View Full Version : Lightheaded before eating that continues after eating

13-12-20, 01:43
Out of nowhere I've been getting seriously lightheaded and nauseous before eating. And then even after eating it will continue and I will also feel really bloated. I haven't really changed the length of time between meals. I will go from 0-100, like barely hungry to ravenous. I do burn A LOT of calories a day because I exclusively pump for my 7 month old, but I've been doing this for 7 months and this just started to happen. Not going to lie and say my eating habits are that great these days due to being so busy with the baby and I've also been getting crap sleep. Anyone ever have this? It sounds like low blood sugar but I highly doubt that is it. I'm making my husband go get me some test strips for my glucometer (was on the borderline for gestational diabetes) I just get so anxious when I get lightheaded and obviously hate feeling nauseous. I'm at a loss and due to covid I really want to avoid an unnecessary trip to the doctor.

13-12-20, 21:59
My first thought was low blood sugar- and then you go on to say you suffer from that.... why do you doubt it is the cause?
Whatever is causing it, it does sound very annoying.... maybe it would be worth mentioning it to your doctor?

13-12-20, 22:35
I had this before but not before eating. Just general lightheaded and nauseous. Dizziness can be anytime and lasted for 4 weeks then once I started having enough sleep, it went away. Check ur sugar level before eating and 1hr after eating. Try to get some extra sleep (hard with a baby). I think it shall go away.

15-12-20, 22:05
I never said I suffered from it, I said I highly doubt it is. And it's not. I've since checked it and it's been fine. It's so very annoying and I can't think of any reason causing it.

15-12-20, 22:06
My sugar level has been fine so thankfully it isn't that. We just sleep trained so hopefully he will start giving me more sleep. I feel like it's certain foods that make me feel more nauseous AFTER eating, like food with more carbs. Who knows. Wish it would go away.

19-12-20, 21:42
I’ve never breastfed but I have to assume it takes a lot of nutrients out of you. Can you look to your diet and try to add more balanced healthy type meals to it? There may also be some groups out there for breastfeeding moms and diets, maybe look into one of those? You’re probably losing a lot of your nutrition doing that and I bet it may be more common than you think. Sorry I can’t offer more helpful advice