View Full Version : Skin cancer

16-12-20, 18:51
I cant believe im back here. I've honestly been doing so so so bloody well..

Basically.... I have a mole on my arm, I had a tattoo about 5 years ago and the tattoo goes over it. Its always been a raised mole. But as I was putting on moisturiser earlier my hand went over it and it sort of feels a little inflamed. Like its a little swollen... I cant see the colour of it as its got black from the tattoo over it.... soooo does it sound sinister.
I've tried everything in my power to stop my stupid brain from over thinking but just got a feeling of dread.. i would absolutly hate to go back to where i was as I've come so far.

16-12-20, 19:44
I really don't think it would be cancer but I think you know that unless you get a medical professional to look at it then we really can't say.