View Full Version : Loss of appetite help!

14-12-20, 19:09
I know my anxiety is lurking because as usual i've completely lost my appetite! I'm quite slim and I can't afford to drop weight. But i just struggle to eat lately. I can pick on bits throughout the day, breakfast bars and crisps, but i don't even want my cereal at the moment.
Anyone got tips of appetite boosts?
Have got a weight gain shake but not that keen on them!
Sarah x

14-12-20, 19:27
When you do eat, eat carbs. Bread, fruit, pasta etc.

Appetite loss isn't permanent and common with anxiety, so don't add to the problem by worrying about it too much. It'll come back.

The only appetite boosters I know of that actually work are booze and weed, and they'll only make things worse.

15-12-20, 07:08
I know my anxiety is lurking because as usual i've completely lost my appetite! I'm quite slim and I can't afford to drop weight. But i just struggle to eat lately. I can pick on bits throughout the day, breakfast bars and crisps, but i don't even want my cereal at the moment.
Anyone got tips of appetite boosts?
Have got a weight gain shake but not that keen on them!
Sarah x

My mother used to swear by a few whiskies, but I personally don't advocate people with anxiety using alcohol as an appetite boost - on account that alcohol will come back to bite you on the bum at around 2am and that's a panic attack waiting to happen. :huh: My mother didn't have anxiety - it wouldn't dare! :roflmao:

What I do know is that the more you worry about having no appetite - the longer you will continue to feel like this.

You know you have to eat, so eat little and often, and don't be banging in refined carbs and sugary snacks as these are stimulants and it will make your anxiety worse. Having severe anxiety means your body is flooded with stress hormones so you need to be eliminating as many stimulants as possible in order to help your system to settle down because as long as your body is firing out those stress hormones, your appetite will be compromised.

I have issues with appetite and anxiety so I eat a lot of fresh soups which are easy on the digestive system and nourishing. :yesyes: