View Full Version : Alzheimer’s worry

13-12-20, 06:03
Hello everyone,

I’m 35 years old and I think I have early onset dementia. I have been feeling pretty weird since the birth of my son 6 months ago. I am highly stressed and need advice as no one in my life is being very supportive. I recently noticed that my memory is garbage. I also almost called my boyfriend now my ex’s name and his mom (my mother in law) I almost called her my ex mother in laws name! I haven’t been with my ex in 6 years! I do see him occasionally because he’s my oldest sons dad but his mother and I have no relationship anymore. I feel like I’m losing my mind! I know who my current boyfriend is and I have no doubt what his actual name is but I don’t understand how that almost happened to me TWICE! I googled and I see that those are Alzheimer symptoms along with forgetting things. I don’t know what to do. I feel lost and alone. I feel like crying thinking of forgetting my loved ones.

13-12-20, 08:13
It’s virtually impossible for you to have dementia.

Have you not though that it’s possible you are exhausted from having a little baby? So much added stress on you, especially in this year too.
Tiredness and anxiety make us forgetful. Then the more you focus on it, the worse it can seem.

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13-12-20, 09:06
It is a form of 'Alzheimer's' specific to new mothers commonly known as 'baby brain'. :wacko: It usually resolves after about 18 years...if you're lucky. :laugh:

13-12-20, 13:47
You DONT have dementia- I PROMISE you. This is a very very common problem post birth- so common it has an actual name (as above posted said!). It’s a combination of hormone weirdness and being very distracted and busy. It does sound like anxiety is getting the better of you though..... do you have a history of it- or is it new post birth?

13-12-20, 17:50
Oh for sure I do. I just haven’t had a hypochondria episode quite like this one in a very long time. The last one was MS 5 years ago. I have OCD and I obsess about everything not just health. What really concerned me honestly was the mixing up my current bf and my current mother in law with my former ones! Why would I do that? I have been feeling this only after the baby. I also have insomnia for years which I have was on ambien for. I read something about insomnia and sleep meds having links with dementia and it freaked me out! I also started reading words half way or I’ll read a word completely wrong. I feel so hopeless. I have this doom feeling in my chest I can’t seem to shake no matter how hard I try. I feel like I need to get through this because I have a 6 month old that needs his mom happy and healthy but I am so scared I’m gonna end up forgetting him 😔

13-12-20, 17:55
I wish I wasn’t so worried but I am. It all started really because I misplaced a charger. I have no recollection of putting it where I found it and no one else in my home touched it (supposedly) so I immediately assume it was me. After that day, it has been a down hill slope to dooms day town. I have not stopped googling early signs of Alzheimer’s. It’s been a nightmare! My bf is really concerned as he’s never seen this side of me. I try to keep this side hidden and in control but right now I’m losing the battle. I know there are many cases of people in their 30s with it so it’s not impossible. Every time I’m having a pretty good day something alarming happens and it brings me back to my negative thoughts. I don’t know what to do. I feel hopeless and alone.

13-12-20, 18:25
I know your mind is taking you places it shouldn't but this has no basis in reality. I know what dementia does as my mother suffered from it at the end of her life. Anxiety can and does cause memory lapses. Even every day stresses in life can and does cause the same thing. Aside from the statistical chances, I don't know what else can be said :shrug:

What are you doing to tackle your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

13-12-20, 18:34
I haven’t done much lately. I use to exercise a lot but since the baby it’s been hard with covid and all. I feel so scared and alone honestly. Every time I’m like “ok you’re fine and this happens to everyone” something tells me that there are too many weird things happening for it to not be Alzheimer’s. Im not sure what I should do to maybe get out of my head.

13-12-20, 18:44
Have you been stressed lately? Because I swear it can make your brain go a bit fuzzy.

I've been stressed and lately I keep forgetting things when usually I have an outstanding memory. I kept forgetting what I was going to say yesterday and I started worrying about dementia too! I think when you're stressed you're putting so much thought into one area and everything else just doesn't seem important, hence we forget it.

13-12-20, 19:00
Yes especially since I’ve googled and now think I have this illness. My stress level is bad now. I can feel my the jitters all over my body and my heart rate is always high from the panic I feel 😭 any time I try to reason with myself another part of my mind is like “no there has to be something terribly wrong” because I have never read words wrong or called different names when speaking to others.

17-12-20, 07:16
Yes especially since I’ve googled and now think I have this illness.

Dr Google is a quack who, ime, very rarely get a diagnosis right as the health forum here demonstrates daily. The strongest clue that you don't have Alzheimer's is that you think you do. Most with the disease don't and refuse to accept it when diagnosed.