View Full Version : Naproxen has messed my stomach up 😞

17-12-20, 16:55
Hi all

If you have seen my other threads you will know my story

Been struggling with a bad spell of HA regarding chest and back ache

I have fibromyalgia and had bought a new bed my doc thinks it was that and also I have lost 8.5 stone in the last 4 years( totally intentional) and obviously my bust size has changed I’ve only been able to get re measured once this year due to the pandemic so my doc thinks that ill fitting bras are also to blame

Anyway she put me on 1 500mcg of naproxen at night to take with my Amitriptaline for fibro and my ibs medication I have been doing that for 2 weeks today but they have messed my stomach up 😞

I have tenderness if I press high up in my stomach like just under my breasts and the odd little pain like heartburn I didn’t take one last night because it started a bit yesterday

I tried to get a phone call with my doctor today but had no luck I’ve got to ring at 8am tomorrow to try and get on her afternoon list

Of course my head is going to severe internal bleeding that I will no doubt die from in the next few hours and it’s making me panic worse I didn’t take one last night I took a ibuprofen instead which is what I was taking before I swapped to naproxen

I don’t think they helped that much anyway and me being stupid and always looking for a fix when it’s my head that needs fixing has made it all worse

My jaw keeps tightening as always but again my brain is telling me it’s my heart why do I constantly do this? Why can’t I just work my way through these bad episodes and stop looking for a medical solution when I know deep down there isn’t one? Maybe it’s because I’m scared there’s a medical cause

It’s all so exhausting and I’ve sooooo had enough now it’s sad times and right before Xmas 😞

Sorry to main guys I hope someone has some good words of wisdom


17-12-20, 18:05
I did ask about whether you had been prescribed a PPI to protect your stomach from the naproxen but you didn't reply.

17-12-20, 21:46
Hi pulisa

Sorry yes I’ve been on lanzoprozole for years I did run out at the weekend though

But I rang the chemist and explained and they advised me to buy nexium which I did


18-12-20, 06:38
I have a similar thing going on at the moment. Have back/rib/chest pain. Have been taking firstly Voltaren and then that was replaced by Mobic. As they’re both anti inflammatory I’ve now developed terrible stomach pains high up as well as trapped wind/constipation, reflux, burping etc. I mentioned it to my rheumatologist and she has then put me on nexium to try and help. I know in theory it’s happened to me before so I shouldn’t worry, but it’s frustrating to always feel pains of some sort and then the resulting anxiety which follows. So not any words of wisdom but just wanted to reply to say you’re not alone and I know how you feel! Rheumatologist has suggested I talk to GP about trying Cymbalta or Lyrica but was recommending Cymbalta more as it apparently helps fibromyalgia and pain as well as the resulting anxiety.

18-12-20, 08:55
I have fibromyalgia

Me too. Fibro is currently kicking my @rse BIG TIME!

Anyway she put me on 1 500mcg of naproxen at night to take with my Amitriptaline for fibro and my ibs medication I have been doing that for 2 weeks today but they have messed my stomach up 

Are you taking them with food and with a glass of water? Because, just because you can take meds without food doesn't necessarily mean you should with IBS. Maybe check that one out with your GP?

Of course my head is going to severe internal bleeding that I will no doubt die from in the next few hours and it’s making me panic worse I didn’t take one last night I took a ibuprofen instead which is what I was taking before I swapped to naproxen

I've had internal bleeding and I was very unwell and in a LOT of pain that even morphine couldn't take away. There would be a lot more going on that tenderness lovely.

My jaw keeps tightening as always but again my brain is telling me it’s my heart why do I constantly do this?

I had this as a 'side effect' with several antidepressants when I first took them as they seriously ramped up the anxiety, but I also do it naturally as a muscle tension thing. Try opening your mouth really wide as if you're screaming - I mean actually scream if ya want, but you might have the neighbours pounding on the door lol.

