View Full Version : Panic attack again today 😫.....

14-12-20, 17:56
Hi all

I am still struggling with this health anxiety bad 😞

I had a panic attack while out walking with my son today for no reason

I haven’t been calm but I have been a little better I haven’t contacted my doctor again I think she’s fed up with me now 😞

My period was 6 days early that freaked me out I’m usually very regular so I’m wondering what that could be

Just wish this would settle down and let me just live my life 😞

Thanks guys

15-12-20, 22:43
So sorry and hope you’re feeling better. Irregular period could well be due to stress and panic. My HA is out of control at the moment so I really sympathise.xxx

15-12-20, 23:41

Thanks for your reply

Sorry you are suffering too it is so horrible and really hard to enjoy life right now

I hope you get some relief soon xx

15-12-20, 23:47
Do you ever feel like your HA might be linked to your monthly cycle? I’m on my period now and my HA is terrible and I’m wondering if there is a correlation...

16-12-20, 09:37
Hi Amurfina

Yes I do think that I have looked into to it probably every month trying to work out why I feel like I do and then come to realise my period is due

Sometimes I can be really good at it’s ok your period is due that’s why you feel this way

But because I was 6 days early this month I wasn’t expecting it so my brain immediately went to well there must be something wrong

I sometimes feel like it when my body is getting ready for a bowel movement and again I’m sometimes good at thinking that’s ok you know it’s your ibs it will pass

I’m really struggling at the minute to self soothe I’m stuck in this horrible cycle of worrying physical symptoms more worrying I feel like my doctor is proper fed up with me now and my family so I feel like I have no one to talk to

Even on days where I feel somewhat well I think I feel uneasily calm if that makes sense like something is just about to happen and then that starts the anxiety and HA symptoms off again

I have fibromyalgia as well and I’m reading about that all the time it seems that can cause all my symptoms as well as my anxiety could but my brain hangs on to what if it’s the real thing this time and not anxiety or fibro

It’s so horrible I could probably cope with everything except the out of the blue panic attacks like the other day I had one when I was walking it’s so awful my son and I walk every day I am dreading going today in case it happens

Hopefully we will both find some peace
