View Full Version : Does this sound like indigestion?

11-12-20, 21:43
I’ve had a burning pain at the top of my stomach, like just under my ribs. I had it a few months ago and it lasted a few days, but now it’s come back. It started yesterday and I’m still feeling it today. I felt nauseous in the night and I was up most of the night in pain last night but it does seem more bearable through the day. I’ve tried taking Gaviscon etc but it hasn’t helped at all. Does it sound like indigestion or something else? Any tips on how to relieve the pain?

11-12-20, 22:47
Hi JoannaR, I’m not a medical expert but to me it sounds like heartburn. I’ve had it before and tried taking OTC medications like Mylanta which helped a little bit. I’ve heard that not lying down straight after eating will help relieve it, as will avoiding alcohol, acidic and spicy food, etc. All the best and hope your symptom improves soon.

11-12-20, 22:57
Hi it could be but to be honest l would get it checked if it persists, l am sure you be fine but we aren't medical get the right advice take care xx