View Full Version : Letting off steam !!!

05-02-05, 13:13
So much for saying I am 95% better, the last couple of weeks I've had a floaty head so it's brought the anxiety back, but have been trying to think positive thoughts.
This morning took my daughter to dancing feeling quite anxious and as soon as I came back in the house I had a pain in my chest followed by awhoosing in my head and a hot flush.
Although I know it was a minor panic attack ( I think ) it still gets me down as I thought I was well on the way to recovery.
So much for coming into forum and telling everyone I'm feeling better and then I come down to earth with a bang!!!
Why oh why does it come back, it's so unfair.

At the back of my mind I know it's probably a blip, but I just want it to go away.

Thanks for listening

Elaine x

05-02-05, 13:29
I think you have done great!. Don't feel that you have lost the battle, you have done it once and felt confident to say you were almost there.
These minor times could possibly pop up now and again. You know what they are and facing them. Everyone I think feels them, it is when we let them control us. It happened it's over, you can conquer it again!

All the best!


05-02-05, 13:43
I used to have the very same outlook, lainey. I thought i was back to 'normal' just to see that i was back at square one again after a bout of anxiety. Everytime you have one of those patches, just remember that they can do no harm and i learnt that doing things afterwards that i enjoyed made things easier

05-02-05, 13:49
Thanks TT and Razocine for your kind words I must admit I feel a little better now and the floaty feeling seems to have gone. i think it's probably helped to post my feelings on the forum and spill out.

I know it can do me no harm but it still makes me panic when it happens.

Take care and thanks again

Elaine x

05-02-05, 15:00
have you got a diary that you can record your feelings on? i found that this helped at night especially when there was no one to talk to. Now, its very useful to read back on.

05-02-05, 16:13
Thanks Razocaine I might just try that even though I should have started one months ago. Itend to talk to friends about how I feel a I am very open about my anxiety but I suppose lately as Iv'e been feeling better and my husband has been working nights Iv'e kept things in and my thoughts have probably escalated out of control.
Last week a friend of mine was diagnosed with terminal cancer after being treated successfully 3 years ago and I think it's hit home a little as my hubby had cancer last year but fingers crossed he has been given the all clear pending regular check ups. She has not really got that long to live and it's just so sad.
Anyway, thanks again for replying

Take care

Elaine x

05-02-05, 16:28
Hi Lainey

Sorry to read about how you've been feeling and your sad news too. Remember there are always folks here to talk with and who are here to help/support too.

All the best


05-02-05, 16:56
hello lainey,

We all have blips so don't beat yourself up about it!! We cannot feel 100% great all of the time. You have done really well lately and don't you forget it!!

Sarah :D

05-02-05, 17:11
Hi Elaine

Sorry to hear about your friend. The added stress is probably not helping with the current blip. You have been doing so well and you will get over this blip.

Keep reminding yourself of all the progress you have made.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

05-02-05, 19:53
you probably have more good days than bad so dont dwell too much on the off days

fan x

05-02-05, 20:06
Hi Elaine,

It's bound to be the stress about your friend that has caused you to feel anxious again.

You have done SO well, just remember it is just a small setback and that you will soon continue to move forward.

Love Kate x

05-02-05, 20:55
Hi Elaine,

Just want to say that i am thinking of you.
It's so hard to deal with are anxiaty when we here sad news,
but remember Elaine you are a strong person, you Can do this.
It dose help to post on here so keep posting we are all here for



05-02-05, 22:41
Thank you all so much for your kind words today, I do feel much better tonight as I have had a little celebratory drink as Wales beat England in Cardiff tonight first time in 12 years, I am on a high, not that I am against the english as I married one, lol .
Take care and thanks again

Elaine x

05-02-05, 23:00
Yes - thought journal was on CD 1 !!

Glad you're feeling better again tonight and that blip is over . I'm sure yoiu know what sparked it off - whether it was your bad news or not or whats been dwelling in your mind .

You sleep well tonight ...

Well played indeed.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

05-02-05, 23:41
Sorry to hear about your friend.
It could well be that Mr Panic has found a soft spot and used it to bite you on the bum.

We all have these off days now and again.
So there is nothing to worry about there.

I think 95% better the last couple of weeks is amazing. Well done hun.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'