View Full Version : Super weary and hoping someone can relate

12-12-20, 18:47
I’ve had lots of eye issues over the past while. I started having migraine auras without headaches and also had a couple of instances where my vision went black for a few seconds. I saw my regular ophthalmologist several times and eventually saw a neuroopthamologist just before Thanksgiving. I had a brain and neck CT scan to rule out stroke and brain tumor. Overall, everything is okay. The docs attributed the vision loss to a slow adaptation to a darker environment.

The neuroopthamologist said my brain isn’t filtering things out that most people’s brains do. So, I see strange things. I’m trying to adjust to that.

My current issue is that I seem to be noticing my blinks. Specifically, I notice a brief nanosecond of no vision. I usually notice that first and it kind of jolts me, then I realize it’s happening when I blink. I have dry eyes and that can cause a longer blink rate. My thought is that I’m hyper aware because of my vision loss scare. This, coupled with some slower blink rates, has caused me to notice something most people don’t.

I’m just worried there is some disease that causes you to have repeated short losses of vision and I don’t know about it. (I didn’t have this when I saw the neuroopthamologist.) I have an appointment with a dry eye specialist January 5th. I’ll definitely talk to her about this symptom then.

Can someone please respond to my worries? I’m alone right now and have no one to talk to. Has anyone experienced this?

~ Debbie

12-12-20, 19:15
Hi Debbie - I have zero experience with what you’re describing so I can’t really offer you much there. I didn’t want to read and not respond because I know you’re concerned.

I do think though you’ve seen a specialist in this field and had some tests done that turned out ok. That’s a very reassuring sign. I understand you’re still concerned but try to maybe focus on the positive side of this - that they found nothing wrong and you are more than likely just hyper aware of the symptoms you’re experiencing. I hope you feel better soon!

12-12-20, 19:17
Thank you so much for responding. It means a lot to me!