View Full Version : Update on my Panic and Anxiety

31-10-07, 12:37
Hi all, its been a good few weeks at least since I have posted on here so thought I should come on and say hello and give you an update.

The Citalopram 20mg has been working well, no palpitations for weeks now and generally felling better. I even managed a weekend (with no alcohol) with friends in Ireland last weekend and was fine on the flights and while out there (had a very minor setback feeling nauseous one night but it passed after a few hours)

Today, horribly, after a few weeks of feeling OK I am feeling very light headed and have a muzzy imbalance feeling in my head (like when I first started the Citalopram) - checked my pulse and heart and no palpitations there so hopefully this is just a minor setback or indeed a virus as there is a lot going around at work at the moment!

Had my blood pressure check up again last night and I have improved slightly but am still on the border line - 140/89 so need to try and get that down (less salt, more fruit and veg and losing some weight, oh, and I guess I should cut down the ciggies until I can manage to stop!) The nurse said although I was on the border line of BP I am young enough to do something about it so she said no tablets for that yet as it was not quite high enough to worry about just yet - is 140/89 ok'ish then?

Anyway, meeting parents for lunch in 2 hours but not feeling great but I will try and get through it - shame about this set back (although could just be a virus as I said) but I have improved a fair bit since August which is good and am being more sociable and going to work (still on slightly reduced hours though)

Hope you are all well.

Mat x

31-10-07, 18:41
Hello Mat,
thanks for your post. I sense that you have come along way in dealing with your panic and anxiety. Well done for keeping positive whilst not feeling too good. Its true that the way we think affects the way we feel - so feeling good about yourself really can lower anxiety. Good on yer !
Be kind to yourself

31-10-07, 18:45
Hi Matt

So lovely to read of your success, and pleased to hear you are doing so well.
Dont let a little blip get you down hun, i have bad days too but tommorrow is always a new and better day for us.

keep smiling and WELL DONE !:yesyes:
