View Full Version : Worrying about partner (clubbed nails)

09-12-20, 17:37
I've had a rough bout of health anxiety that I am getting internet CBT for.

But recently I have noticed some health issues in my partner. And it's so much harder to control. I noticed that she has clubbed nails, something I read about could be from lung cancer, heart problems etc. No idea if they have always been that way, or if it is new. She is of course very upset with me for going on with another thing and says that you don't go to the doctor about the shape of your nails, but I would of course like her to go show this to a doctor. She was a smoker when we met, but that was 15 years ago. We're both in our 40s. I know this can be ideopathic as well, but this is keeping me awake at night.

09-12-20, 23:43
If something was wrong, there’d be more apparent symptoms than just nails. If I inspect my nails there are things that *could* indicate health problems, according to the internet - but in the absence of other symptoms it doesn’t tend to spell disaster (even if our minds try to convince us it does) If you’re worried about lung/heart issues though, would popping an oximeter on her finger put your mind at rest? It kinda shows lung and heart health in a small snapshot, as it tells you how much oxygen is getting to the cells (oxygen saturation) and pulse rate. You can get them on Amazon. I have one for if I’m really freaking out - it shows me I’m getting enough oxygen and I calm down. They can be a bad idea for health anxiety sufferers though, as people can obsessively check and occasionally a reading can be an error or off because of stress. But if it’s not abused, I find it a handy little device for my HA at times. It’s reassured me I’m fine a few times X

10-12-20, 06:52
But recently I have noticed some health issues in my partner. And it's so much harder to control. I noticed that she has clubbed nails, something I read about could be from lung cancer, heart problems etc. No idea if they have always been that way, or if it is new.

As MS says, I wouldn't worry about it in the absence of other symptoms..

10-12-20, 19:27
Thanks for the support. Currently my only wish is that I didn't talk to her about it. She seems pretty fed up with me right now and I sure can't blame her :(

10-12-20, 19:30
Don't know if it helps that were currently in quarantine for at least 7 days, since I actually got a positive test results yesterday evening that I have covid-19.

11-12-20, 01:06
Wishing you a speedy recovery xx

11-12-20, 06:31
Thanks for the support. Currently my only wish is that I didn't talk to her about it. She seems pretty fed up with me right now and I sure can't blame her :(

HA is a tough disorder for the sufferers and those around us - especially if they've never experienced HA themselves. I remember feeling so frustrated as the wife of someone having a breakdown through HA, then many years later I went through the same thing myself and finally understood how this horrid mental disorder feels..

Try not to beat yourself up about it...