View Full Version : This is me!

01-11-07, 18:46
Found this site about a month or so ago, and wanted to use it as it appears that its more european than the one i used to use. I started having panic attacks about 4 and a half years ago, didnt know what they were so was frightened and you know what goes on then. Had a spell in hospital with a stomach complaint and then started constantly worrying about what would happen to my daughter(4 at the time) if i died. This lead to a 24 hour cycle of panic attacks, i couldnt function.
It was hard and i tried meds for 3 months, but then for me i had anxiety while on them which i hadnt had previously.

I found the charity No Panic and used to phone the volunteers until i calmed down, it was this that i felt saved me from a fate worse. I researched and surfed the net as well and eventually i got a handle on the panic.
I still have free floating anxiety from time to time but have just started re reading Claire Weekes work and i find that dipping in and out of it makes me aware that i need to work on it again.
I still get that feeling of being overwhelmed by anxiety, but have always made myself get out and do stuff or i know i would have agrophobia by now, my mum came to care for me and dragged me out of the house and eventually it got easier.

im 40 and remarried nearly 3 years ago. i have an 8 year old who drives me insane, and finished university 2 years ago. I work full time(which is hard sometimes) in a stressful job, but relish the challenge.

sorry about the long intro, but thats me.:)

01-11-07, 18:51
Hello jue:welcome:to you!

Glad you found us - you'll get plenty of help and support here!

Wow, you have had a rough time, but seem to have a positive attitude.:yesyes:

I also like challenges, so I'm very pleased to meet you!


PS: your intro wasn't long at all - and there is absolutely no need to apologise!!

01-11-07, 21:41
Hello Jue, nice to see you hear:)

01-11-07, 21:49
Hi Jue

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Glad you found us and hope we can be of some help

01-11-07, 22:36
Hi Jue and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. It sounds as though you're doing a great job and I find Claire Weekes helps too.

Take care,

Mike :)

02-11-07, 14:05
Hi Jue,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

02-11-07, 14:35

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

02-11-07, 18:26
hi jue
welcome to the forum

02-11-07, 19:36
Hi Jue

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


02-11-07, 23:31