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30-10-07, 16:28
hey everyone, last night i got this really weird back strain, not had this before, its not really acheing pain its just like a strain, it's okay when im sitting down still but i can really feel it when i move especially when i walk and i have to go to work later. any ideas what this is? my eyes are still doing my head, i know i keep going on about it but i'm so worried its a tumour. they are so itchy as well i feel like scratching them out. i booked an eye test today, so hopefully that will give me some answers, i'm terrified though because i'm sure they will find something serious. i'm also still getting head pains, i have this pain in my head but can't describe it, it's not really like a normal headache, its different. any advice?
please please reply
Luv louise

30-10-07, 17:04
When have you booked your eye test for?

I know its hard, but the more you worry about the headaches, the worse they will get.

As I said in my other post on your other thread, I have had headaches and eye aches for ages, and it is down to me grinding and clenching my teeth.

If you read the "Symptoms" page, to the left here, under "Problems/Issues" you will read some very interesting facts, I myself have just read it because I am very anxious at the moment but its helped put my mind at rest as all of my symptoms are those of anxiety.

Also, it does say in there that the eyes are nerves, so when you are anxious they are going to display symptoms too.

Have a read, and let us know when your eye test is booked for.

Try to relax, do some EFT, deep breathing, have some Rescue Remedey/Mimulus, maybe go for a walk or watch a film. x

30-10-07, 17:14
my eye test is booked for friday!
Please reply
Luv louise

30-10-07, 18:54

I can't add anymore to what I said on the previous post. I can merge them all together so people get the full story if you want?

31-10-07, 15:45
hi, i'm on the verge of breaking down today, i don't know what to do, i have just realised that when i look up with eye it hurts my brain, this has to be a tumour right? i'm so scared, my eye test is in two days and i'm convinced they will find something really serious.
Please reply
Love Louise xx

31-10-07, 15:59
It still sounds like eye strain to me, once I got my glasses for reading all my headaches stopped.

Take care

Trac xxx

31-10-07, 16:00

Try to calm down - you are focusing so much on your eyes that you are making things worse.

Have a relaxing soothing bath and listen to some calming music and try to drop your shoulders, don't hunch them up, relax your jaw and gently massage your temples.

It will soon calm down when you do.