View Full Version : Lump on face

16-12-20, 22:54
Hi all,

This is my first post find myself trawling the Internet for some reassurance. I suffer from health anxiety which is getting worse. I lose days crying over some obscure symptom convinced its cancer. However I've now got a lump on my face. It's 2cm big and growing quickly. Gp appointment for tomorrow after already speaking and being told to wait and see if it goes in its own a couple of weeks ago.
How do you guys who have HA cope when a symptom you can see arises? In the past it's been headaches, weight loss, strange aches and pains that have caused me to spiral but now with an actual lump I can see and touch I am losing my mind. I've tried mediation but I cannot switch it off even for a few minutes

Suppose I'm just looking for any advice. Feeling lonely, scared and mental

S x

17-12-20, 04:36
From someone who's been there: if it's that large and growing that fast, it's really unlikely to be skin cancer.

You're not mental, but you do have faulty thinking patterns at the moment that you need to train yourself out of.

Right now, I've got a scabby patch on my arm that could plausibly be either an insect bite gone wrong, or another skin cancer. Because I'm rabidly phobic about hospitals, I'm postponing getting it checked for the sake of a peaceful holiday season. Every time I start fretting about it, I remind myself that it's no big deal and that it can be dealt with with a single minor surgery. It takes practice, but you can get past this.