View Full Version : Trapped

10-12-20, 00:05
Hello everyone! Hope everyone is keeping well during the endings of this very hard year x

So this year has been a ride, as it's been for everyone. Sadly, I've had to return to my parents house for a very personal reasons- and the choice to fly home from another country was not taken lightly...and part of the reason I'm posting this.

I've been doing well with my anxiety, I'm not to obsessed with my health. Well I have ups and downs, like having a few mouth ulcers and letting my mind drift into panic thoughts but a mixture of water and salt helped that! I have moment of panic about my heart rate but it's actually been really helped by the fact I started a real work out plan, pumping my heart actually helped? Who would have thought lol! I've also lost about three stone, which I gained over a year during a depression episode.

So, I'm staying in my childhood bedroom for the next two weeks. No interaction and only leaving it for the bathroom. It's been four days I've already got cabin fever and I can feel my anixety- especially my health anixety coming back strong :/. Like the first time in ages I feel like I'm thinking about my heart rate or like worrying about things like did the light flicker or not.

if anyone has any advice about how to deal with feeling trapped I'd love to hear it!!

Thank you,
Louise x

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13-12-20, 08:44
Hello there. First of all, so sorry that you’re feeling trapped and isolated at the moment. This is a very tricky time (to say the least) and like you said, this year has certainly been a ride for everyone in some way or another. I think though that it has hit some harder than others and unfortunately life carries on even with a pandemic going on „in the background“ which just makes everything 10 times harder. I’m sorry to hear that things have been a bit turbulent for you and hope that you manage to settle back into some kind of a routine with people around to support you. I was living alone during the first major lockdown and didn’t see anyone for months, then I ended up having some difficult relationship issues and lastly also had to find a new job And moved! And all the while when exactly what you need is companionship, distraction, socialising, going shopping- taking your mind off things, that is exactly what you can’t do! So, everything seems very tough. Although I feel like I am in a better place now, I still find life can be quite isolating and you feel a bit trapped and then that’s when you start getting anxiety about your health etc. I find the best thing to do is make some kind of a plan every day of what you can do. For instance, maybe you can arrange to have video or phone calls with friends, choose a good TV programme to get into. I don’t know what you enjoy doing? Maybe writing or keeping a journal? Crafting? I had a look online for some books to read (like autobiographies of people I find interesting). Or maybe some kind of online yoga or even something like learning a new language with an app or something? Another thing I bought was some colouring in books (they do ones for adults too) and found that could be quite therapeutic and relaxing. Also it never hurts to look ahead and make plans. What do you want to do when this is all over? Who do you want to see? Do you want to visit somewhere in the world? What are your ambitions? Can you start thinking about anything now that will help you achieve those? Make a list and jot it all down. �� Time will go by quicker if you’re distracting yourself with things you enjoy and positive thoughts will prevent your mind from spiralling down the anxiety road. Wishing you all the best while you ride through the isolation period and hope that everything goes well for you afterwards too. Take care. ��