View Full Version : Burning sensations in hips and pelvis

14-12-20, 17:56
Anyone ever expeience both sore muscles on one side and burning sensations in their limbs? I have this, combined with twitching and I'm scared I have tumors everywhere, including in my hip on one side, my pelvis and a brain tumor that's causing the weird twitches. I only ever feel better if I'm resting on my heating pad at night. No pain but stiffness and the burning/achy feeling drives me insane with worry. Is cancer invading my body?

14-12-20, 20:10
you could have sacroilitis like me,get a doc to have a look.Its common and not sinister,you can get a velcro belt off Amazon and they work wonders.

15-12-20, 10:44
Yes I have this before too. They thought sacroilitis to start with as X-ray suggested this, but then MRI was fine, so ended up just being inflammation. Went to Physiotherapist for a bit and they did some dry needling and massage and gave me exercises and it eventually improved. I was terrified of something sinister at the time though as it went on for months. I permanent had those stick on heat patches stuck to my hip!