View Full Version : lung x-ray opacity and breathing issues

17-12-20, 22:56
hi everyone

i've been suffering from ha for over 20 years. a couple of weeks ago i had a twinge in my back while working and my mind instantly went to lung cancer. the next day i started having breathing issues, where i feel like i'm breathing harder through my nose. my oximeter shows me at 99-100%.
being worried as i am, i told my dr and he sent me for a chest x-ray to ease my anxiety. he called me back the next day telling me.."it seems ok, but there was a 2x3 cm "opacity" on my lower left lobe, and to go in for another x-ray i about 2 months.
i freaked out, i asked him to send me the report and the radiologist suggested i go for a ct scan !
not sure why my dr said just an x-ray.

i dont have pneumonia, but i did go for an mri of my abodmen last year and they saw i had microatelectasis on the RIGHT lower lobe..so not sure im freaking out ...i do have a hiatel hernia..could this be the cause of the opacity ? is opactiy the same as seeing a shadow on the lung ?

18-12-20, 17:36
Ooooohhhh no! When reassurance seeking goes wrong. I understand how frightened you must be feeling, but the doctors don’t seem worried, so that looks positive from an objective perspective (although not to the anxious brain of course!)
I once did this - I got a chest CT to alleviate my anxiety about lung cancer and guess what? Four nodules were discovered! They needed to be monitored and the following months were hell (and a lesson for me about reassurance seeking!!)

22-12-20, 07:32
well, i managed to book a ct scan at a private clinic. going in 12 hours..wish me luck:unsure:

22-12-20, 15:24
Good luck x

22-12-20, 21:10
Lots and lots of luck. Please do remember to let us know how you get on xx