View Full Version : Is this an ocular migraine?

12-12-20, 12:28
I experienced a weird episode the other night and it went like this

1) The noise on the walls in low light started flickering/pulsing and I see a small rectangle shimmering in the upper right corner of my vision (even with eyes closed)
2) Flickering white outlines around patterns like curtains, window screens, and text
3) The flickering extends to my peripheral vision, the whole peripheral starts flashing for like 10 minutes (More intense around patterns and towards the nose, more intense in my left eye??)
4) If I close one eye I can see a black hole, otherwise it's just shimmering in my central vision

I also notice that when I'm falling asleep or waking up there's small flashes that cover my vision, and at night I see a black hole on the ceiling (I think this is normal?)

I've heard of ocular migraines but I've heard it described so different by most people, wondering if you guys think this is a plausible theory?

Thanks :)

12-12-20, 20:06
Sounds a bit like something I've experienced many times called 'Scintillating Scotoma', which I think is a type of occular migraine. Although it's not exactly as how you'd describe. Look it up and see if you think that's what you had.

13-12-20, 00:06
Yea I figured it had something to do with that, in what ways was it different for you? Is the white flickering around patterns similar at least?

19-12-20, 01:40
I got ocular migraines during a period where I was severely stressed out. It would start with what looked like a shimmering light in my peripheral vision. I would try to look at it and then I would see the shimmering spread around the edges of my vision. Then I couldn’t focus that eye. It would stay weird for 15-20 minutes sometimes as long as 30 minutes. I would recover by just closing my eyes and putting my head down. I had them a few times in a three year period. I first was scared that it was optic neuritis. My mom has MS and they discovered it by her issues with optic neuritis. However I learned that the two are not at all similar. My doctor told me what I was an ocular migraine. I later got silent migraines which were equally freaky but all of these seem to come at a time of extreme stress.

03-01-21, 14:41
Do you suffer from migraines at all? I myself experienced something similar 2 weeks ago. The eye stuff lasted for around 30 minutes then came the headache. Now I have had migraines for years, never like that I thought I was having a stroke called NHS 24 ( hospital advice line uk) They asked me to come in. Doctor diagnosed it as a migraine with Aura. Now you don't always have to have a headache after it. You can just have the aura.

08-01-21, 19:43
I think i have something similar, but wondering if you can have them several times in one week? i was told more likely cluster headaches but i dont always get the pain, i always get the aura, i then take ibuprofen, and i dont get much pain, if any. After 30 mins the aura is gone? ive had migraine with pain before, but was wondering why im getting so many aura episodes, but not much pain? wonder if it is this or cluster

11-01-21, 20:56
I have them several times in one week, so if it's an ocular migraine I guess that'd be a yes. I get migraines relatively often, I don't really keep track of them though