View Full Version : FIREWORKS

31-10-07, 17:00
I would like to know peoples opinions on fireworks.Do you they affect your anxiety levels.
Every year I get really anxious,my dogs are terrified of them.They hide under any bit of furniture,wont go out for there evening walks.Im always worried one of them is going to have a heart attack.Its horrid to watch them shaking with fear.And the poor cats and wild animals,it really upsets me.
Its not just one night you have to keep them in for.

My dogs have to stop going for there evening walks about a week before and a week after the 5th.I get so angry and agitated.

I used to work in a care home and a couple of the residents used to cry when it was this time of year,the fireworks used to remind them of the war,that was so sad.
I think it should be just public displays only on the the 5th,when everyone can keep there pets in for that night.:mad:

http://www.freefever.com/animatedgifs/animated/fireworks10.gif:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

31-10-07, 17:05
Hi Ellen:D

Dunno if this is much use but yesterday I was talking to an animal charity cos I have one of their dogs on long term foster!

He is really bad with fireworks and they are posting me some flower remedy similar to bach but its for animals!!!

I havent recieved it yet but hopefully it will arrive tomm and I can post more details!!!

Cant comment on the firework issue im afraid cos I love them!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

31-10-07, 18:38
Hi Ellen

I dont like fireworks, they make me jump and set my anxiety off. My last dog was terrified of fire works too. Im not a party poop, i love to see people having fun on bonfore night but i just feel sorry for the animals like the horses in fields etc. I do think there should be a law that says you can only let fireworks off on Bonfire night and New Year, as the they seem to be going off for weeks before and after the event.


31-10-07, 19:02
hi ellen
i have to agree with you. fireworks do set off my anxiety. and hannah if terrified of the noise she just runs and hides and shakes something terrible. i think it very hard on the animals
luv debera:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

31-10-07, 20:18
When I was a teenager, I remember we was up the park one night near Nov the 5th. Some older lads were clowning about with fireworks and some idiot lit a banger that was in another lads pocket. He ended up in a burns unit in Oxford and was in a bad way for months.

Since then, I have never understood why the goverment don't limit them to public, professional displays only.

That said, Wicksteed Park is local to me, and a couple of years ago they had a near disaster at a professionally organised dispaly when a firework fell over and 2 brothers ended up with injuries.

I also remember being round the in-laws once at a home display, when the father-in-law (not the smartest of cookies, Sun reader ;)) was lighting rockets standing over them looking right down at them.

I wouldn't ban them period, but restrict thier use to licensed events, purely to protect the public.

31-10-07, 23:01
we give our dog bach remedy and it settles her.

31-10-07, 23:11
What bach remedy do you give your dog happyfeet?

01-11-07, 02:45
Loud noises and bright lights have bothered me ever since my first panic attack 15 years ago!!!
I can't do the fireworks thing anymore!!!
Not sure WHY it bothers me so much but it does!!!

01-11-07, 08:45
Hi Yorkylover,
Rescue remedy either a few drops on your darling furry baby's tongue or i have found the better way is a few drops in their drinking water helps as they can drink at it all day, and nobody knows what times fireworks are going to start nowadays do they?

I too am terrified of fireworks more so since my anx has struck again :huh:

Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:

02-11-07, 22:46
Well here we go,dogs hiding behind the sofa,cowering,shivering.Im stressed cos there stressed.Its going to be a long weekend!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

02-11-07, 23:05
Hi Ellen

I used to give my dog Serene-UM when it was coming up to bonfire night, its a natural food suppliment for calming cats and dogs, you can get them at most pet shop outlets.



03-11-07, 00:02
I thought that it was illegal to set off fireworks in the UK now without a licence or something?

Then again there's never any coppers around here to stop them anyway.

It's the noise and the decibel levels of some of them that gets to me. It's like "shock and awe" outside. I feel sorry for elderly frail peeps and little animals that get scared.

Peeps shouldn't set them off in their gardens in built up residential areas IMO.


03-11-07, 00:36
l give her normal batch remedy thats is used for humans

03-11-07, 16:58
Thanks for advice everyone.This is a thing I get really angry about.Me and the dogs even had an artical in the local paper a couple of years ago.
I get so flippin angry and agitated,:mad: the flipping things were going off round this area at 1.30 am this morning.

Why cant they stick to organised displays only,I dont know.It would save all these poor animals suffering,and people getting injured.:weep:

03-11-07, 18:52

i havent been on it nor have i signed it but u can put your name down to get them banned i think i havent checked out tho

03-11-07, 23:28
Yes Ozzy on the rspca site,you can put your name down.I have signed that.
Its now 11.29 and there are some still going off.I just get so anxious for all the animals,its something I feel very strongly about.Any sort of cruelty or upset to animals and I know alot of you here feel the same.:mad:

05-11-07, 19:08
Im so glad Im off work this week,Im haveing to babysit the dogs!!!!!!!!The bangs are so loud tonight,and my little dog is hiding under the computer table.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Im so stressed seeing them like this,Im frightened he will have a heart attack or something:mad: :mad:

05-11-07, 19:23
I have a love hate relationship with fireworks.

I went to a display on Saturday with my family to the pub i work in. I was pretty anxious to start with (thought i was dying!!!), but once they got going i felt fine. My poor cats on the other hand are scared stiff. I can only find one at the moment, i think they others are hiding in the brambles behind my house!!

Here are photos from the display i went to...

www.flickr.com/ilovestinky (http://www.flickr.com/ilovestinky)

ENJOY! I think i got some good pics :)

05-11-07, 23:26
Nice photos,loved the chicken with the great hair do!!!!!!!!!! :D