of those silly brain things telling me summats up when it really isnt, well this weekend im back playing hockey , sod it, if something will happen to my heart i feel like i can at least say i told you so lol.. but if it dont then i guess im doing my heart good getting back to my normal excersice regime. If you have been given tha all clear then take that as an all clear and get out there and start living your life again , you wil regret it if you dont ... i know im not going to let it beat me no more sod it im in control not my mind , hope you get over it soon

take care


miss motown
01-11-07, 21:54
hi there your thread caught my eye as ive just booked online to bupa for a idepth health assesment as im convinced there is something wrong with my heart ie had ecgs and blood tests and they came back fine but im not to convinced i have all the symptoms of heart disease chest pain jaw pain tightness in the chest and pains down my left arm i wont be happy untill ive undergone all the tests that they can give me so i guess your not on your own with this one

06-11-07, 06:32
thanks guys
really reassuring to know that im not the only one..
i guess we will all just have to fight the damn panic one day at a time