View Full Version : Did you ever feel anxious and lonely in this Covid19 outbreak?

14-12-20, 10:00
Hey guys
How is everyone? I dont know if I could share this here - I just wanted to breath a little.https://www.time4learning.net/images/smilies/17.gif

I hope all is going well with you guys. I, myself don't feel good, I begin to ruminate things when this Covid19 started, especially during lockdown. I have this feeling that it is unsafe to go out, thinking what if the person I meet is infected, what if the places I go is contaminated. I also feel it is unsafe to have the vaccine even it is approved and rolled-out to the public. I am really worried of what will happen tomorrow. How can we survive all of these things?

I do smile and laugh,...but deep inside I have this anxiety if we ever gonna be real safe...https://www.time4learning.net/images/smilies/2.gif

Did you also feel the same way?

14-12-20, 11:11
Yes, I did feel the same at first. You definitely aren’t alone in that. But I had to keep going to work every day so it kind of forced me to adapt somewhat.

That being said - I still won’t go to shops or in a restaurant to eat. I’m having all my groceries delivered. I use hand sanitizer by the truckload at work it feels like. It does worry me a little that these behaviors are going to be hard to unlearn once it’s deemed “safe” again. But it’s getting me through the days right now so I’ll cross that bridge when the time comes.

As to the vaccine - I will be taking it when it’s made available to me. Yes I’m somewhat concerned about long term effects but I feel like the reward outweighs the risk.

19-12-20, 23:29
Hey guys
How is everyone? I dont know if I could share this here - I just wanted to breath a little.https://www.time4learning.net/images/smilies/17.gif

I hope all is going well with you guys. I, myself don't feel good, I begin to ruminate things when this Covid19 started, especially during lockdown. I have this feeling that it is unsafe to go out, thinking what if the person I meet is infected, what if the places I go is contaminated. I also feel it is unsafe to have the vaccine even it is approved and rolled-out to the public. I am really worried of what will happen tomorrow. How can we survive all of these things?

I do smile and laugh,...but deep inside I have this anxiety if we ever gonna be real safe...https://www.time4learning.net/images/smilies/2.gif

Did you also feel the same way?

In spades.

20-12-20, 06:55
I find it useful only to watch the news on a need to know basis. Can't do with all the additional drama. Just tell me what I need to know - like last night when Uncle Boris finally cancelled Christmas - then I'm back to watching Some Mother's Do Ave Em or Porridge.

I wear my mask, sanitise my hands, give myself (and others) space, and I'm autistic so the social distancing hasn't been hard to comply with , and I go out when I need to go out. I also carry a can of paint so I can spray a big X on the back of anybody who makes any kind of noise which resembles a cough. :D

That said, I have so much other shit going on that my brain has yet to catastrophise over Coronavirus. It's a case of I've got 99 health problems, and that's way down the list. :huh:

Check your history books. We've been through shit like this (and worse) numerous before, and in times when there was no NHS. Bodies were piled up the streets! Mankind is still here (cocking things up) and we will come through this.

Sometime next year - life will back to relative normality. Until then, we have to sit tight and watch comedy!

20-12-20, 17:35
I find it useful only to watch the news on a need to know basis. Can't do with all the additional drama. Just tell me what I need to know - like last night when Uncle Boris finally cancelled Christmas - then I'm back to watching Some Mother's Do Ave Em or Porridge.

I wear my mask, sanitise my hands, give myself (and others) space, and I'm autistic so the social distancing hasn't been hard to comply with , and I go out when I need to go out. I also carry a can of paint so I can spray a big X on the back of anybody who makes any kind of noise which resembles a cough. :D

That said, I have so much other shit going on that my brain has yet to catastrophise over Coronavirus. It's a case of I've got 99 health problems, and that's way down the list. :huh:

Check your history books. We've been through shit like this (and worse) numerous before, and in times when there was no NHS. Bodies were piled up the streets! Mankind is still here (cocking things up) and we will come through this.

Sometime next year - life will back to relative normality. Until then, we have to sit tight and watch comedy!

We most certainly have been through far worse than this many moons ago, but at least we didn't have social media and certain newspapers constantly hyping up the situation back then!

Most people just rose to the occasion and helped each other, rather than try to outdo each other with their own weird beliefs and agendas, simply because Joe Bloggs says so on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

21-12-20, 04:42
We most certainly have been through far worse than this many moons ago, but at least we didn't have social media and certain newspapers constantly hyping up the situation back then!

True, but someone would paint big cross on ya front door. :D

Most people just rose to the occasion and helped each other, rather than try to outdo each other with their own weird beliefs and agendas, simply because Joe Bloggs says so on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Social media has a lot to answer for, that's for sure!

22-12-20, 06:42
Thank you all for sharing your own experience during this pandemic, I feel better now. I just felt alone fighting this situation, and your thoughts and recommendations have helped me convince myself otherwise and everyone is doing their best to cope up and to survive. A friend suggested that I should listen to delta waves on youtube to calm my mind, so far, it's doing well to keep me at peace when I listen.

There's no doubt, worse kind of pandemic happened so long ago, that I would never dream of having it happen to this day ever. I just hope, that this pandemic hype will be the last one to occur for the longest time.

22-12-20, 06:49
A friend suggested that I should listen to delta waves on youtube to calm my mind, so far, it's doing well to keep me at peace when I listen.

Imagining Tom Hardy shaving my cactus legs (with zero repulsion) helps me.

Also, he has no clothes on.

