View Full Version : Reluctant to get things done...

31-10-07, 23:51
Lately, school has been so stressful and scary for me and I'm having a very hard time with coping. This week I've had to finish two big assignments (essays, etc.) and I have two more due tomorrow. Even though I have a limited amount of time left and I NEED to go to bed tonight at a resonable time or I'm going to combust, I just can't seem to get myself to do the work.

I've always had this problem and I've always thought it was procrastination, but I am starting to think it's a bit different. With normal, routine assignments -I don't worry so much and if I do put them off, I eventually get around to thema nd when I do it's no big deal. But with things like essays and projects I get so panicky and upset that the mere thought of doing these assignments in itself upsets me, so I don't do them or avoid doing them. All I do is dread the frustration, the fear, the stress, and the lack of sleep that will result from doing them.

The irony of it is that when I do that I have less time and when I do manage to get myself to do them I'm under way more pressure. It's seems so silly, but then it gets in the way SO much!

Does anyone have similar problems? If so, how do you cope or overcome them?

01-11-07, 09:11

That sounds like me - not in terms of essays but I work in administration and I will put off even the most simplest of tasks normally until the last minute. I get them done but I dont know why I put them off.

If it involves phoning someone or going to see someone in the office I tend to avoid that as long as possible. Maybe is a bit of social anxiety, I dont know.

It's weird because I tend to tackle the larger tasks with a bit more "enthusiasm" but the menial ones I leave because I just dread doing them.

Sorry I dont have any suggestions of help but needless to say you're not alone xxx