View Full Version : Visual distortion/Feeling really big compared to things

08-12-20, 15:35
Hey everyone,
Going through a bit of a rough patch. I had a strange experience yesterday. I got out of the car to take something out of the trunk and I noticed how low the trunk actually was. It felt so strange! I never noticed that and all of a sudden felt really tall. I know I have felt this way before as of recently. I always brushed it off. But this really stuck with me and scared me. I looked it up and some sites say it’s Alice in Wonderland syndrome. However, it didn’t seem that extreme. It didn’t feel like the trunk was super tiny or anything. It just felt like I had never noticed how low it was. Is it the same thing? Has anyone experience this or Alice in Wonderland syndrome? I’m worried about epilepsy and brain tumours. Neuro diseases are my worst fear and I absolutely haaaaate them. Fun fact: my health anxiety actually started with brain tumours and they have been a long standing fear.