View Full Version : Panic attacks after bowel movement....ibs?

15-12-20, 08:13
Hi guys

I’ve been having a bad time with HA lately

Things have been dreadful for quite a while now panic attacks upper back and chest ache and I immediately think it’s my heart

I’ve spoke to my doctor loads but she hasn’t seen me she said that sometimes makes things worse for HA sufferers

I was put on naproxen just over a week ago because of pain I have fibromyalgia and I have recently bought a new bed so doc thinks that could be the reason for my flare up

About 5 days after I started taking them my stools became harder I was constipated just felt like they were bigger and harder than before this started playing on my mind and now I’ve started having panic attacks after a BM

Sometimes it’s straight away after but yesterday it was a few hours after but I spent all morning worrying about it and probably thought myself into one it happened while I was walking with my son he is autistic so I don’t tell him he would worry

Now I’m scared everytime I go I’ve been this morning I have work at 11 I’m scared it will happen there

Anyone else ever had this? Positive thoughts right?

Thanks guys xx

16-12-20, 12:08
Hi all

I know I’ve had no replies but I’m still struggling with this

Got up this morning and had stomach ache I’ve been dealing with nervous stomach anyway because of the anxiety but now I’m wondering if the naproxen are affecting me

I am on 15mcg of lanzoprozole daily and Friday night I discovered I had run out of it for the weekend so my husband rang the chemist and explained what I was on and that o had run out and did they have anything I could buy to keep me going until Monday they suggested Nexium which we bought and I took I just wonder if they were strong enough

I’m going for a walk with my son soon and I’m scared I’ll have a panic attack again I hope I don’t

Thanks for reading x

19-12-20, 00:22
Naproxen can wreak havoc on stomachs. It’s happened to me as well. Try and not stress over it or to anticipate issues - I find the more I focus on things like that the more likely they are to occur.

19-12-20, 07:46
About 5 days after I started taking them my stools became harder I was constipated just felt like they were bigger and harder than before this started playing on my mind and now I’ve started having panic attacks after a BM

It's different to 'your' norm, and so you're anxious about it, but medication commonly affects the bowels - and it can go either way.

Just compensate for the meds constipating you by upping your fibre, or if that's an issue if you have IBS - try some magnesium citrate - but run it past your pharmacist first to ask how best to take it with the other meds you're on because vitamins and minerals when taken alongside certain meds can affect how they work, so I always ask. You just need to balance things up again, that's all.

Sometimes it’s straight away after but yesterday it was a few hours after but I spent all morning worrying about it and probably thought myself into one it happened while I was walking with my son he is autistic so I don’t tell him he would worry

I have an autistic son too. I'm autistic as well. Caz, it's really important that your son doesn't pick up on your fears, so if you feel yourself going into a panic attack - just breathe. Concentrate on breathing slowly and deeply. Keep walking. Keep moving. Nothing will happen to you. It just feels unpleasant until it subsides and the sooner you stop adding fearful thoughts to it, and breathe, your body will settle down. How would you react to your son if he was the one having the panic attack? I'm guessing you would go all out to calm him down? You just need to do the same for yourself.

Now I’m scared everytime I go I’ve been this morning I have work at 11 I’m scared it will happen there

Tell yourself that there is nothing wrong. It's a medication side effect which will settle by itself or you can counteract it with a laxative or dietary tweaks. Maybe try buying yourself a really special hand wash - something that smells beautiful and uplifting - something to look forward to after that BM eh?

It doesn't matter if you have a panic attack. It's just your amygdala remembering that you had one after a BM before. This is how phobias develop. Panic attacks won't hurt you, and the more you understand what's happening - the less you will fear them. X

19-12-20, 23:59

Thank you both for your replies


I have spoke to my doctor again yesterday and she said pretty much the same as you she told me to stop naproxen not to take ibuprofen just now give my stomach a rest stick to paracetamols

My son didn’t k ow anything luckily he was walking a little way in front of me and he always wears headphones when we are out so thankfully he had no idea

I’m feeling more positive today I have work tomorrow and I’m not tying myself in knots about it as I usually do

Hopefully I’m coming out the other end I really hope so

Thanks again for your help x

20-12-20, 05:32

Thank you both for your replies


I have spoke to my doctor again yesterday and she said pretty much the same as you she told me to stop naproxen not to take ibuprofen just now give my stomach a rest stick to paracetamols

My son didn’t k ow anything luckily he was walking a little way in front of me and he always wears headphones when we are out so thankfully he had no idea

That's good.

I’m feeling more positive today I have work tomorrow and I’m not tying myself in knots about it as I usually do

Hopefully I’m coming out the other end I really hope so

I hope so too lovely. X