View Full Version : esophagus cancer

always scared
16-12-20, 17:40
I think i have esophagus cancer !!!!
I always have thick mucus stuck in my throat not coming from my nose!!!!
I cough up thick mucus!! Its not post nasal drip. its coming from my throat and esophagus !! I'm so scared. I've had this going on for a least 2 years OMG am so scared

omg i'm so dead this time

always scared
16-12-20, 17:52
anyone??? I'm in full panic and i need some help

16-12-20, 18:22
I get mucus in my throat and never even considered cancer

Please stop going into dramatic panic mode.

Why haven't you seen a doctor if you have had it 2 years

why do you suddenly think you have it ? GOOGLE???

16-12-20, 18:31
There’s probably a logical explanation for your symptoms. Lets face it if it was oesophageal cancer don’t you think that after 2 years your symptoms would be much worse than thick mucus. Take a deep breath & think this through logically, you are fine.

16-12-20, 18:43
What about this post from 12 years ago that FMP just reminded me of?


always scared
16-12-20, 19:51
this is different. it's very thick and not coming from my nose. and it cant be from acid reflux because i use nexium and it didn't do anything for the thick mucus. i also cough to try to get it unstuck from my throat. i'm also the right age now for this cancer. I cough all the time just to loosen it . the fact that i've had this for so long now makes me think its cancer

16-12-20, 19:53
How's your husband doing after his cancer op?

16-12-20, 19:53
Ok well you need to get it checked out then really

always scared
16-12-20, 19:59
so you think its esophagus cancer from my symptoms

always scared
16-12-20, 20:01
How's your husband doing after his cancer op?
He is cancer free

always scared
16-12-20, 20:05
how much clonazepam is safe to take to numb this panic. I'm so sure im dying this time

16-12-20, 20:17
If you actually had this type of cancer you would have been dead by now.

16-12-20, 20:37
so you think its esophagus cancer from my symptoms

Having actually been diagnosed with Head and Neck cancer, here's what you need to do. Gather all your medical records, send them to a cancer center and request a consultation. If indeed, they feel there is a risk, you'll be called in for additional testing and a consultation. Thing is, you typically need to be diagnosed in order for that to happen and to get a second opinion. Let us know what they say.

Positive thoughts

16-12-20, 20:48
You are not dying and no I don't think it is cancer but unless you a) get an official diagnosis or b) treat the anxiety you will continue to feel like this.

always scared
16-12-20, 21:26
Having actually been diagnosed with Head and Neck cancer, here's what you need to do. Gather all your medical records, send them to a cancer center and request a consultation. If indeed, they feel there is a risk, you'll be called in for additional testing and a consultation. Thing is, you typically need to be diagnosed in order for that to happen and to get a second opinion. Let us know what they say.

Positive thoughts
It doesn't work like that here in Canada and plus esophagus cancer is fatal so why bother

always scared
16-12-20, 21:32
If you actually had this type of cancer you would have been dead by now.
I wish i could believe you but i think it's been going on for a long time and the symptoms are just now getting worse. Its fatal with or without treatment

16-12-20, 21:40
always scared

It's great your husband has been declared cancer free!

Outside of this panic, what else is going on in your life? Are there other stressors in your life right now that are causing you to hyper focus on this? You've definitely been down the "there is only one explanation and it's terminal cancer" path before and you're still alive. I think it may be wise to take this opportunity, use this space and the wonderful people here to work through some things. We're here to help so what do you need from us?

Best Wishes

always scared
16-12-20, 21:57
I guess you guys can't really help. Iam the only one that can help me but am just to scared. I'm not thinking straight . All my symptoms point to cancer. As i sit here i can't swallow all the mucus in my throat. that only way I can get rid of it is to cough it out. Why is my esophagus producing so much mucus. The middle of my bank hurts too now.
It' can only mean cancer . Oh god i'm so scared again. I don't want to die and leave my family

16-12-20, 22:03
I guess you guys can't really help. I am the only one that can help me

I have followed you here on NMP for the better part of a year and I just want to take a moment to point out THIS one quote. (The rest is simply irrational and doesn't deserve your or my attention). This recognition is a really big deal and you should use that as a spring board. You know, as we all do, how much power you have to correct your situation. It seems like you can't in this moment because you're clearly spiraling but you've pulled yourself up before and you will certainly do so again.

We are here to help encourage you in that process but I want it make it clear that reiterating falsehoods about how it can ONLY mean cancer helps no one. You know it doesn't ONLY mean cancer. You know that you hold the power to pull yourself up. Take a few deep breaths, repeat that you aren't going to die and leave your family, and that everything is going to be OK.

Best Wishes.

16-12-20, 22:08
I guess you guys can't really help. Iam the only one that can help me but am just to scared. I'm not thinking straight . All my symptoms point to cancer. As i sit here i can't swallow all the mucus in my throat. that only way I can get rid of it is to cough it out. Why is my esophagus producing so much mucus. The middle of my bank hurts too now.
It' can only mean cancer . Oh god i'm so scared again. I don't want to die and leave my family

If you don't want to believe us that is fine, both my aunt and father in law had cancer, and believe me had they not found out they had cancer they would have been dead within months. My therapists husband had cancer of the esophagus, was dead in less than a years time.

16-12-20, 22:09
Why don't you just see a doctor then and get it sorted?

16-12-20, 22:10
It doesn't work like that here in Canada and plus esophagus cancer is fatal so why bother

Sorry to hear that :(


bin tenn
17-12-20, 05:41
If you don't want to believe us that is fine, both my aunt and father in law had cancer, and believe me had they not found out they had cancer they would have been dead within months. My therapists husband had cancer of the esophagus, was dead in less than a years time.

Mhmm. My dad was diagnosed with esophageal cancer around late 2012/early 2013 and passed away in August 2014.

always scared
17-12-20, 11:44
Mhmm. My dad was diagnosed with esophageal cancer around late 2012/early 2013 and passed away in August 2014. I'm sorry for the loss of your dad.
He must have had symptoms way before he was diagnosed :weep: this means...

17-12-20, 11:46
Knock it off? Feeling sorry for yourself won't help.

Ask yourself what you're planning on doing if it does turn out to be cancer.

always scared
17-12-20, 13:42
Knock it off? Feeling sorry for yourself won't help.

Ask yourself what you're planning on doing if it does turn out to be cancer. I'm not feeling sorry for myself I'm scared out of my mind

17-12-20, 14:01
But you're refusing to acknowledge the possibility that your fears might be irrational.

So, if they really are rational, what course of action are you going to take?

17-12-20, 14:27
If you 100% believe it is cancer then why aren't you doing something about it?

17-12-20, 14:56
If you 100% believe it is cancer then why aren't you doing something about it?

Especially if they had this for 2 years.

17-12-20, 15:14
I'm curious. Your post history definitely has a pattern to it. A simple physical niggle becomes a deadly cancer and then a dramatic post about it being a death sentence. That said, there was a period of time from 2008 until 2019 that you didn't post at all. What did you do during that time to treat and control your anxiety and what happened that triggered its return and your return to your all familiar posting pattern?

EDIT: I see you answered this previously in another throat cancer thread.
Positive thoughts

always scared
17-12-20, 17:27
I'm curious. Your post history definitely has a pattern to it. A simple physical niggle becomes a deadly cancer and then a dramatic post about it being a death sentence. That said, there was a period of time from 2008 until 2019 that you didn't post at all. What did you do during that time to treat and control your anxiety and what happened that triggered its return and your return to your all familiar posting pattern?

EDIT: I see you answered this previously in another throat cancer thread.
Positive thoughts I really don't know how I can go on long stretches of time of being ok and other times I fall apart at the first trigger I see or hear. This time something popped up on my facebook feed about symptoms of esophagus cancer. I had no idea that extra phlegm/mucus and coughing was a symptom . The minute i read that I lost my mind. I've had this for a few years now and I also have acid reflux so I put the 2 together and realized it must have cancer because of the acid reflux burning my esophagus. As I get older the phlegm and mucus is increasing in my throat. It never goes away. Somedays are better than others. And another thing is I don't really need to cough but the phlegm in my throat will not move . I cant swallow it I can't blow it out my nose so I feel like I have to cough it up and out. Mornings are the worst especially if I been snoring . I can live with just knowing if this is only because of my acid reflux but when you throw in that it might be a symptom of something like cancer it will always be in the back of my mind and pop up at the strangest time.

