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View Full Version : Numbness/tingling in right hand

31-10-07, 10:38
Over the past few days, i've been getting a constant numbness in my right hand. When i first wake up, it's fine but then within half an hour or so the numbness is back again.

I've still got normal mobility with it and everything, it just feels iffy. My shoulders often ache, so i'm wondering if it might be a trapped nerve(?) I'm not sure if i should i go to the doctor (i'd rather not to be honest), or will it get back to normal on it's own? Has anyone else had this?

I was talking to a friend of mine about it last night, and he helpfully told me that numbness and tingling in your hands can indicate that you're going to have a heart attack! Now i think it's fairly unlikely that this is the case (i'm 30 and fairly healthy), but i am concerned as to what the cause may be.


31-10-07, 10:57
Hello Lorelai,

Hope that you are feeling some better. The tingling and numbess can be part of your anxiety. Or you could have something out in your neck area, I have lots of problems with my neck and back, have for years now. Have you tried any stretches to stretch out your muscles? Put one arm behind you neck and gently pull it down with the other arm, do both sides when you first get up.Also try laying on the floor, hands behind your neck, and do neck sit ups, don't go to far forward you just want to stretch those muscles.

Hope that this helps you some.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!!!!

31-10-07, 16:27
It could be carpal tunnel syndrome. Have a search on here for that and you will find my previous post about it - I have it too and wear a wrist support at night.

It is easily diagnosed by the GP.

31-10-07, 21:41
Thank you both for your replies.

I'll try the stretches, and if it hasn't gone in a couple of weeks or so i'll go to the doc's.
