View Full Version : Here we go again...HELP!

07-12-20, 21:15
So I've been doing really well with my anxiety and haven't had any real issues since around February time! I think being in Lockdown not having to go anywhere helped.

But today, I don't know what happened (or if it's even anxiety!) I'm now back at work, have been for 3 weeks but in a new job.

Didn't get off to the best start, started unwell which carried on for a couple of weeks and now starting to feel much better.

However, today I have what I call an "episode" out of the blue. I laughed out loud and as I did, felt a pain in my left forehead. After that I got the strangest feeling/sensation. Like tingling, my teeth felt funny and I felt a bit sicky. I don't know how long the feeling lasted but it was awful. Then I had uncontrollable leg shaking. The kind you get when you're nervous about something and they feel all tense. Afterwards I just felt so tired.
By the afternoon I was absolutely fine.

Is this anxiety or something else going on in my head?

08-12-20, 08:30
You've been under stress, being ill, new job etc.

Try not to look into it too much, it happened, let it go as soon as possible. In your own words - 'in the afternoon I was absolutely fine'.

Anxiety happens from stress, and you were stressed. It's as simple as that.

09-12-20, 05:36
You've been under stress, being ill, new job etc.

Try not to look into it too much, it happened, let it go as soon as possible. In your own words - 'in the afternoon I was absolutely fine'.

Anxiety happens from stress, and you were stressed. It's as simple as that.

As much as I wanted not to be stressed out, it seems it is unavoidable, especially when the one stressing you is a family member. Any suggestion on how to avoid it?

09-12-20, 09:49
You cannot avoid stress, you can only avoid a negative reaction to stress.

You need to actively pay attention to your response to external stressors, family members often being the unavoidable source.

It's a truism that we can fall back on subconscious reactions to triggers (resentment, anger, frustration etc) and these can build up and then trigger your fight or flight response. There are numerous ways you can actively calm your CNS such as deep breathing, meditation, going out for a walk, self mantra's. Ultimately it's about re-training the brain to not see the conflict as a source of anger, as anger and fear are fundamentally the same thing and that's what causes fight or flight responses, adrenaline, cortisol etc.

Your subconscious will fall in line with what you consciously do, eventually. So if you don't consciously react, eventually you'll stop subconsciously reacting too.

10-12-20, 15:02
So I had today off work to chill and I've felt breathless on and off all day.

Making my anxiety even worse worrying if it's just subconscious anxiety/stress or something worse.

I was doing so well and it's peaked so much lately. Just so done with it.