Be still my quivering ovaries. :dribble:

22-12-20, 09:32
Imagining Tom Hardy shaving my cactus legs (with zero repulsion) helps me.

Also, he has no clothes on.

Be still my quivering ovaries. :dribble:

I second to that lol.

23-12-20, 05:11
I find it useful only to watch the news on a need to know basis....

@NoraB Your comment made me remember an article I bumped in the net that says "Stay informed—but don’t obsessively check the news" (here is the article link - https://www.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/coronavirus-anxiety.htm). I agree with you. Nowadays, some news are really not news at all, they are not giving honest information, almost are fake news. And another thing that I need to really cut down is my time on social media - twitter posts and comments are not helping with my anxiety :(

23-12-20, 05:36
@NoraB Your comment made me remember an article I bumped in the net that says "Stay informed—but don’t obsessively check the news" (here is the article link - https://www.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/coronavirus-anxiety.htm). I agree with you. Nowadays, some news are really not news at all, they are not giving honest information, almost are fake news. And another thing that I need to really cut down is my time on social media - twitter posts and comments are not helping with my anxiety :(

I think it makes an enormous difference. I don't get my news from anywhere other then the BBC because I know it's real, not fake, and I only tune in when Bozzer & Co are giving briefings. I am practically non-existent on Facebook where you currently can't move for soapboxes, fear mongering, and shaming. I just go straight to looking at somebody's purple toe in my fibro groups. :yesyes:

With anxiety, it's really important to control what goes into our mind because we won't be able to turn this shit off once it's in. In distancing ourselves we're practising selfcare.

Last night I watched Upstart Crow with the 1603 Lockdown, and it was very funny but in a way that doesn't belittle the seriousness of our situation.

I do worry about people on here re COVID because this is a mental health forum, and some members are clearly absorbing everything COVID regardless of whether it's real or not and they will be dealing with the effects of this long after life has returned to semi-normality.

29-12-20, 05:26
Imagining Tom Hardy shaving my cactus legs (with zero repulsion) helps me.

Also, he has no clothes on.

Be still my quivering ovaries. :dribble:

Whoaaa... good ovaries :yahoo:

29-12-20, 05:38
I think it makes an enormous difference. I don't get my news from anywhere other then the BBC because I know it's real, not fake, and I only tune in when Bozzer & Co are giving briefings. I am practically non-existent on Facebook where you currently can't move for soapboxes, fear mongering, and shaming. I just go straight to looking at somebody's purple toe in my fibro groups. :yesyes:

With anxiety, it's really important to control what goes into our mind because we won't be able to turn this shit off once it's in. In distancing ourselves we're practising selfcare.

Last night I watched Upstart Crow with the 1603 Lockdown, and it was very funny but in a way that doesn't belittle the seriousness of our situation.

I do worry about people on here re COVID because this is a mental health forum, and some members are clearly absorbing everything COVID regardless of whether it's real or not and they will be dealing with the effects of this long after life has returned to semi-normality.

I agree that it is important to control what goes into our minds...That's why we should decipher what news to believe, especially for those who are anxious. It is better to just avoid unnecessary topics in social media that could infiltrate the mind.

I believed BBC more than CNN hahaha.

29-12-20, 14:05
I think it makes an enormous difference. I don't get my news from anywhere other then the BBC because I know it's real, not fake, and I only tune in when Bozzer & Co are giving briefings. I am practically non-existent on Facebook where you currently can't move for soapboxes, fear mongering, and shaming. I just go straight to looking at somebody's purple toe in my fibro groups. :yesyes:

With anxiety, it's really important to control what goes into our mind because we won't be able to turn this shit off once it's in. In distancing ourselves we're practising selfcare.

Last night I watched Upstart Crow with the 1603 Lockdown, and it was very funny but in a way that doesn't belittle the seriousness of our situation.

I do worry about people on here re COVID because this is a mental health forum, and some members are clearly absorbing everything COVID regardless of whether it's real or not and they will be dealing with the effects of this long after life has returned to semi-normality.

I agree that it is important to control what goes into our minds...That's why we should decipher what news to believe, especially for those who are anxious. It is better to just avoid unnecessary topics in social media that could infiltrate the mind.

I believed BBC more than CNN hahaha.

You both made sense plus what is in the article. It is true the saying that goes 'What you feed your senses is what you let your brain absorb'. True enough that I am so stressed out because one major factor is that I am so attached with media. Thanks for the emphasis.

04-01-21, 08:59

Are you taking the vaccine? Thoughts? Because I'm hesitant about it...

04-01-21, 12:44
I would, but they're not even offering it to me.

04-01-21, 13:43
My APRN said she recommends I take the vaccine and it should be ready in a few more months. Yeah, I'm a bit apprehensive though about it; as well.

04-01-21, 14:03
I am hesitant too. Would the virus be effective despite that the virus keeps on mutating?

05-01-21, 16:48
solarbind & meltedchic - please read the PM I have sent again today.

25-01-21, 12:40
Hi guys,

I have been having a real tough situation way before this Covid19 pandemic happened - I resigned from work and started online freelancing. I am a single mom of a 12-year old boy who is currently homeschooling. I am feeling stress from all sorts - family, financial, work, household chores - almost everything. Sometimes I find myself daydreaming because I am overwhelm of so many things running in my mind. I need additional income to sufficiently cover everything, but I am struggling.

People have shared their thoughts to be just positive, to focus on healthier things, and yes, I have been doing that. But it seems I am still having a hard time not to worry and not to be stressed out.

What to do? ;(