It’s all so exhausting and I’ve sooooo had enough now it’s sad times and right before Xmas 

Fibro doesn't care about Christmas lovely. All you can do is try to help yourself by keeping calm (and take your own bloody advice Nora!) and limit the symptoms. X

18-12-20, 10:08
Hi Aussie11

Thank you so much for your reply

What you describe is exactly what I have high up rib back chest pain like heartburn

I have a phone call with my doctor after 2pm this afternoon

It really is swings and roundabouts as to what pain bothers me more on any given day it gets exhausting

Hopefully things will settle now and I hope you also find some relief

Thanks again for replying


18-12-20, 11:07
Hi NoraB

Thank you so much for your reply

I’m sorry you are dealing with fibro too

Yes I was taking them with food she (the doc) had warned me about that I always have a yoghurt and a hifi bar at 10pm when I take my other pills so I took it then

My stomach does feel a bit better today I’ve had 2 nights without them now I had taken a ibuprofen the first night I stopped taking them but last night I didn’t I thought I would give my stomach a rest from all anti inflammatory tablets

I am a lot more achy this morning as a result of it but I can deal with it better if I know what it is

The thing I really struggle with is like what has just happened now I was sitting resting after eating my breakfast may have even snoozed a minute or 2 then all of a sudden I get a wave of anxiety come over me...the first thing I thing is ooo I feel weird that makes my stomach torn my chest muscles tighten up and everything starts racing through my mind like calling a ambulance me collapsing having tests at the hospital and all the time the anxiety is rising and rising it’s such an awful feeling

When it passes it leaves me with a tense jaw achy arms nervous stomach then I go about my business but kind of half wait for the next time it can happen anywhere at anytime it’s so awful I know I make it worse by disliking it so much

Thank you again for replying I can’t tell you how much it helps me


19-12-20, 05:41
The thing I really struggle with is like what has just happened now I was sitting resting after eating my breakfast may have even snoozed a minute or 2 then all of a sudden I get a wave of anxiety come over me...the first thing I thing is ooo I feel weird that makes my stomach torn my chest muscles tighten up and everything starts racing through my mind like calling a ambulance me collapsing having tests at the hospital and all the time the anxiety is rising and rising it’s such an awful feeling

Snoozing in the morning is never a good idea because of the higher levels of cortisol in the body. It's naturally at its highest in the morning because you need to wake up. It's the 'awakening hormone'. When anxious people snooze there is often a sudden jolt back into being in the room. And also this is how many of us wake up from sleep in general. It's an unpleasant sensation as it is but your body is hyper-stimulated due to anxiety, so this scares you, and your brain instantly responds by firing out more stress hormones which is a panic attack (also normal) waiting to happen. It's all perfectly normal. Your body is doing what it should be doing. It just feels flippin' horrible. Best thing to do is to keep moving in the morning and burn those hormones off. X

19-12-20, 08:37
I think you must be putting on a really good front if your son isn't picking up on your anxiety, Caz so give yourself credit.

My daughter wouldn't even allow me to cough without putting me through an Inquisition style interrogation session. She has never tolerated any below par "performances" from me re health.

And yes..Moving around in the morning is essential for me too. It really does help.

20-12-20, 00:03

Thanks again for all your help

I will definitely keep busy in the mornings

I honestly can’t tell you how much this helps me
Thanks again


20-12-20, 06:25
My daughter wouldn't even allow me to cough without putting me through an Inquisition style interrogation session. She has never tolerated any below par "performances" from me re health.

I laughed at this - in a manic way - because I was having an afternoon snooze one day and I woke up abruptly to my son attempting to resuscitate me by pressing on my tummy. Poor bugger thought I was dead! :scared15:

Turns out, that time I was taken to A& E and wired to heart monitors (panic attack) he thought I'd had a heart attack. :weep:

Can't change the past, as much I want to, but the way he tried to 'resuscitate' me was hilarious.:roflmao:

We've since had the conversation that if he's convinced I am unconscious, and I'm not responding to being shaken, not to attempt to revive me but to phone 999 lol