View Full Version : Feeling so low with constant anxiety and sick the physical symptoms now

16-12-20, 13:09
I am 37 and was until covid hit a recovered anxious being!

Lately and mainly due to being home alone more often and Christmas coming I find myself having more and more anxiety and panic attacks.

This week the constant neck tension and low level nausea has been horrendous....I was convinced I had a bug but then I realised it was not going and that I was ok if I had a glass of wine......

I cannot take most anxiety meds because it makes me worse...just feel utterly crap today

16-12-20, 15:18
... you and many many thousands of others feel the same ad I'd say much of the blame lies with MSM and our hokey cokey Government.
Sadly, it doesn't seem that we can change the sensationalist Press or incompetent Government but rest assured you can help yourself to feeling brighter. This evening, choose a programme to watch on TV and have that glass of wine. They say alcohol is a crutch and yes, it can be, but in moderation it can ease you into a more chilled state. It's all about moderation ... and I know for some it becomes an addiction... but for many it's an modest treat. Just think in one weeks time we'll be on the shortest day. The year turns and the light begins to return.

17-12-20, 21:00
Hey, I hope you're feeling better today. I'm in a similar situation - spending more time alone has definitely made things a lot worse for me too. I'm even alone a lot more at work, and whilst being with others helps me to feel grounded, being alone allows me to overthink and lets the anxiety creep in...and I'm definitely relying on the wine a lot more of an evening!

I'm not sure, but I'm beginning to think that this time of year is the worst for me in terms of anxiety, which doesn't make any immediate sense, because I love winter and christmas, unless I'm somehow always afraid of something going wrong, or perhaps it's associated with lower sunlight exposure. Either way, I've had a terrible few weeks of anxiety despite having an otherwise fairly trouble-free year in terms of my mental health.

It does sound like you're tensing up a lot. One thing that helps me is to be more aware of what muscles I'm tensing - when I'm anxious, I tense my shoulders and neck almost constantly without even realising. I've found that consciously relaxing those muscles can really help reduce/prevent the pain associated with this.

I'm really sorry to hear you're suffering from panic attacks. Are they triggered by anything in particular?

Suttree63 - I agree with everything you have said; good advice :)

17-12-20, 21:21
Evenin' James ... yes, the old anxiety bug is worse than many others doing the rounds (possibly, for most, even 'That One' ).
I'm much better when distracted by work. Lockdown isn't healthy for many reasons, anxiety especially. Still, we're still here ...
and a drop of vino doesn't go amiss. I find a single glass dispells my nausea/tight gut very well indeed. Chin, chin !

20-12-20, 17:44
... you and many many thousands of others feel the same ad I'd say much of the blame lies with MSM and our hokey cokey Government.
Sadly, it doesn't seem that we can change the sensationalist Press or incompetent Government but rest assured you can help yourself to feeling brighter. This evening, choose a programme to watch on TV and have that glass of wine. They say alcohol is a crutch and yes, it can be, but in moderation it can ease you into a more chilled state. It's all about moderation ... and I know for some it becomes an addiction... but for many it's an modest treat. Just think in one weeks time we'll be on the shortest day. The year turns and the light begins to return.

Sadly a lot of people revel in the drama constantly spewed out by our sensationalist press and Joe Bloggs on social media on a daily basis, plus also seem to revel in 'edgy' politics!

And this was already evident long before Covid.