17-12-20, 18:02
So the symptoms of oesophageal cancer "just popped up" on your facebook feed...I wonder why?

always scared
17-12-20, 18:40
I now have mid back pain on the left side of my back I keep getting hiccups I have discomfort in my breast bone area. It's making really hard not to panic about cancer

always scared
17-12-20, 19:21
Does anyone else cough up thick white phlegm\mucus everyday??

always scared
17-12-20, 19:34
I just realized i posted this a year ago in October of last year
Do you think if I did have cancer it would be worse. I still have all of these symptoms

17-12-20, 19:42
I just realized i posted this a year ago in October of last year
Do you think if I did have cancer it would be worse. I still have all of these symptoms

What do you think?

always scared
17-12-20, 19:50
What do you think?
Pulisa are you male or female ? I feel like you don't like me much

17-12-20, 20:20
If you are worried see a doctor - I have said this several times now.

17-12-20, 20:31
Always scared I would rather be in your shoes than mine as I have several symptoms and losing weight fast......
But I know the fear very well as I'm in full blown panic mode right now.....consumed with fear

17-12-20, 20:59
Pulisa are you male or female ? I feel like you don't like me much

I'm female but does it matter?

I don't think my question is unreasonable because oesophageal cancer is an aggressive and destructive beast of a disease which doesn't hang around for a year or more,especially if untreated.

17-12-20, 21:15
I just realized i posted this a year ago in October of last year
Do you think if I did have cancer it would be worse. I still have all of these symptoms

Hi Always Scared, trust me you don’t have what you fear. I’ve known two people fairly close to me who did have it & sadly passed away,
& it didn’t take two years & neither did they have your symptoms. You have a serious case of health anxiety & you’re focusing way too much on one symptom, i know how it works because i’m in the exact same spiral myself. Darling its not our bodies that are sick its our minds.

17-12-20, 21:38
This time something popped up on my facebook feed about symptoms of esophagus cancer....The minute i read that I lost my mind.

Always Scared

You've had these symptoms for over two years and never thought anything of it until you were triggered by a Facebook post. Something you've never worried about doesn't turn into cancer just because you saw new information. I would challenge you to challenge your thoughts (if possible) with the following:

"I've had these symptoms for two years and I've been perfectly healthy and fine. Nothing has changed now that I've learned new information. It's just new information and has no bearing on me whatsoever."

Repeat it over and over until you believe it. Nothing is wrong with you! Take some control of your situation. You have the power to do so.

Best Wishes

17-12-20, 21:43
You have a serious case of health anxiety & you’re focusing way too much on one symptom, i know how it works because i’m in the exact same spiral myself. Darling its not our bodies that are sick its our minds.


Positive thoughts

17-12-20, 21:58
so you think its esophagus cancer from my symptoms


17-12-20, 22:52
You've had lots of very sound advice here from people telling you it's not cancer.
You've had these symptoms for 2 years now, if you genuinely thought it was cancer then why have you not gone to the doctor to get it confirmed and treated? You know what the answer to that question is!
But let me spell it out for you because you seem to have a problem saying / believing it - you KNOW it's not cancer, it can't be if you've had the same symptoms for 2 years. So if it's not cancer then what else is it that is wrong with you? The answer to that one is ANXIETY.
Go to a doctor to start getting your anxiety treated because no amount of posting here is going to do that for you.
A lot of us here, including myself, are suffering something terribly at the moment with our health anxiety. If you put half as much effort into sorting out your anxiety as you do into posting here about your 'cancer' then that will be a very big step in the right direction....

always scared
18-12-20, 03:28
Thank you all for taking the time to talk me down from my latest spiraling panic :hugs:Its so hard sometimes to calm down when you're having real symptoms. I know I'm not thinking rationally But it's always the what ifs... that kill me everytime. :wacko:

Thank you Redsmum "Darling its not our bodies that are sick its our minds "

18-12-20, 05:45
Its just so damn hard i know, once these thoughts get inside your head they’re so hard to dislodge. I’m sitting here now shaking from head to toe after very little sleep trying to get myself together & put on a front just so i can go to work. I hate being like this i just want to be normal & have normal happy thoughts. Hope you have a better day Always Scared & look after yourself.

always scared
18-12-20, 18:08
I"m having a awful hard time letting go of this awful fear :weep: Why is it so hard? Last night you guys were so helpful and now this morning I'm still so close to falling back down the rabbit hole.
I can't do it.

18-12-20, 19:54
You can do it

Have a read of all the sticky threads in this forum as they are all positive things to learn from