View Full Version : Epilepsy

31-10-07, 20:31
Hey guys

tried asking for help in chat but was bit busy in there so didn't get anything.
so i thought i'd try here

i think this is my mountain the only thing that i reckon is keeping me from recovery the one haunting thought and that is that i am paranoid about having epilepsy.

i'm having a panic right now as i write this or maybe i think its an epilepsy in a form

why i think this is because when i see a lot of flashing lights from the tv i have to look away really quickly and i get a panic sense come through me and i have to curl up under my duvet - after this happens i get a severe headache and feel sick this lasts all next day aswell - i'm totally drained.

i went to the docs and she said its just a migrain and flashing lights trigger them. but i couldn't help but wonder she was just giving me the easy answer i wanted to hear.

my mum is doing a first aid course and she was reading out all about epilepsy the kind where the person has a fit - (never had one)

and the other where they just stare into space or can be totally out of it

i remember sometimes having this where people tell me i was miles away.

so then this has sent me into a blind panic.

i'm not bothered i just want to know really if i do i can get it sorted if not i can get on with my life

any advice would be great this is the biggest roadblock for me

thanks for reading


31-10-07, 22:37
Hi Sammie, :hugs:

Sorry to hear how you are feeling hun :hugs:

First of all, I don't think a gp would give you the answers you want to hear, what he will give you is what he feels is wrong with you. There are many things that can trigger migrain, stress, bright lights, flashing lights is just some of many.

I have 2 friends who suffer with Epilepsy, I have seen my friend having a fit :weep:

I do know what you mean about staring into space, they are just out of it, but hun, I used to do this too, before I had panic's. It would take my hubby to shout me and then he'd ask, where have you been, you where in a world of your own. What I know now is, at that time, unknowing to me, I was under alot of stress, my mind would shut down a little and I would be in a world of my own. I did NOT, suffer epliepsy then and I don't know. For me, this was a stress/ anxiety symptom, my mind trying to rest. I am sure I have read another thread on here about spacing, not sure where it is though. I will go see if I can find it,

I can understand you wanting to know, MANY, MANY years before I suffered pa's, my daughter suffered with them form a very young age.( 3 years ) At that time, we did not know what she was suffering with, it took them 3 years to tell us she was suffering pa's, anxiety, but she had lots and lots of test, epilepsy was one of them test.

As a mother, I NEEDED, to know what I was dealing with, so we could help her. Even when I had panic myself many years later, ohhhh boy, I did not know what I was dealing with, it took me to have some test and reading this great site, to help me understand panic, anxiety. It is soooo true, to understand something you have to go through it. I never new what my daugher went though for many years, ohh boy, but I do now :weep:

Hun, could you not ask your gp to send you for a test, will he do that for you?, for peace of mind, as we all know, peace of mind goes along way.

From the way you have explained it, it can be anxiety, anxiety is triggered by many things and anxiety can lead to panic mmm. but not all the time.

Don't think I gave much advice, but I do know what your going through and my heart goes out to you :hugs:

You take care :hugs:


31-10-07, 22:48
Hi Sammi,:hugs:

I hope you are feeling some better. I tried to get in you chat, but you left too fast.

I don't believe that you have epilepsy, I have been around people who have had this. I think what your doctor told you is very true,I have some problems with flasing lights, but not to your degree.

I also get the spaced mind, and it's how we cope when things are too stressful. I kind of like it there, in my own little world. It's peaceful.:yesyes:

But if you are really stressing here, ask your doctor about this hun, I am sure they can help you sort this out. Did they give you any meds. for your headaches. If so does it help you.

No hun, they can't tell you what you want to hear they have to tell you the truth.

I hope that this helps you.
Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

01-11-07, 11:15
hey again

thanks so much for your replies.

Jill. i appreciate all of your kind words and what your say is perfectly true. i think i just need to get the thought out of my mnd as i feel much better today. its really weird how it can drag you down one day and you can be on a high the next. anyways thanks again for your advice.

Tina - hello hun, i appreciate you trying to help in chat and i know that you were trying but i thought it would be too busy and i was kind of in an impatient state last night. so i apologise for not staying. thank you for your advice you have been the one to help me most. and i got alot of reassurance from you

thanks again both of you and i love that you took your time to reply, i was in need and you guys helped. if theres anything i can do for you let me know


01-11-07, 11:24
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Sammi my friend thanks so much for you kind words. I try to help when and where I can. Take it slow hun, and talk to your doctor.


I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

01-11-07, 21:03
Hi Sammi :hugs:

Its great to hear your feeling better today, :D

Its soo nice to know that the replies helped, we are all here to help and support as much as we can.

You say your down one day and on a high the next, I know its dame hard hun but please try to focus on these highs, when you are feeling ok, this is important hun. If you get a bad day, tell yourself it will NOT last, try dame hard on your bad days to remember your good days.

You take care hun :hugs: as Believe said, take it slow have a chat with your gp.

LOVE JILLXXXX :flowers: :flowers:

02-11-07, 08:09
Hi hun, my boyfriend has epilepsy, and he doesn't have a fullblown fit, he just sorta tenses up and starts breathing heavily, but afterwards he is absolutely exhausted, and NEEDS to sleep. I don't think you have epilepsy, it does sound like a migraine, but also remember migraines can be brought on by stress, so it's like a vicious circle. Just try and think logically about it hun, it's very unlikely that you would all of a sudden have epilepsy..xxxxxx

31-08-08, 12:39
i have epilepsy,also bih,and migraine which makes it complex but believe me 16 years of advice is here!!do your flashing lights come from the side and make you turn to look at them??? or is it beams coming out of the tv or spot lights or the sun through trees car headlights sun on water???supermarket lights???give me some symptoms.main one describe your flashes.
very scary i know the diagnosis is the ahrd bit!!!and its complex
love fran im new hello