View Full Version : The habit of seeking doctor 2nd opinion

13-12-20, 21:07
Hi all
Trying to find a way to stop seeking 2nd opinion from doctor and learn to trust the doctor diagnosis.

Background: obgyn doc found a mass under my armpit. Had ultrasound and mammogram. Nothing found except a lymph node that according to the ultrasound report, look normal and no sonographic abnormality. BI-RAD 1 Negative. The radiologist note is to follow up with referring doctor for further work up if needed.

Obgyn ok to cancel the breast surgeon Appointment. I was happy and relieved for 4 weeks. Suddenly now my thought is back on this. I shall have keep the breast surgeon Appointment because the report said to follow up with referring doctor. but then I know myself I would be so anxious leading up to the appointment which won’t be for at least a month because they are always busy with scheduling.

How do I learn to accept the report result that my issue was looked at by images and I don’t need another specialist physical checkup? I felt stupid for canceling the original appointment because I was so tired and consumed with fears after the screening anxiety.

I understand most people would be happy with a benign mammogram and ultrasound report and go on with their lives instead of being agonized over a botched appointment. Where do we draw the line of stop seeking assurance?

13-12-20, 21:34
And this is why you are here! It’s what we do. We find reassurance a very short lived “hit”. And then we start to crave another hit. I totally relate but - also - I know you are find and do not need a second opinion

13-12-20, 21:39
Hi all
Trying to find a way to stop seeking 2nd opinion from doctor and learn to trust the doctor diagnosis.

Background: obgyn doc found a mass under my armpit. Had ultrasound and mammogram. Nothing found except a lymph node that according to the ultrasound report, look normal and no sonographic abnormality. BI-RAD 1 Negative. The radiologist note is to follow up with referring doctor for further work up if needed.

Obgyn ok to cancel the breast surgeon Appointment. I was happy and relieved for 4 weeks. Suddenly now my thought is back on this. I shall have keep the breast surgeon Appointment because the report said to follow up with referring doctor. but then I know myself I would be so anxious leading up to the appointment which won’t be for at least a month because they are always busy with scheduling.

How do I learn to accept the report result that my issue was looked at by images and I don’t need another specialist physical checkup? I felt stupid for canceling the original appointment because I was so tired and consumed with fears after the screening anxiety.

I understand most people would be happy with a benign mammogram and ultrasound report and go on with their lives instead of being agonized over a botched appointment. Where do we draw the line of stop seeking assurance?

When we are questioning the findings of actual medical tests and are preferring to trust in our own "research" based on years of study at the University of HA.

13-12-20, 22:22
And this is why you are here! It’s what we do. We find reassurance a very short lived “hit”. And then we start to crave another hit. I totally relate but - also - I know you are find and do not need a second opinion

Yes you described it so accurate. Basically I was busy with recovering from my hemorrhoid surgery and a bad cold last month so I forgot about this issue. Now my mind is free, and it comes back and I need another reassurance because I didn’t go to the surgeon appointment:(

13-12-20, 22:24
When we are questioning the findings of actual medical tests and are preferring to trust in our own "research" based on years of study at the University of HA.

I guess I’m agony over the report line said “following up with referring doctor for further work up if need” and I canceled it. I shall feel happy and lucky that the report result is benign. How my mind pick and choose what words to focus on

14-12-20, 00:28
Anytime I’ve been to urgent care or the ER the report has always said to follow up with GP if needed. I think that’s just a common thing that goes in all reports - it says “if need”, not “definitely follow up”. Honestly if the results of your tests are good then I don’t see any need to follow up. But I totally understand focusing on the other part, I think our HA brains automatically go there!

14-12-20, 00:34
Yes it said this at that time because I still had the appointment scheduled and now that I reread it (or specific my anxiety, I just missed a chance for the breast surgeon to evaluate me :( I’m doubting myself.

“Congratulations, the result is benign. Dr. Xxx will evaluate you in clinic to determine if further work up or follow up is needed”

14-12-20, 00:38
Can you call and see if they want to see you for a follow up or if you can disregard since test was benign? Might be a good way to put it to rest once and for all.

14-12-20, 00:59
Can you call and see if they want to see you for a follow up or if you can disregard since test was benign? Might be a good way to put it to rest once and for all.

Originally, the obgyn referred me to the breast clinic after she felt the mass. The Breast clinic ordered the tests (which mean the breast surgeon is the referring doc whom I haven’t seen) 2 weeks before my surgeon appointment. The result came back the same day.

I did see my obgyn doc who referred me to the breast surgeon originally and asked her if I can cancel the appointment with the breast surgeon after I got my Clear result. She said I could cancel. That was one week after my scan as a follow up with the obgyn.

So I did Cancel and the NP whom I talked to at the breast surgeon said if your obgyn ok with cancel, you can cancel. now I’m having 2nd thought of listening to the obgyn doc.

I’ll call the breast surgeon office on Monday and asked for more info. Thanks

14-12-20, 01:11
Ah ok I understand now.

I would think if your OB still wanted you to follow up with the surgeon after you got your benign result, they would have told you when you called. But it definitely can’t hurt to call the surgeon to confirm!

14-12-20, 02:13
Ah ok I understand now.

I would think if your OB still wanted you to follow up with the surgeon after you got your benign result, they would have told you when you called. But it definitely can’t hurt to call the surgeon to confirm!

You see I fear the surgeon appointment for the what-if. I listened to the obgyn and canceled last time because I was afraid dealing with another checkup. I guess to be at peace until next year mammogram I need to man up and check with the surgeon office again. Thank so much for listening

14-12-20, 02:21
You see I fear the surgeon appointment for the what-if. I listened to the obgyn and canceled last time because I was afraid dealing with another checkup. I guess to be at peace until next year mammogram I need to man up and check with the surgeon office again. Thank so much for listening

I completely understand that. The unknown is always worrisome. I really do think that your obgyn wouldn’t have told you that you could cancel your follow up with the surgeon if they thought it was truly necessary. But to 100% put it to bed, it might make you feel better to hear that from the surgeon.

always happy to listen!

14-12-20, 08:36
Yes I agree that a phone call to the surgeon would give you information "from the horse's mouth" so to speak and would be a definitive answer to your doubts and indecision as to whether you should put yourself through the build up to an unnecessary consultation.