View Full Version : Two Sore Lumps Behind Left Ear/Neck?

09-12-20, 01:40
Hi, so today I noticed behind my ear felt a little sore when I touched it, and when I did their was a lump. Its on the part where theirs a curve just behind the ear, its small but hard (kinda jelly when you youch it) but sore when I touch it and slightly when I bend my neck a little. Theirs another one just at the top of my neck slightly to the left as well, but I think that one's been there for as long as I can remember.

I'm 33 F, Hypothyroid. My temperature is normal, and I don't have any other symptoms, other than suffering from trying to get a full night's sleep properly (but think that's more down to my anxiety and stress).

I'm not sure what it is, but I get really scared about lumps and stuff because of cancers.

The only thing I've been suffering from lately is a very stuffed nose, which I use on occassion a nasal spray to help (which it does).

I just very very anxious about this being something serious or something. Not sure about bacterial, or infection or something?

11-12-20, 11:35
Went to the doctors this morning, she examined the lump on the back of my head behind my ear.

She asked me did I have an infection or sore throat, I don't. If I felt unwell or anything, I havent really. Other than my nose which seems constantly blocked or congested, and the Sudafed nasal spray works, but only for a short while and I'm blocked up again. She suggested a saline solution. And to cut down on dairy apparently.

She tried to take blood, but couldn't get any today so I'm bookin for blood tests Wednesday and she also is getting me an appointment for a scan on the lump, just to have a look at it.

It's all made me ten times more stressed, anxious and worried. It really gets me worked up and worried about Lynphoma, cancers etc, so now I'm thinking about that.

The lump isn't painful, just sore when I touch it, it's not very hard and feels a little soft but doesn't move, it's small. So, now my anxiety is worked up again and fearing the worst.

12-12-20, 21:27
Woke up this morning with a ''wooshing'' in my left ear (like going through a tunnel), it also feels clogged or full but isn't, it started in the other ear too. When I was out today, for some reason, the noise around me seemed to amplifiy it massively. It has calmed down since getting home, but their is still a ''fullness'' sensation in them, mainly the left (same side as that lump), and the tunnel sound.

My mum has an ear infection, so not sure if I've gotten one now too? Or if its related to the lump. The lump is no longer sore or tender, but its still there, just waiting for my appointment for the ultrasound and the blood tests Wednesday.

I can still hear out of the ears just a little muffled, ever so slightly.

12-12-20, 21:38
I think I might be having a similar worry to you- but my lump is more at the back/base of my head. Mine has been confirmed as a lymph node. Did your doctor mention that is what yours might be? I know what it is like to worry.... but I am sure you are fine! X

13-12-20, 08:21
Mischa it’s good you are having tests and I’m sorry you are going through this. Sounds like maybe you have an infection, and perhaps this is to do with it x

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13-12-20, 14:27
@jojo2316 Hi there. I can't remember everything my doctor said, but she mentioned about infections, grizzle and cysts, probably lymph nodes but sometimes I forget some of the things doctors say because I get so stressed. My bloods are on Wednesday and I'm waiting to hear when my ultrasound will be. She said they blood tests were to see inside and the ultrasound to see what it was.

She said for ear infections the lump is usually further down than where mine is, usually under the ear near that area. My lump is no longer sore or tender, and my ear congestion and noise is gone today. The lump seems to have gone down somewhat, so we'll see. I always get extremely anxious and panicky about this stuff, thinking of things like cancers and lymphoma.

Thanks for replying x

13-12-20, 14:31
@Scass Hi Scass. Yeah, bloods on Wednesday, just waiting to see when ultrasound will be. My ear congestion and noise has gone today, seemed to have only lasted yesterday, so maybe it was to do with my nose congestion, as that has been gone for two days now, and I can breath through my nose again. I actually used a saline sea water solution, which seemed to help much more than the Sudafed nasal spray.

My lump isn't sore or tender anymore, and seems to have gone down a little, you can only feel it if you press into a bit, its not vert noticeable as it seems to be deep under the skin, but we'll see. I get extremely anxious about this stuff, thinking of cancers and lymphomas, makes me panic.

My nose is no longer congested and my ear clog and noise is gone too.

Hope you're doing well x

13-12-20, 21:44
Glad you’re feeling a bit better.
I have used the sea salt one too. I’ve only used the other ones when I have actual sinusitis.

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24-12-20, 14:45
Had some flutters today. Is it normal for Inderal (Propranolol Hydrochloride 80mg prolonged release) to slow your heart rate down to 60's, maybe even 50's? Sorry, just always uneasy transitioning to a new medication (even though I won't want to be on this for more than a couple weeks before wanting to go back on a lower dose.

27-12-20, 15:05
Had some flutters today. Is it normal for Inderal (Propranolol Hydrochloride 80mg prolonged release) to slow your heart rate down to 60's, maybe even 50's? Sorry, just always uneasy transitioning to a new medication (even though I won't want to be on this for more than a couple weeks before wanting to go back on a lower dose.

Yes, it’s normal for beta blockers to drop the heart rate. For some people like myself it’s the desired effect.