View Full Version : Internal Piles

11-12-20, 10:19
I have suffered on an off with piles for years. More often than not I have previously suffered with a single pile which is external. This time however I think they are internal. When I put my finger inside I can feel a few soft lumps which I知 sure are piles. My main question is this. When people have piles, can that mean multiple piles? Most folk seem to talk about a singular one, but I知 sure I have a few. I知 doing my best to not visit the doctors at the moment and would prefer not to see them if it is just piles. I have been in touch with him and have got some cream. Please help me to calm down. Thank you.

11-12-20, 10:30
My main question is this. When people have piles, can that mean multiple piles?

Yes - they're not called 'bum grapes' for nothing.

I have been in touch with him and have got some cream. Please help me to calm down. Thank you.

Go at em with the Anusol suppositories for a few days and you will feel more comfortable. :yesyes:

11-12-20, 10:36
Thanks so much for replying and doing so so quickly. I致e had the odd one pop outside in the past but when I put my finger inside it just felt like there were maybe a couple. I壇 forgotten that people call them grapes which I guess is because they are sometimes in bunches.

The doc prescribed me Anusol HC but I致e got a pack of Germoloids which I知 trying first (purely because I知 nervous to take the HC in case it reacts with one of my tablets). Hopefully they will sort it. Normally I would visit the doctors but I知 more than apprehensive in these current times!

Thanks so much.

11-12-20, 10:42
Yes - they're not called 'bum grapes' for nothing.

Go at em with the Anusol suppositories for a few days and you will feel more comfortable. :yesyes:

I致e replied but forgot to use the quote option.