View Full Version : Panic attacks again

10-12-20, 13:58
Hey me again, sorry.
I moved house in February which has been the best move as of yet for me and my boy BUT since being here I don't know why but I've always got a stuffy nose like its blocked and sneezing alot not all day everyday its like it comes in waves, anyway when my nose feels blocked and im having to use my mouth its recently been sending me into a panic attack because I feel like I'm not breathing and im forcing it I really hate this feeling so much and its constant on and off.. my Mom has said maybe allergy to something but I have no idea what it could be? Not to mention i have one therapy session left now and that sends me petrifed also :( I. Just worried im gonna stop breathing and just die :( anyone else had this. And thanks !

10-12-20, 15:03
( I. Just worried im gonna stop breathing and just die :( anyone else had this

More times than I can remember, and I haven't died yet...

10-12-20, 16:10
Thank you. I keep trying to tell myself the same I ain't dead yet and I feel this alot. Just awful feeling. :(

10-12-20, 17:06
I'm going through the same thing. Not for the first time but doesn't make me any less panicky. Been so breathless today. Not a particularly stuffy nose but a bit of a phlegmy throat and slight cough. I've just cried to my other half cos I'm so scared I'll just drop dead. I really feel for you xx

10-12-20, 20:30
I hope you feel better soon, I agree it's awful I've been crying myself alot today which I hate doing because I find i then get anxious about the headache the crying has brought on.. don't know how
Long I can carry on like this anymore its draining x

11-12-20, 08:02
Thank you. I keep trying to tell myself the same I ain't dead yet and I feel this alot. Just awful feeling. :(

You feel this way because of the stress hormones that are flooding your body. The only way to change this is to turn the fight or flight switch off.

We do this by practicing deep breathing and relaxation in general - and not keep terrifying ourselves with irrational thoughts. It's ok to have anxious thoughts. It's normal. But you need to see the thought for what it is - as in - just a thought. It's not your reality, but your brain doesn't know this and it will fire out those hormones to protect you.

Kalie galea
22-12-20, 05:13
Hey my name is kalie I'm 30 years old and be suffering with anxiety and panic attacks for over 20 years I was originally on citlapram they stopped working for me so went on venlafaxine then had to come of them to go back to citlapram as was pregnant and was more healthy drug but again 4 weeks ago they stopped working they were upped from 20-30 and still nothing 12 days ago I got put on venlafaxine 5 days at 37.5mg and 7 days at 75mg my anxiety and panic attacks have been worse then ever since tested positive for covid 2 weeks ago although I never really had much problems with it I brought most of it on myself instantly thought I'm going to die it's been over a week now how you been getting on?? I hate the feeling of just going to stop breathing it's so draining ive had numerous ambulance call outs a visit to a and e had bloods ecg x-rays done all clear yet I still panic Can't seem to shift it just hoping tablets will kick in soon and will begin to work it's been absolutely awful so I know exactly how you feel just know you are not alone