View Full Version : Got some Fox or cat poo on my shoe now worried about weil’s disease

Nighttime pacer
12-12-20, 15:11
Hi all,
I can’t stop worrying about this, I wish I didn’t get so scared.
Last night I’d been into my little studio in my garden and when I came back in the house I realise I had stepped in some animal poo of some sort. Most likely cat or fox. It was dark so didn’t see it. I’m worried because a pest control guy told me that foxes can carry weil’s disease. I did speak to a man at a fox sanctuary who hadn’t heard of this though so maybe it’s not that common.
I got some of the poo on my doormat and a tiny bit on my wood flooring.
It had been raining so it was wet. I checked online to see if alcohol kills the disease and it said it does so put some gloves on and got some 70% alcohol wipes I have and wiped it up. I then threw away the doormat and shoes I’d been wearing, they were both well passed their best so wasn’t concerned.
From what I’ve read if the poo had been dry and I’d brushed it, particles can go into the air and I could have breathed them in. I’m hoping because it was wet I’ll be ok.
I need to sort the carpet in my studio too as there are a couple of specks on that. I can’t believe how scared this has got me.
Sorry the post is so long.
Nighttime pacer

12-12-20, 15:14
Hi all,
I can’t stop worrying about this, I wish I didn’t get so scared.
Last night I’d been into my little studio in my garden and when I came back in the house I realise I had stepped in some animal poo of some sort. Most likely cat or fox. It was dark so didn’t see it. I’m worried because a pest control guy told me that foxes can carry weil’s disease. I did speak to a man at a fox sanctuary who hadn’t heard of this though so maybe it’s not that common.
I got some of the poo on my doormat and a tiny bit on my wood flooring.
It had been raining so it was wet. I checked online to see if alcohol kills the disease and it said it does so put some gloves on and got some 70% alcohol wipes I have and wiped it up. I then threw away the doormat and shoes I’d been wearing, they were both well passed their best so wasn’t concerned.
From what I’ve read if the poo had been dry and I’d brushed it, particles can go into the air and I could have breathed them in. I’m hoping because it was wet I’ll be ok.
I need to sort the carpet in my studio too as there are a couple of specks on that. I can’t believe how scared this has got me.
Sorry the post is so long.
Nighttime pacer

There's your problem.

Stop feeding the fear. People step in poo thousands of times a day. You're creating a problem that isn't real.

12-12-20, 18:50
Yes, unless you licked your shoes, you'll be okay. How else do you think the rest of us live with cats and have litter boxes in the house?

Nighttime pacer
12-12-20, 20:38
Hey AnxietyJoe,
Thanks for the reply, I know you’re right. I spoke to a GP earlier who confirmed I’m at really low risk of any problem. I get so annoyed and frustrated with myself as whenever something like this happens as it ruins a couple of days and I achieve nothing.
Thanks again AnxietyJoe

13-12-20, 01:14
The real question is....



Positive thoughts

Nighttime pacer
13-12-20, 04:44
Thanks again everyone, I’m gradually calming down over this. I am about to start some CBT I do hope it helps, I’m prepared to put the work in.

13-12-20, 05:30
My Jack Russell LOVED a good roll in fox shit - lovely smell! :scared15:

Anyway, she lived till she was 17 without issues aside being a bit psycho and I'm still here at 50. (also a bit psycho) :yesyes:

Nighttime pacer
13-12-20, 17:21
Hey NoraB, thanks for that, it really puts it into perspective. I love Jack Russells though I get the feeling they can be a bit uncooperative at times!
Thanks again
Nighttime pacer

Nighttime pacer
15-12-20, 01:19
Hi all,
I can’t believe after thinking this through and calming down, tonight it’s really worrying me again. I even read that Weil’s disease in anything once it’s dried is dead and even if it’s made wet again can’t infect you. Trouble is I remembered another virus that some rats carry and thought, could a fox or cat carry that too? I really wish someone had told me before I first connected to the internet to never ever to google anything. Anyway, because it was bugging me 2 tiny specks of it (or maybe it was something else) were on the carpet in my studio. I know I sprayed them with dettol spray on Friday but put 2 pairs of gloves on and a mask and picked up the specks with alcohol wipes treble thickness. I held my breath while I did it and then got out of there double bagged it all and haven’t locked the studio yet and that was over an hour ago, I’m case it’s still in the air! I know I’m over reacting massively and I just hate myself when I’m like this.

15-12-20, 01:51
I really wish someone had told me before I first connected to the internet to never ever to google anything.

It's not too late to stop. Are you willing to stop googling?