View Full Version : Crazy thoughts are back :-(

30-10-07, 15:49
Hi All,

I'm really annoyed with myself, I've been doing really well recently and been feeling "normal" (whatever that is) for about six months. hHwever over the last few weeks I'v slowly slipped backwards with the return of my head pains. It started with a general tension type headache that lasted for about a week then I started to get the sharp jabbing pains in the back of my head on the right hand side. For the last 2 or 3 weeks these pains have been a daily thing. In the morning its fine then as the day goes on they start, they feel like somone is sticking a pin in the back of my head, some times its like a burning feeling and sometimes like pressure is being applied to the back of my head. My scalp feels tender to touch and my neck is also stiff. the longer it goes on the more I worry about it and convince myself its something really bad (like you know what!).

I've had this before and been to see the specialist who said it was muscle tension, but those nagging voices are chatting in my head again telling me its something worse.

Sorry to witter on but I just wanted some reassurance and to see if anyone else gets these pains its really starting to get me down :-(

30-10-07, 16:17
Hi there:)

does sound like tension to me, but you also get those sorts of pain and stiffness if you have been in a draught.
I know it sounds a bit silly, but if you get a stiff neck through a draught it will give you some grief.

Do try not to worry too much (easier said than done i know) but the more you worry the more tension pain you'll get.:hugs: :hugs: