View Full Version : Lung pain and rapid weight loss

13-12-20, 18:42
I have been having pain under my left breast through to my back with rapid weight loss with my jeans falling off now.....
I eat a lot of food and I'm not trying to lose weight....
I'm so tired of this $%&#!
I'm also afraid of doctors confirming my worst fears
The rapid weight loss has me worried bad....
Its as if I can feel the weight loss as it's happening etc
I also pee several times a night
Thanks in advance

13-12-20, 18:50
How long has it been going on for? Have you been to the doc just to get checked out?

High periods of anxiety and stress can do crazy things to our bodies. But if it’s been consistent pain and the weight loss has been in a relatively short time period, I would schedule a checkup with my GP just to rule anything out.

13-12-20, 21:15
I just had a look at your history and you had symptoms pretty similar to this 18 months ago. Based on that I suspect they are anxiety related. But- your doctor is there to help, and I do think you should go for a check up if you are struggling. Explain your fears and ask for help.

13-12-20, 22:21
18 months ago I was trying to lose weight but now I'm not.....I haven't kept up with my weight just judging by my pants feeling very loose

13-12-20, 22:22
I still have the same symptoms as I did 18 months ago also....

13-12-20, 22:24
Why not ask a medical professional?

13-12-20, 22:47
Why not ask a medical professional?

He did... (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?231614-I-m-fearing-the-worst-I-feel-helpless)

Positive thoughts

13-12-20, 23:07
Oh so this has been going on years then?

14-12-20, 00:05
Ah yeah I didn’t realize this problem went back that far when I first responded.

BadCompany have you been back to the GP since this started in June of 19? Just for annual physicals, etc? Or had any professional help with your anxiety since then?

15-12-20, 15:43
The pain this time is behind my left nipple through to back
I changed my diet last time I posted on here to only about 500 calories a day....but now I eat like a pig and my pants are very loose which is all very sudden
This doesn't add up.....

15-12-20, 16:26
My underwear and baseball cap are loose now....

15-12-20, 16:31
BadCompany have you been back to the GP since this started in June of 19? Just for annual physicals, etc? Or had any professional help with your anxiety since then?


15-12-20, 16:45
No too afraid of diagnosis.....

15-12-20, 18:04
No too afraid of diagnosis.....

no one on here can diagnose you unfortunately. It might help your mental health to go get checked out. Or you can continue struggling through the anxiety and uncertainty and life will be a living hell. I know because I’ve been there myself. But the next step is yours to take - and you have to be willing to do so.

I wish you the very best!

16-12-20, 19:09
oh God im scared and cant take much more...im scared what my symptoms over the last year add up to

16-12-20, 21:29

How can we help then?

Best Wishes

16-12-20, 22:37
sorry just scared and lonely.....i have all these dreadful thoughts running though my head....
sometimes you guys can bring me down a notch

16-12-20, 22:51
So you want reassurance but it doesn't help putting a mental band-aid of over a gaping mental wound :shrug:


16-12-20, 23:31
there is no explanation for my weight loss is what scares me the most.....

17-12-20, 23:13
Does anyone else on here have or ever had weight loss without trying to the point of 2 belt sizes while eating normal ?
I'm terrified....

18-12-20, 00:40
We really can't keep providing you with reassurance. If you're that concerned then you need to go to your doctor and either get a diagnosis or an all clear.

18-12-20, 00:51
We really can't keep providing you with reassurance. If you're that concerned then you need to go to your doctor and either get a diagnosis or an all clear.


Positive thoughts

18-12-20, 15:29
there is no explanation for my weight loss is what scares me the most.....

I lost two stone on the nervous breakdown diet. I had to move my belt over 3 notches then make another 2 for my belt to fit.

Anxiety is the most likely cause oy your weight loss but you need to take responsibility for your health (physical and mental) and see a doctor.

I was the opposite to you with my HA - I was at the doctors that much I had my own parking space (not really, but you get my drift?)

Nobody can diagnose you on here. Only a doctor can do that. What I do know is that more you scare yourself, the more weight you'll lose.

Be brave. Make an appointment, and once you accept that it's your mind which is the issue, you can get help to sort your HA out.

18-12-20, 19:30
What scares me Nora B is that I still have somewhat of an appetite and eat at least one meal a day .
I just put 2 and 2 together with my health symptoms the past 2 years and now losing weight I'm really scared and lonely .
I lie awake at night with all these thoughts and different scenarios going on....
I've had this frequent urination that keeps me up at night as well and now have center chest pain that gets aggrovated when I eat....

18-12-20, 20:07
What scares me is that I still have somewhat of an appetite and eat at least one meal a day.

Most certainly enough to maintain your weight I'm sure :lac: Still, a common symptom of anxiety. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Lack_of_appetite_or_taste_a_tinny_metalli c_or_ammonia_smell_or_taste)

I just put 2 and 2 together with my health symptoms the past 2 years and now losing weight I'm really scared and lonely.

2 + 2 does not equal 1000 :lac:

I lie awake at night with all these thoughts and different scenarios going on....

As do we all when we're under stress. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#The_Fears_going_crazy_of_dying_of_impendi ng_doom_of_normal_things_unusual_feelings_and_emot ions_unusually_frightening_thoughts_or_feelings)

I've had this frequent urination that keeps me up at night as well and now have center chest pain that gets aggravated when I eat....

Common Anxiety (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Kidneys_urgency_to_urinate_frequent_urina tion_sudden_urge_to_go_to_the_toilet) Symptoms (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Heart_palpitations_chest_pain_irregular_b eats_flutters_skipped_beats)

When are you finally going to acknowledge this is anxiety?


18-12-20, 20:21
What scares me Nora B is that I still have somewhat of an appetite and eat at least one meal a day .
I just put 2 and 2 together with my health symptoms the past 2 years and now losing weight I'm really scared and lonely .
I lie awake at night with all these thoughts and different scenarios going on....
I've had this frequent urination that keeps me up at night as well and now have center chest pain that gets aggrovated when I eat....

Then go to the doctor. They are literally the only ones that can diagnose you. I understand you’re scared - but wouldn’t you like to put this fear to rest once and for all?

18-12-20, 21:01
I didn't have the worry and fear until I noticed I had lost weight....thats when the worry started....
Thanks for the replies so far....

18-12-20, 22:22
I didn't have the worry and fear until I noticed I had lost weight....thats when the worry started....
Thanks for the replies so far....

"So far"? What can anyone actually say at this point? :huh:


19-12-20, 05:02
What scares me Nora B is that I still have somewhat of an appetite and eat at least one meal a day .

It doesn't matter if you have an appetite and eat food.

Here is how it works..

Cortisol is a stress hormone. When people are stressed, they have higher levels of cortisol and this makes the body work harder, so more fuel consumption. Anxiety tends to curb appetite so although we are eating, we're eating less than we normally would AND we are burning more fuel. But I was also having phases where I couldn't stop eating, and was still losing weight!

I just put 2 and 2 together with my health symptoms the past 2 years and now losing weight I'm really scared and lonely .

HA will always lead you to cancer with weight loss because it's worst case scenario. It's a life-threatening disease and our brains are wired for survival - so the fight or flight system kicks in when we think we have cancer. I have had several imaginary cancers, but so far, no actual cancer, and my symptoms were 100% convincing. (to me)

I lie awake at night with all these thoughts and different scenarios going on....

Of course you do. HA will really go to town with you. But, going back to the cortisol - can you see how imagining these scenarios at night, when you are supposed to be resting, will keep that cortisol flowing through the night?

I have had severe HA - so I totally understand you. However, none of what I lay there torturing myself with ever came to pass. In the end, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia - which has to be said is a pain in the @arse (and everywhere else) but is not life threatening. My only experience of real life or death stuff didn't scare me at all because I was actually experiencing something - not imagining it, and reality is usually far less eventful than what we imagine, but we can blame dramatic portrayal on tv for this...

I've had this frequent urination that keeps me up at night as well and now have center chest pain that gets aggrovated when I eat....

Anxiety will create all kinds of symptoms and all over your body- from your scalp to your toes. Urinary frequentness is very common with anxiety, as is chest pain. Now, chest pain, if new, should always be checked out because that's just common sense. I get chest pain a lot from anxiety and hyperventilation and from something called Costochondritis which can be quite painful. If we get bloating due to anxiety (not breathing properly) - this can put pressure on the lungs which creates chest pain.

I know this feels scary, but that's because you don't understand anxiety and the effects of stress hormones on the human body. When you do know, it's not actually scary at all. I was scared too before I understood what was happening to me and why.

You need to see a doctor who will be able to reassure you that all is well.

21-12-20, 09:20
Thanks Nora B a bunch
But doesn't high cortisol cause weight gain ?
I wake up tonight somewhat sweaty....with chest pain though to the back....
I never get any sleep anymore with the constant peeing at night and the fear and terror
Damn losing weight sucks

21-12-20, 13:39
Thanks Nora B a bunch
But doesn't high cortisol cause weight gain ?
I wake up tonight somewhat sweaty....with chest pain though to the back....
I never get any sleep anymore with the constant peeing at night and the fear and terror
Damn losing weight sucks

Cortisol causes a metabolic increase. Weight loss is common

21-12-20, 13:41
Cortisol increases availability of all fuel substrates by mobilization of glucose (2, 3), free fatty acids (4), and amino acids from endogenous stores (5, 6). Thus, when in excess, cortisol is an overall catabolic hormone, which decreases lean body mass and muscle mass and may increase energy expenditure (7

21-12-20, 14:42
I think also I'm losing glucose through my urine hence I may have been diabetic these last few years as well

21-12-20, 15:07
Why do you think that?

21-12-20, 15:11
Jojo2316 because I've had it roughly 1 year with the combination of blurry vision and dry skin etc....
I never had my a1C checked just the fasting check

21-12-20, 15:26
Jojo2316 I know your well versed in the pancreas department.
With this unexplained weight loss has very scared once again if you see where I'm going with this....

21-12-20, 16:29
I certainly don’t mean this to be abrupt or rude —

But how long do you plan on letting this continue until you just go to the doc and put these worries out of your mind?

22-12-20, 13:11
Nora B and jojo2316 I replied to your posts

22-12-20, 21:13
Jojo2316 I know your well versed in the pancreas department.
With this unexplained weight loss has very scared once again if you see where I'm going with this....

yes I do! But I think you suspect- as I do - that anxiety is at the bottom of this? You are, after all, in an anxiety forum and not a doctor’s office....

23-12-20, 04:25
I've been having a lot of digestive pain behind sternum the past 4 week as well.....

23-12-20, 06:30
Thanks Nora B a bunch
But doesn't high cortisol cause weight gain ?

Yes, and it usually deposits it around the waist.

But, stress hormones (which is what cortisol is) mucks about with metabolism, and it can go either way. I've had it both ways.

I wake up tonight somewhat sweaty....with chest pain though to the back....

I've had night sweats with anxiety. Think of how your body reacts when you are stressed? Cold sweats or flushing of the face or entire body. Classic anxiety symptoms.

My dad (who had cancer) had night sweats which literally required a change of sheets everyday. He wasn't 'somewhat sweaty' - he was drenched in his own sweat, and when you have other severe symptoms (like he did) and no other explanation (like the menopause) then cancer could be a consideration - but even then, it's never a cert.

Chest pain is common with anxiety because we don't breathe properly. We eat too fast, or take too much air in. Our abdomens bloat up which puts pressure on the lungs and we get chest pain - which the HA mind will think is heart attack or cancer. It's neither. It's anxiety.

I never get any sleep anymore with the constant peeing at night and the fear and terror

Constant peeing is because your body is in fight or flight with anxiety. The body needs to purge itself of anything which will slow you down - so it's common to wee and poo in the middle of the night during times of severe stress.

The only 'terror' is what you're imagining, and that's not real.

The more you put fearful thoughts into your mind, the worse the symptoms will be.

Damn losing weight sucks

Oh I don't know, I was 10 stone in March and now I'm 9 stone. I needed to lose about a stone and a half to be 'right' for me. :yesyes:

Weight loss is very, very common with anxiety because of appetite issues and the fact that people are just burning a LOT more fuel due to metabolism changes, and these are temporary - they will settle down once you bring your stress levels down.

23-12-20, 19:54
I lost my father to lc and one if his first symotoms was losing weight....
What scares me is the muscle loss so quick.....

23-12-20, 20:09
I lost my father to lc and one if his first symotoms was losing weight....
What scares me is the muscle loss so quick.....

Ahhh... I'm so sorry for your loss :( That appears to be the catalyst for the issues you're currently suffering from. Nothing you've said indicates anything other than mental illness and the fact you've been posting on anxiety forums for years affirms that.

You have a choice. Continue on the endless path to mental torture or seek real life professional help :shrug: What will you chose to do? Your reply will speak volumes I'm sure.

Positive thoughts

23-12-20, 21:48
Fishmanpa i appreciate your guidance and knowledge but the symptoms I've had the last two years are still there now with losing weight and chest and back pain....
A year ago I was losing weight because I put myself on a low fat , sugar free diet but know the weight loss is unexplained with chest pain happening at same time causing this current round if fear, stress etc

23-12-20, 21:52
Fishmanpa i appreciate your guidance and knowledge but the symptoms I've had the last two years are still there now with losing weight and chest and back pain....
A year ago I was losing weight because I put myself on a low fat , sugar free diet but know the weight loss is unexplained with chest pain happening at same time causing this current round if fear, stress etc

Thank you for affirming my post. Many here fear a terminal illness such as yourself and many, including yourself, don't recognize the illness is mental, not physical despite posting on mental health forums :weep:


23-12-20, 22:01
Fishmanpa i appreciate your guidance and knowledge but the symptoms I've had the last two years are still there now with losing weight and chest and back pain....
A year ago I was losing weight because I put myself on a low fat , sugar free diet but know the weight loss is unexplained with chest pain happening at same time causing this current round if fear, stress etc

After two years with lung cancer, I dare to say you wouldn’t be up to posting on this forum.

Regardless - there is one way to rule this out for sure. Visit your doctor and get it sorted. Then hopefully you can pursue help with the illness you do have - anxiety.

23-12-20, 22:50
Glassgirlw my fear then as in now was pc
I'm worried now that it is actually happening and spreading
I just had a few chocolate pieces and now having sharp left side stomach pains....

23-12-20, 22:58
Glassgirlw my fear then as in now was pc
I'm worried now that it is actually happening and spreading
I just had a few chocolate pieces and now having sharp left side stomach pains....

Let me revise then...

If you had any kind of rapidly progressive cancer like Pancreatic or Lung, you wouldn’t be up to posting on a forum two years later.

23-12-20, 23:20
Let me revise then...

If you had any kind of rapidly progressive cancer like Pancreatic or Lung, you wouldn’t be up to posting on a forum two years later.

You know this, I know this, any member that has been here more than a month or two knows this. BadC doesn't. Sometimes, as illustrated in this case, mental illness can be terminal.


24-12-20, 00:14
It’s just so unfortunate to see. I 100% understand the fears because I’ve been there myself. And possibly I wouldn’t have listened either during the worst of my spirals. I’d love so much to be able to help others see that life is much better on the other side of it...not without its blips and reoccurrences, but each time does get a little better and easier to pull out of.

BadCompany I wish you a happy holiday season and hope you can find some enjoyment in it.

24-12-20, 01:29
I've been in pain every day my for two years
I had the left side back pain along bottom of rib for 1.5 years and then that moved to mt left back near shoulder blade with the weight loss now....
Nothing has been ruled out as I only had a chest xrays 1.5 years ago and basic blood labs...
Here are my symptoms : left side chest and back near shoulder blade and nipple
Unexplained weight loss
Frequent urination (3 times a night/several a day)
Sticky loose stools that take forever to wipe (haven't had a normal stool in 2 years)
Dry skin on whole body especially lower legs and feet
Blurry up-close vision
I guess I'm worried my pancreas is getting worse etc

24-12-20, 01:51
I've been in pain every day my for two years
I had the left side back pain along bottom of rib for 1.5 years and then that moved to mt left back near shoulder blade with the weight loss now....
Nothing has been ruled out as I only had a chest xrays 1.5 years ago and basic blood labs...
Here are my symptoms : left side chest and back near shoulder blade and nipple
Unexplained weight loss
Frequent urination (3 times a night/several a day)
Sticky loose stools that take forever to wipe (haven't had a normal stool in 2 years)
Dry skin on whole body especially lower legs and feet
Blurry up-close vision
I guess I'm worried my pancreas is getting worse etc

Nothing we say can help you. I would get to the doctor ASAP. Let us know what they say!


24-12-20, 01:52
But you are posting these symptoms on an Anxiety forum, BadCompany. No one here is a doctor or can diagnose you. What we do have plenty of here, are people that have struggled with the same issues you’re having now - and it all turned out to be anxiety. The problem is, while you’re so deeply trapped in this rabbit hole of cancer fears, no amount of reassurance we give you is going to help.

start with a doctors visit. Get a physical, explain your symptoms. Once you’re given the all clear, focus on the anxiety - because it is an illness too - just a mental one.

24-12-20, 05:08
I will talk to a GP in January
Please keep me in your prayers
Merry Christmas and God bless us all

24-12-20, 07:22
I lost my father to lc and one if his first symotoms was losing weight....
What scares me is the muscle loss so quick.....

Sorry about your dad.

Weight loss and muscle waste doesn't equal cancer. In 2016 I went from 10 stone to just under 8 and all my muscles were wasted, except that I didn't hold back in seeing doctors, and I also didn't have cancer. What I did have was fibromyalgia and a severe case of health anxiety mixed in with GAD.

Every one of us on this forum, and everybody on this planet is terminal, and that's from the moment we are born. Death is a cert. Nature dictates that death must follow life, so we really need to get our heads around this so that we can make those little dashes (-) between our birth and death stand for something other than fear.

I lost my dad too, and it was cancer. Even though his was a male cancer (and last time I checked I don't have a prostrate) I still managed to connect it to me because HA will do that. 6 years later my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer - which does affect me, and is the reason I'm screened every two years. It's also the reason I get any new abdo symptoms checked out - which is common sense. I should point out that I have had a 'cancer scare' where my symptoms were identical to ovarian cancer and I got the all clear despite worrying myself sick! There was no cancer, even though the symptoms were 100% convincing, and convincing enough for my GP to get me seen within a week. My point being that things can 'appear' to be very scary and we can buy into cancer 100%, but I was wrong on that occasion and I've been wrong every other time since. In fact, the disease that put me into mental breakdown has yet to be confirmed by science!

Mum's tumour was removed along with her uterus and it hadn't spread. No chemo. Job done. She lived for another 7 years and died cancer free, so it's not all gloom and doom with cancer. Fishmanpa is bang on with your dad being the catalyst for your HA, and it's absolutely understandable, but your dad's story is not your story - just as I am not my mum or dad's story.

You appear to have a history with these symptoms and I think that this is a resurfacing of those fears associated with your dad's cancer - which means it's anxiety and anxiety can produce the symptoms you are experiencing. It's mostly physical - stress response/hyper focusing type of thing and the HA mind will fill in the gaps - and no matter what symptom you have - it will come up with cancer or some other terminating disease..

The problem with anxiety is that most people underestimate the symptoms, how they mimic those of diseases like cancer, and how utterly convincing they can be.

Death? No choice in that. It is going to happen, but you get to choose how you want to live your life. You can choose to exist in fear or you can take control and responsibility, and that starts with a visit to your doctor and once you've been give the all clear (which I think you will) you need to work on the real problem which is your anxiety.

Do you think that your dad would like to see you suffering on account of him? I'm a parent and I can tell you that this is the last thing a parent would want!

You eradicate fear by turning around and facing it, and only you can make the choice to do this, but I can assure you that nothing will change until you do.

Your doc will most likely run full blood tests to start with, so if they come back without numerous deficiencies - then you can forget cancer with the muscle wastage.

Don't give this another thought. Make the appointment, and take responsibility for your life. We cannot diagnose you, but most of us can recognise severe anxiety when we see it.

Seeking reassurance on here will help you for all of a few minutes - hours at best - whereas a doctor giving you the all clear will help enormously - you just have to choose to accept the diagnosis. (anxiety)

All the best, and Merry Christmas.

24-12-20, 11:24
I will talk to a GP in January
Please keep me in your prayers
Merry Christmas and God bless us all

Merry Christmas BadCompany. Things WILL get better for you!

24-12-20, 13:19
Thank you guys very much
I have an absolute fear/terror of seeing a doctor and he/she confirming my worst fears .
This is pure agony
No sleep, the pain and weight loss.....the thoughts

24-12-20, 14:13
The thoughts don't diagnose but if you won't see a doctor then you will be left with just thoughts and fears but no resolution.

If it's pure agony why not make that move to get some relief and clarity? Why put yourself through more agony by doing nothing? Making a plan and talking to a GP may seem an unbearable prospect but what else can you do other than nothing?

24-12-20, 19:55
I hope you can make a plan to find some relief. Merry Christmas to you!

24-12-20, 21:54
I just don't get this constant weight/muscle loss
I don't know how to stop it......I'm drinking protein suppliment with no help.....
Something is going on

25-12-20, 05:45
I just don't get this constant weight/muscle loss
I don't know how to stop it......I'm drinking protein suppliment with no help.....
Something is going on

You stop it by calming down.

You stop it by controlling these catastrophic thoughts which trigger the stress response which will make you burn more fuel therefore you will lose weight and muscle.

Have you bothered to read my comment at all?

I had this 4 years ago. I have this now. I didn't have cancer before, and it's not looking like I have it now either! I do have anxiety though (and fibromyalgia)

What's 'going on' is that your body is hypersensitised and you are hyper-focusing on sensations in your body. That, and you don't understand the stress response or anxiety. Like most people on here - you are greatly underestimating how ill anxiety can make us feel, and also how utterly convincing it can be with 'imaginary' diseases. Understanding the effect of stress on the body was a game changer for me!

Only one way to haul yourself out of this hole, and that's to see a doctor. This is being proactive about your own health. I honestly do not think you have cancer but there's only one way to find out, and you need to make the choice that you can live with, and you obviously can't live with not ever seeing a doctor judging by the state you are in.

25-12-20, 19:14
I'm losing weight fast and I have sharp buring pains behind sternum.....
I'm scared I have the Oesophagus C word
The drastic weight loss and pain behind sternum has me very scared and terrified
I read on this site other people that were worried about osphigus C word and others said at least your not losing weight
God help me this is ruining my Christmas etc....
I'm spiraling out of control I cannot face any doctors....I don't want them to confirm my worst fears
The unexplained weight loss is very very scary....

25-12-20, 20:16
Why did you start another thread (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?241690-Lung-pain-and-rapid-weight-loss) on this? :huh:


25-12-20, 20:54
Quite literally the ONLY help we can give you is to encourage you to go to the doctor. Outside of that, we're helpless as you have complete control over yourself.

25-12-20, 20:57
I cannot face any doctors....I don't want them to confirm my worst fears.

One other thing: you have already confirmed your worst fears and are living accordingly. Why not go to a doctor and begin a treatment plan OR have them tell you nothing is wrong so you can actually move forward. Until then you're just going to keep living in your own hellish reality.

Best Wishes.

25-12-20, 22:51

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

25-12-20, 23:02
I'm losing weight fast and I have sharp buring pains behind sternum.....
I'm scared I have the Oesophagus C word
The drastic weight loss and pain behind sternum has me very scared and terrified
I read on this site other people that were worried about osphigus C word and others said at least your not losing weight
God help me this is ruining my Christmas etc....
I'm spiraling out of control I cannot face any doctors....I don't want them to confirm my worst fears
The unexplained weight loss is very very scary....

My therapists husband had Esophageal cancer. He didnt have weight loss as a symptom, he literally woke up and could not swallow. I find threads like this maddening, my father was diagnosed Monday with laryngeal cancer, again no major weight loss. Weight loss does not always equal cancer.

26-12-20, 06:50
I'm spiraling out of control I cannot face any doctors....I don't want them to confirm my worst fears

The other, and most likely scenario, is that they confirm that you don't have cancer, but you do have health anxiety and they will get you some help.

The unexplained weight loss is very very scary....

It's not unexplained as I have explained to you. You have severe anxiety and have done so for at least 2 years because you joined this forum in 2018 and you were in a similar state then. HA is very obvious.

Weight loss is very very common with anxiety.

A visit to the doctor is the first step to you controlling your HA, so make the call.

28-12-20, 17:53
I'm really suffering guys I can't take much moreI cry a lot now(when I'm alone) as I feel I'm out of options I'm not one to cry eitherI hate not being able to sleep .... thinking I won't be here much longerYou guys give me a little sense normalcy I have been having constant pain between sternum and left nipple.....I also have random very sharp pains in the esophagus region.....Something I noticed the last 6 months are that my stools have been very dark brown......please talk me off this ledge I literally can't take much more.....I need an intervention

28-12-20, 18:29
I'm really suffering guys I can't take much moreI cry a lot now(when I'm alone) as I feel I'm out of options I'm not one to cry eitherI hate not being able to sleep .... thinking I won't be here much longerYou guys give me a little sense normalcy I have been having constant pain between sternum and left nipple.....I also have random very sharp pains in the esophagus region.....Something I noticed the last 6 months are that my stools have been very dark brown......please talk me off this ledge I literally can't take much more.....I need an intervention

You should call the doctor then and make an appointment. They are the only ones at this point that can either diagnose you or reassure you.

28-12-20, 21:31
I feel I'm out of options.

You can't be out of options when you haven't been to the doctor. You aren't out of options, you're simple refusing the most viable option available to you.

28-12-20, 22:22
I very afraid of doctors for what they will tell me....
I'm losing lots of weight for no reason and add that to my symptoms the last 2 years doesn't add up to a good thing
Oh man I'm terrified with no hope
There is no way to blame anxiety on these symptoms.....God help us

28-12-20, 22:35
I very afraid of doctors for what they will tell me....
I'm losing lots of weight for no reason and add that to my symptoms the last 2 years doesn't add up to a good thing
Oh man I'm terrified with no hope

There is no way to blame anxiety on these symptoms.....God help us

If you are refusing to seek medical attention, then I wish you the best of luck and will bow out of this thread now. I can’t help someone that does not want to help themselves.

28-12-20, 22:37
I might get some blood work done and a check-up but no scans etc.....

28-12-20, 22:41
Go and see a medical professional - we can help with anxiety but not medical problems if you really really believe you are that ill.

28-12-20, 22:45
There's nothing worse than watching someone drown and not being able to convince them that they can save themselves just by standing up :(


29-12-20, 00:32
If you are refusing to seek medical attention, then I wish you the best of luck and will bow out of this thread now. I can’t help someone that does not want to help themselves.

Same. God can't help those unwilling to help themselves.

Best Wishes

01-01-21, 14:34
I'm under severe stress now as I cannot eat anything without my stomach, esophagus, throat and tongue burning like fireI get sharp pains near my sternum and left breast...My stomach is making weird gurgling noises all night and day...I cannot sleep at all with the pain and worry...

01-01-21, 16:09
Okay, so, having read this entire thread...

What in the world can any of us do about it? For argument's sake, let's assume you do have cancer. Pretty sure there's no clinical evidence suggesting that complaining to strangers on an internet forum will help cure it. Maybe it really is incurable - sucks, but as others have said, we arrive on this planet with our return ticket already punched. If that actually is the case, though, medical professionals will be the only ones who can ease your physical discomfort. Surely that's something, right?

Oh, and in case you're going to think I don't know about medical phobias, I wilfully ignored a skin cancer on my damned forehead for five years before the fear grew too bad and I got it dealt with. I avoided going to the emergency department after a nasty fall, and a few weeks later my elbow spat out a bone chip. This is because I'm an idiot, and things have only improved slightly in recent years.

It's time to put your big person pants on and take responsibility for your own life.

01-01-21, 21:56
What lymph nodes would be affected by the esophagus thanks

01-01-21, 22:00
What lymph nodes would be affected by the esophagus thanks

What would real professional help do to treat your anxiety?


01-01-21, 23:30
I know you guys aren't doctors and cant diagnose me but please give me your opinions as some of you have walked through the storm or have had real symptoms too....
I'm worried it's either the esophagus or pancreas
My tongue, throat and esophagus constantly are on fire...
When I swallow I can feel it rub a sore spot near my left nipple....Gaviscon does not help....should I try a over the counter ppi ?
I'm still losing weight but now I'm afraid to eat because of the pain etc...
I'm in really bad shape
Please bear with me guys you are all I have

01-01-21, 23:41
Have you made a doctors appointment yet?

01-01-21, 23:55
You're exactly right. We have been through this. I went through a PC fear for awhile and I'll tell you exactly what I did to get through it.

I put my fear aside, put my life first and booked an appointment with a doctor who gave me the all clear. I then began living my life. I think you would greatly benefit from the same.

Best Wishes

02-01-21, 21:33
I very afraid of doctors for what they will tell me....
I'm losing lots of weight for no reason and add that to my symptoms the last 2 years doesn't add up to a good thing
Oh man I'm terrified with no hope
There is no way to blame anxiety on these symptoms.....God help us

I've been in the same boat as you a couple of times in regards to being terrified of going to the doctors because of pure fear over what they'd tell me. Wanna know what happened? They simply reassured me and pinpointed what the actual problem was and both times it turned out to be absolutely nothing to worry about. As scared as you may feel about seeing your doctor, the high and the euphoria walking out of that doctors office knowing there's nothing serious wrong with you beats the constant every day panic a million times over. Please make an appointment.

05-01-21, 00:57
I've been in the same boat as you a couple of times in regards to being terrified of going to the doctors because of pure fear over what they'd tell me. Wanna know what happened? They simply reassured me and pinpointed what the actual problem was and both times it turned out to be absolutely nothing to worry about. As scared as you may feel about seeing your doctor, the high and the euphoria walking out of that doctors office knowing there's nothing serious wrong with you beats the constant every day panic a million times over. Please make an appointment.

What were the two things you were afraid of Thanks

05-01-21, 01:18
From another thread but very relevant...

STOP - that is enough now.

You were exactly the same last time and it is not doing you any good at all.

Leave things alone and stop posting every day saying you have cancer - go and live your life PLEASE.


05-01-21, 07:33
The last few weeks I've been getting bad calf and shin cramps.....Really really worried

05-01-21, 07:53
The last few weeks I've been getting bad calf and shin cramps.....Really really worried

You can look forward to more of this kind of thing with severe anxiety. Muscle cramps, pain and aching is common. You need to lower the stress hormones in your body and that won't happen while you are imagining all sorts of nasties...

05-01-21, 09:08
If the pains and everything else isn't a constant, it's most probably anxiety.
I'd agree the doctor's all clear is most important! :D

05-01-21, 09:15
If the pains and everything else isn't a constant, it's most probably anxiety.

Even when something is constant, it doesn't automatically equal cancer. I've had a constant pain for almost 4 months now. No sign of cancer!

05-01-21, 12:39
The cramps are mostly at night

05-01-21, 12:43
The constant pain is mainly near my left nipple through to my back and constant burning pain in my throat and mouthSometime it hurts worse or sometimes barely

05-01-21, 12:45
Now I'm really worried as my pains are constant....

05-01-21, 17:03
Go and see a doctor and get professional advice.

05-01-21, 18:26
Please guys bear with me....Instead of "Googling" I come here instead...I'm very afraid of doctors and what they will diagnose me withI cannot handle confirmation....As i said before I know you guys aren't doctors and cannot diagnose me.....I come here for your guys opinions....

05-01-21, 18:40
Please guys bear with me....Instead of "Googling" I come here instead...I'm very afraid of doctors and what they will diagnose me withI cannot handle confirmation....As i said before I know you guys aren't doctors and cannot diagnose me.....I come here for your guys opinions....

i understand the fear of doctors and diagnosis. I truly do. But sometimes that is quite literally your only option. Every single person on this thread has given you their opinion - which is to seek medical care, and if that all checks out ok, then talk to them about your anxiety and how to proceed from there.

05-01-21, 20:17
I'm worried about these skin issues as well

05-01-21, 20:21
Every second I'm in pure fear....my heart beats fast all day boom boom boom .

05-01-21, 21:12
picture removed

What do you want us to say?

06-01-21, 07:42
Every second I'm in pure fear....my heart beats fast all day boom boom boom .

Your heart is going boom boom and is beating fast because you are imagining the worst (and most unlikely) scenario!

Engage your brain for a second will you?

What does your heart do when you have a 'near miss'? If you were to step out into the road and a car almost hit you - what would your heart do? It would go boom boom boom and race, but once the danger was over, it would gradually return to normal. This is the normal physical response to stress, and we would all be dead without it. What's happening with you is that your fearful thoughts mean that your fight or flight response never gets to return to normal - it's always engaged - hence your heart goes boom boom and races all day. This normal physical response scares you because you don't understand it. As well as this, there are numerous other symptoms caused by the stress response - symptoms which can affect every part of our bodies - most commonly the chest area and digestive system.

It's your thoughts which are keeping you in this cycle. You don't have to have a near miss with a car to trigger the stress response, your own thoughts will do just as well - because your brain doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. This works the other way which is why mindfulness can be so effective in reducing those stress hormone levels.

09-01-21, 18:50
I'm very worried that I may have esophagus c$#&*! .
I can still swallow and drink fluids so far but I continue to lose weight .
I just wanted to say thank you guys for trying to help me
I pray for a miracle
I will update you guys along the way .
Hopefully I'm still here summer
Thanks again

10-01-21, 08:15
I'm very worried that I may have esophagus c$#&*! .

I can still swallow and drink fluids so far but I continue to lose weight .

So you have no problems swallowing but you think you have oesophageal cancer? :unsure:

You will continue to lose weight while your anxiety is this severe.

I pray for a miracle

It's not a miracle you need BC, it's therapy to sort your health anxiety out.

10-01-21, 10:47
Thanks Nora
But I'm not so sure.....I keep getting more and more symptoms I now suffer with bad constipation....I have been taking a lot of Gaviscon and Mylanta so I don't know if they are the culprits.....I never really had constipation for this long and bad...I lay awake at night in fear....

11-01-21, 06:59
Thanks Nora
But I'm not so sure.....I keep getting more and more symptoms I now suffer with bad constipation....I have been taking a lot of Gaviscon and Mylanta so I don't know if they are the culprits.....I never really had constipation for this long and bad...I lay awake at night in fear....

It's fear which is responsible for the majority of your symptoms - if not all of them.

11-01-21, 07:07
.my heart beats fast all day boom boom boom (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-V7cXEddJs&ab_channel=takemag) .

Going home? :winks:

Positive thoughts

13-01-21, 22:01
I've been having sharp quick pains in my arm pits and down near groin area but haven't noticed any swelling as of yet
I'm very worried

13-01-21, 23:16
What causes Sharp pains in arm pits and groin area but they don't feel swollen ?

13-01-21, 23:28
What causes Sharp pains in arm pits and groin area but they don't feel swollen?

Electric shocks? Stab wounds? :winks:


14-01-21, 00:17
This will probably get merged with your other thread - but, you have lymph nodes all over your body. Not just in armpits and groin. The pains you feel could be muscular, or they could just be random pains. I get those all the time, and then they go away. Bodies are funny like that.

The real key is to manage how you react to these things. Because immediately jumping to worst case scenario is not the best solution.

14-01-21, 00:23
Unexplained weight loss and lymph node pain us a bad combination As I alluded to before I would update you on my journey....God bless us all

14-01-21, 01:31
@badcompany ..... I went through stomach/throat cancer HA for a lot of 2020. I had endoscopy/colonoscopy done and they found nothing. I then moved onto lung cancer because I had back pain and was tired. I had an X-ray and they found nothing. My weight loss journey was so bad that I obsessed over it so much to the point I logged my weight in my phone everyday. I was 180 at one point and got all the way down to 157. Unintentional weight loss is not just cancer. Being stressed and having anxiety can make you lose weight without even realizing it. Just breathe! I’m currently going through als fears. It sucks but at the end of the day us that suffer from anxiety can help each other because for the most part we have all been through something that someone else is going through!

14-01-21, 01:32
Unexplained weight loss and lymph node pain us a bad combination As I alluded to before I would update you on my journey....God bless us all

Not always...your assumption really makes no sense.

14-01-21, 06:58
I have also been constipated for 6 days

14-01-21, 07:15
I have also been constipated for 6 days

I'm losing track here with the symptoms..

What is it, exactly, that you think you have?

14-01-21, 07:28
I'm losing track here with the symptoms..

What is it, exactly, that you think you have?

Its some kind of cancer depending on the day. But essentially it's the SSDD Nora. Been that way for several years on more than one forum. There's a saying in sales that goes.... Some will. Some won't. So what? NEXT! Sadly, like many other serial posters, that's the case here I'm afraid :( Best to just let him vent. His dragon will get snacks now and again so.... :shrug:

There's a saying that's been repeated a lot recently. "Words have consequences" BTW BC... have you called the doctor?
I will talk to a GP in January


14-01-21, 09:50
Best to just let him vent. His dragon will get snacks now and again so.... :shrug:

Sadly, I think you're right. Knowing how thoroughly horrible HA can be, I just want to try and help people find their way out of it - but not everybody can (or even wants to be) helped..

