View Full Version : So worried.

01-11-07, 13:43
This is something that has been going on for some time with me. I experience chronic back/shoulder/arms pain (occassional chest) and constant headaches. I am exhausted 99% of the time, i get up and need to rest again. Its an awful existance on top of the panic attacks. I've had blood tests and they show nothing.

Four days ago i was lying in bed when i had an awful stabbing pain in my left side rib cage. Its been sporadic since.

Just lately i've also had this thumping thing in my chest. I had an ECG done on Tuesday which came back normal. I am thinking that of course it would come back normal because i didn't have a *thump* during the test.

Today i am close to tears. I am so f'd off with the doctors thinking i am crazy because all the tests are coming back negative. I am a 32 year old women, i should NOT have these pains all the time. I've been back and forth about these for years now and lately they are getting worse.

My mother is getting fed up with me. All these pains are not making me want to go out.

Elly 2
01-11-07, 13:56
Hi bluebell, don't beat yourself up about it, the pains you are describing could be coming from your neck/back, ie if you had a disc that was out of place it could so easily be the cause of the pains, has your doc thought of referring you to muscular/skeletal or a physio? also bad posture can cause these symptoms, it might be worth chatting with doc again and asking for referral. I know what you mean about people losing patience with you but unless they suffer with it they just don't understand. Hope you feel better soon, keep us posted. Lots of hugs Elly x

01-11-07, 14:18
Hi have they sent you to see a physio. x

01-11-07, 14:43
also stomach problems can cause pain like this believe it or not :ohmy: ,
I had this and it was a h plyori infection , it gave me terrible stabs in my heart area everyday, I was convinced it was my heart :blush: , it also gave me arm pain down my left arm , really weird :shrug: .

Im sure its something simple , it always is :flowers: