View Full Version : Had to go to A & E

31-10-07, 10:58
Just wanted to tell you about last night , my daughter went to a halloween party and whilst there a boy slammed a door on her fingers , poor thing was screaming but they couldnt hear her the other side of the door and she was trapped for 1 min :weep: . They rushed her back to my house and when I opened the front door and she was standing there screaming in agony with blood on her hand , I felt my self panic , shes only 9 year old and she was screaming out in absolute agony. I gave her some calpol and then we had to get her to A & E where they did xrays , it came back as she has a crushed finger and they gave her srong pain killers and strapped it up with a board.
Whilst at the hospital I swear I nearly passed out about 4 times , I was so close yet tried to hide it and keep strong fo my daughter (who was hyperventalating herself).

Then this morning I woke up with a strange red mark on my left eye, it is big and looks like a blood vessel has burst under my eye lid , which is strange cos I have been having eye pain there. Dont know if I should get it checked , or is it just stress ? I feel Ive been to the gp so much that I will be kicked out of the practise:blush: .

also still very light headed , its been 3 days of hell with it.

hope you are all feeling ok , If I had a magic wand id wave it over all of us:hugs: .

31-10-07, 11:30
mirry sorry to hear about you and your daughter, poor thing.

I am sure your symptoms are just down to stress, I certainly had the light headedness when I had my anxiety attacks.

My son is almost 8 and he is so accident prone and I seem to spend a lot of time worrying about him, kids eh.

31-10-07, 11:45
Hey Mirry,

just wanted to say well done for holding it together in A&E and hope that your daughter is feeling better mine are always doing stuff like that!!
If your worried about your eye just go and see the doc its what they're there for and its not as if there is nothing there with your eye being red. I know the lightheadedness can be brought on with stress and anxiety as ive had it, went to the docs convinced i had a brain tumour , he done all the tests and said i was fine, and right enough it did go away.
Like you though i wish we could all be cured with a wave of a magic wand,

take care

31-10-07, 13:14
thanks guys , I just want to be a good mum , instead Im a emotional wreck who cant cope, an try o put on a act that im functioning ok.

I know its mad but I always think theres something wrong with me they have missed , this lighthead feeling is really severe , infact I feel like i GO TO THE BRINK OF PASSING OUT :ohmy: quite often and its wearing, yet my breathing feels ok ? and if I deliberately hyperventalate
I dont get dizzy ? WHATS THAT ABOUT ?
I wish I was megga rich , Id have my whole body checked out inside out ,lol.


31-10-07, 14:19
Hi Mirry, sorry to hear about your daughter hope the finger gets better soon. Have you thought about going to the opticans to check your eye, I have had that too and it was a burst blood vessel, Good luck.

31-10-07, 14:53
Hi Sweetie

I am so sorry to hear of your little girls accident bless her I hope she recovers soon,

Just wanted to add You said " you wish you could be a good mum "

Well me darlin your little one had a accident you gave her calpol and took her for immediate hospital treatment, You sound like a excellant Mummy to me and a very strong brave one, :yesyes: who went through all those horrible anxiety symptoms and still managed to be there for your daughter,

So give yourself a pat on the back and a big hug to your little one from all here ..

Take care

Michelle xxxxxxxxx

31-10-07, 15:33
What you did for your little girl Mirry just shows what a brilliant mum you are:hugs:
so don't be so hard on yourself.

The eye does sound like a burst blood vessel but if it's still giving you pain pop along to docs, i'm certain they won't kick you out.:winks:

31-10-07, 15:38
Hi Mirry,

What a ruddy awful thing to happen - but how lucky your daughter is having a mum who's top of the list in my opinion!!:yesyes:

You did everything any one of us would have done - so no more of that talk now eh?!!:lac:

So, if you were mega rich and got the once-over inside and out with a gilt-edged wire brush and still everything showed ok - what then?:shrug:

Don't keep putting yourself down so - you're coping with situations as and when they arise and that's all anybody, or even yourself, could ask of you.

Sending lots of hugs for you, and hoping your little girl feels tons better soon:flowers:



31-10-07, 18:51

Sending you hugs hun for you and your daughter:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


31-10-07, 21:12
HOpe your little girl is feeling a bit better I know how painful it is as I once slammed a safe door shut on my thumb!

The eye thing will be a burst blood vessel and if you are like my friend she gets these when she is super stressed and it makes her blood pressure spike which bursts the blood vessel. As he Dr says its a safety mechanism to stop it happening in her head!!!!!!!!!!

Its a small world as this evening my 27yr old son ( so no baby!) rang me to say he slammed the office safe door shut on his thumb today and is in agony and was umming and ahhing about spending the evening at A&E but decided to wait till morning to see if his thumb is any more swollen or painful. He said when he had appendicitis it wasn't as painful as his thumb!

01-11-07, 07:39
ooo country girl , hope your sons thumb feels better , no matter what age, its really painfull when it happens bet he was in agony :ohmy: .

My daughter is alot better thank you everyone , but I am dressing her and undoing things for her , and she seems happier , now nad then she asks for painkillers. She went to school ok but couldnt write which surprisingly she was upset about, and tonight shes going head to head with 3 other schools in a general quiz competition , she was chosen out of thousands of students by the local newspaper to represent her school because she came top :yesyes: ,dont know where her brains come from ,lol. And i dont know how i will cope attending it with the papers there ?
she has to sit with a buzzer to press ,lol:blush:


01-11-07, 08:58
Hi Mirry,

glad your little girl is coping ok. They mend pretty soon at that age don't they,
:hugs: for you and your daughter

love anx xx

01-11-07, 09:32
thanks anx , G G , you do make me smile , I know my mind is over active !!!