14-01-21, 13:48

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

02-05-21, 00:50
Just an update....
I'm still losing weight even though I still have a great appetite
So far I can still drink and swallow food but it's does hurt behind my sternum
A newer symptom I have is after I eat it hurts near my left shoulder blade
My lymph nodes in my right armpit and near the front of my elbow still hurt and are swollen
My friends are making remarks on how skinny my legs and face are....which brings me way down and very depressed
God bless us all
I don't know what is going on with me....
I'm very scared and still to worried to see doctor....

02-05-21, 09:42
The only way you are going to have answers is to see a doctor. I know you said you’re scared but literally the only way to stop this is to get treatment of some kind.

Your digestive issues sound to be very much like acid reflux? There is prescription medication you can take to control this.

Your fears about your pancreas? Left side is also your stomach and sharp pains and chest pains can be symptoms of acid reflux.

Weight loss can be caused by anything, it doesn’t always mean cancer.

Also, not to be blunt but my grandad had oesophageal cancer. He lost weight RAPIDLY in the space of 2 months and he could not eat at all. He didn’t survive 3 months after diagnosis. I see you’ve been losing weight, in your opinion, “rapidly” for 2 years. Not the same.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-05-21, 12:21
I understand what you are going through considering I am currently worrying about my own "potential" gallbladder/pancreatitis/pancreatic cancer issue myself. If you are worried, I would definitely consider talking with your doctor. I plan on scheduling an appointment with a gastroenterologist myself. I'ld much rather know than not know, y'know? You're damned either way if you actually do have stage 4 cancer, so you might as well see it coming.

I don't know if this would help ease your fears, but by the time my dad had noticeable enough esophageal pain to be diagnosed with cancer (which by the way, was a constant pain that was bad enough to keep him up at night), he only lived for an additional 8 months, and his condition very rapidly declined. By rapid I mean he became near skeletal from wasting/not eating and he was by no means a small man (he was 5'10'' and approximately 300 lbs. precancer). Considering that this thread was started about 5 months ago, and that was when I assume you started experiencing various cancer-like symptoms, you should be in considerably dire straights by now if you really were dying of any type of stage 4 cancer.

On another not, pain in your sternum when swallowing is actually really common, and I have experienced a few times myself. When anxious, your throat and pharynx constricts, which causes the pain you feel. About the weight loss, unless you are consistently counting calories, you can't be entirely sure that you really are eating enough to maintain your weight (which is about 2000 Calories per day for the average healthy person). And anxiety both enhances your basal metabolism and tends to make people nauseous/reduce their appetite, and so combined could contribute to weight loss. Also, many other things could cause weight loss; benign hormonal imbalances and certain relatively benign gastric issues like celiac, both of which can be tested for with a simple and cheap blood test. Anxiety can also cause swollen lymph nodes.

Hope that you feel better soon! :)

02-05-21, 17:35
AbyssalStars could your dad swallow food etc...I can still swallow and drinkI list most of my weight last NovemberI do get pain next to left shoulder after eatingI'm living my life in constant fear and worry non-stopMy symptoms are very tealI'm stuck in a deep rutThe problem is I cannot help myself....I'm amazed that I'm still here after 5 months....

02-05-21, 19:08
He had a hard time keeping anything down/swallowing. He couldn't eat nearly at all. Re: pain, nausea, malaise associated with esophageal obstruction. If you lost most your weight last November but aren't still shedding the pounds like water, I think you are probably fine. I know that your symptoms are real; both anxiety and other things cause real symptoms. Story time: I had such bad anxiety after my dad died that I could literally induce psychosomatic seizures. I could quite literally flip a switch in my brain that would make my hands and fingers jerk on their own and also induce repetitive movements such as arm swinging and hand circling. I know that these were psychosomatic because I had to be in a certain mental state to induce them (i.e. stressed) and I could easily stop them if I wanted by focusing on other thigs/going on a walk. Does that mean the seizures weren't real? No, but it does mean that my anxiety caused them.

What type of pain in left shoulder? How bad is it? If it was pancreatitis/pancreatic cancer, the pain would be so excruciating all you would be thinking of is A. I need to get to the ER NOW and B. Oh god please kill me now. That is the type of pain that issues with the pancreas causes. It is not something that you can easily brush off and continue with your day; it is a debilitating, all consuming pain to the point of vomiting. This is nearly the type of pain that I am having myself, however, mine is referred to areas that are more classic for gallbladder than pancreas, and yet still I worry.

And once again, if you are really concerned, please go see a doctor just to rule out other causes.

I'm amazed I'm still alive every moment of every day. I feel like I should have died in the car accident with my sister; that I am living on stolen time. I never thought that I would make it to 18, and I am still here at 23. I know that this feeling of imminent death is my anxiety and complex grief messing with my head, even though it feels so real.

04-05-21, 01:24
Seems like I'm losing mostly weight in my legs....
I'm losing muscle too.......I'm so scared

04-05-21, 08:09
BadCompany..You have totally ignored AbyssalStars' heartfelt and insightful post and advice. Don't you think you should at least acknowledge that other people have been through terrible times themselves yet are still trying to help you?

04-05-21, 17:03
Yes I appreciate AbyssalStars post she has been through alot. ...I try to say thanks to all who spend their time to try to help me
I guess I try to thank everyone as a whole at one time...
I'm at the lowest point in my life as I have more and more symptoms as time goes on....I'm in a very bad state of mind
Looks like I will have to buy a smaller jean size again...
Again thank you all
I don't know where my journey will end

04-05-21, 20:10
BC... it's been years on this subject. There has to be a point where you take personal responsibility and seek real life professional help :shrug:


05-05-21, 00:51
I seemed to start feeling better around September if 2020 then the weight loss for no reason .
Last time I lost weight in 2019 Is because I quit soft drinks , sugar,carbs but not this time.....

I just don't think this is anxiety because of the symptom progression....
I've talked to a therapist a few times in 2019
The drastic weight loss and lymph nodes has me very concerned. ....I'm barely holding on....

05-05-21, 23:24
I live in constant pain....
I cannot go on much longer
This fear of a bad diagnosis I cannot get rid of...
I'm my current state I couldn't handle it

12-05-21, 23:42
I feel very alone in this fight.....this is the lowest point in my life....hard to make it through each day...

