View Full Version : need someone to talk to!!

01-11-07, 00:29
hi there, i was just wondering if anyone wanted to chat on msn? i could really use someone to talk to. well if you do private message me your msn address and i will add you. also today i have had less aches and pains but my brain and eyes feel really heavy, and my eyes feel quite ache with the occasional twinge and itch in them. any ideas what this about? anyone else get this?
Luv Louise

01-11-07, 09:09
Louise, I think what you are doing is focusing on every symptom and coming to your own conclusion that you have a brain tumour which I suppose is all part of anxiety.
I hope you get to your eye apppointment...Good luck:hugs:

01-11-07, 09:38

all sounds like classic anxiety, stress, tension signs to me. The brain doesn't actually feel pain. I lived with someone with a brain tumour and none of your symptoms are anything he experienced.
You need to find ways to relax and your pains will go.

anx x

01-11-07, 11:35
Hi Louise,

Hope that you are feeling some better today. I have to agree with the others, hun, try not to think about it. I know that hard, but it will only make you worse.

Have you tried the chat room, theres loads of great people there.Then you can make lots of friends hun.

Remember you aren't alone.

Take Care
I Believe That We All Will Get Better!