View Full Version : Front neck pain on left side

12-12-20, 04:43

I’m having anxiety about this front neck pain. I’ve never experienced it before. But it’s mostly left sided. But sometimes I feel it on the right. It feels achy and worsens when I press on the area

I don’t have a sore throat or anything. But I was playing a game on a hand held device looking down for a few hours today. I don’t see how it would cause an aching neck pain in the front.

Worried it’s a heart attack, or lymph nodes. They don’t feel swollen though, but I’m worried it could be COVID or something.

12-12-20, 15:24
But I was playing a game on a hand held device looking down for a few hours today. I don’t see how it would cause an aching neck pain in the front.

All of your muscles are connected. If one is beyond strained, your body will create a compensation where it shouldn't be.

Best Wishes

12-12-20, 18:36
Thank you for responding!

Even if the pain is mainly right under my jaw, left side?

Today there’s not really much pain. But if I press on the area it feels very sore.

12-12-20, 18:39
So worried it’s my lymph nodes. But I don’t feel them swollen :(

12-12-20, 23:06
Yesterday I played a game on a handheld device and yesterday the area on my neck. The left side under my jaw and my right side were aching in pain. It then stopped a couple hours later but today the area feels sore to touch.

I’m worried it’s a bad sign, that it’s my lymph nodes but I don’t feel anything swollen. I’m scared it’s a starting sign of COVID cause randomly my throat will hurt a little but I think it’s dryness and I need to drink more water. My nose feels a little ticklish too like I’m about to get a cold. I don’t have a fever or anything but I’m so scared this pain is something that’s serious.

I can’t tell if it’s from gaming and looking down for 3 hours or what. I’m so nervous and feel like I’m starting to spiral

13-12-20, 00:46

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

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It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

13-12-20, 23:19
Anyone? :(

14-12-20, 00:06
All of your muscles are connected. If one is beyond strained, your body will create a compensation where it shouldn't be.

Best Wishes

I would second this opinion if it was me.

14-12-20, 00:07
That it’s my lymph nodes but I don’t feel anything swollen. I’m scared it’s a starting sign of COVID cause randomly my throat will hurt a little but I think it’s dryness and I need to drink more water. My nose feels a little ticklish too like I’m about to get a cold. I don’t have a fever or anything but I’m so scared this pain is something that’s serious.

I can’t tell if it’s from gaming and looking down for 3 hours or what.


Your brain is performing some amazing mental gymnastics. You are drawing conclusions that aren't based in reality. Your own words even provide answers to why you are experiencing what you are experiencing. Stop touching the area, let it rest from being in an awkward, unnatural position for so long and let hit heal.

Best Wishes.

14-12-20, 16:23
Thank you for responding!
I really spiralled this weekend and felt absolutely terrible. I haven’t struggled with health anxiety this badly for a while now.

Already been 3 days since it started and day three it isn’t getting worse. The pain in the front of my neck is still there when I touch the area, which I’m trying to not touch now.

My fear was lymph nodes and that it was something to do with that but I can’t feel anything swollen. I’m really hoping it’s not that. My throat isn’t bothering me anymore either. I’m just shocked because this has never happened to me before.

14-12-20, 16:39
Would looking down cause neck pain right under my chin/jaw areas? I just can’t see that happening due to that

15-12-20, 00:22
Why can't you see that happening due to that?

15-12-20, 05:29
I only feel this way because usually it’s the back of the my neck, so weird to have it at the front.

But today went a lot better, I appreciate you helping me out, thank you! I put a heating pad on it on and off today and it’s helped the pain a lot. So I’ll make sure to continue doing it for this week!

15-12-20, 15:25
Excellent! I'm glad to hear that!