19-05-21, 11:37
Oh BadCompany I hope you have someone in the real world you can talk to, I’m really worried about you! Is there anything at all you can do to distract yourself to see if it all settles down?

thinking of you and hoping for some joy to come to you right when you need it xx

24-05-21, 15:49
Thanks for responding Me180
Still the same but fighting to keep weight on that I have .
I guess it's been 6 months now since I noticed first symptoms....
The pain behind lower sternum is somewhat worse and the pain near my left shoulder blade after I eat is becoming more chronic .
I'm terrified every day....hard to sleep most nights
Please God help me

24-05-21, 19:02
You should maybe get an appointment with a therapist to start treating your anxiety because nothing is gonna change, you will continue to have these thoughts until you treat the problem.
It seems you have been dealing with these same symptoms for a good long time now, cancer doesn’t just come and go and you wouldn’t have had undiagnosed cancer for all this long time.

Lots of people have given you good advice and reassurance but you don’t even acknowledge them and honestly it’s kinda rude. I’m sorry I’m not trying to be mean or anything but I’m sure to them it kinda feels like a slap in the face.

We all can relate to the way your feeling but reassurance is just a bandaid. You have to treat the cause and it’s not cancer, it’s anxiety. Once you can get your anxiety under control even just a small fraction of it, you will see that you start to feel better both physically and mentally.

24-05-21, 20:16
You should maybe get an appointment with a therapist to start treating your anxiety because nothing is gonna change, you will continue to have these thoughts until you treat the problem.
It seems you have been dealing with these same symptoms for a good long time now, cancer doesn’t just come and go and you wouldn’t have had undiagnosed cancer for all this long time.

Lots of people have given you good advice and reassurance but you don’t even acknowledge them and honestly it’s kinda rude. I’m sorry I’m not trying to be mean or anything but I’m sure to them it kinda feels like a slap in the face.

We all can relate to the way your feeling but reassurance is just a bandaid. You have to treat the cause and it’s not cancer, it’s anxiety. Once you can get your anxiety under control even just a small fraction of it, you will see that you start to feel better both physically and mentally.

That's been the advice for years I'm afraid, on this site and previous sites as well. Sometimes we have to accept one will or cannot ever change or help themselves as with many serial posters on the forum :weep:


24-05-21, 23:39
Thanks for the replies careful and Fishmanpa but what has transpired the past 6 months has nothing to do with the previous time . I was very happy and not anxious at the time I started losin weight quickly . The previous time I dieted . I have several symptoms on top of that which had nothing to do with my pancreas scare .
I lost the weight 6 months ago and I'm barely hanging onto the weight I have left . Most days I'm in pain .
I'm worried about my esophagus which I initially thought was my left lung .
I don't know if anyone can survive with 6 months of un treated esophagus xxxxxx .
My biggest hurdle is getting past my fear of seeing a doctor.....

25-05-21, 00:36
My biggest hurdle is getting past my fear of seeing a doctor.....

Well, it's either that or die a slow and painful death untreated (you would be in hospice by now if it were cancer untreated based on how long this thread has gone on BTW) :shrug: Let us know how you make out.


25-05-21, 05:32
Thanks for the replies careful and Fishmanpa but what has transpired the past 6 months has nothing to do with the previous time . I was very happy and not anxious at the time I started losin weight quickly . The previous time I dieted . I have several symptoms on top of that which had nothing to do with my pancreas scare .
I lost the weight 6 months ago and I'm barely hanging onto the weight I have left . Most days I'm in pain .
I'm worried about my esophagus which I initially thought was my left lung .
I don't know if anyone can survive with 6 months of un treated esophagus xxxxxx .
My biggest hurdle is getting past my fear of seeing a doctor.....

Just because you don’t think your anxious doesn’t mean that subconsciously you’re not. I don’t know how much weight you lost but stress and anxiety can cause you to drop weight with a quickness and I know that’s a fact because it happened to me. I lost my house and had to move my family into my moms house and I had 4 months tops to get into another place which was extremely difficult. I was stressing so bad and I started dropping pounds daily. I got spooked at first and my mom kept telling me it was stress and at the time I was like no cause I have been more stressed out then I am now and I didn’t lose weight and I don’t even feel that stressed butttt she was right, it really was just stress and I lost 45 pounds in 2 and a half months. I was overweight to begin with so I wasn’t mad.

You don’t have cancer but if you need confirmation before you can move on your gonna have to see the doctor. It’s obvious at this point posting here isn’t gonna help you any. All we can do is keep telling you over and over that you don’t have cancer and that you need to treat your anxiety and apparently that’s not helping you at all because each time someone responds you respond with thank you but I am having this, this and this. It’s like your not even trying to be open to the fact that all these thoughts you have are being caused my health anxiety and so why bother even posting at all? We aren’t doctors here, all anyone can do is try to get you to see what’s going on and tell you to see a doctor if your really concerned about your health.

25-05-21, 08:09
Oh my goodness, I began at the beginning of this thread, read three pages and then skipped to find it is still going.

I'm not going to fuel your procrastination any longer. As with my 'heart attacks', you have been 'ill' with this for so long that you'd literally be dead by now if it was something purely physical in origin. I'm really sorry but I am not going to engage any further with you because I don't think it would help you.

26-05-21, 12:25
Thank you Fishman , Careful1 and Speranza very much for your replies it means alot and it does help calm me down a bunch ....
I will be talking to a counsler sometime this week...
Thanks very much
God bless us all

26-05-21, 20:12

01-07-21, 18:04
I now have back pain on right side just below rib with continued weight loss.
I'm suffering with extreme fatigue.
I also have bad night time leg muscle cramps .

04-07-21, 00:20
Have you ever heard of the term 'psychosomatic'? There was a time I had constant numb feeling on the left side of my face. Seem like it went on forever. I thought I was having a stroke for days. Long story short, finally went to a doctor about it. Well he found nothing wrong with me except my sense of humor. Then I talked to my therapist about it, and she mentioned a thing called 'psychosomatic' in so many words are less. After I found out about that and researched it a bit, not long after that it slowly went away. Actually, I just ignored it, but hallelujah, I was cured!

But seriously, if you have a therapist, ask them about that. 'Psychosomatic'.