View Full Version : frequent urination and health anxiety

18-12-20, 01:59
Last night I woke up three times to pee which made me anxious, and this morning I have gone to the toilet to pee 5 times so far, haven’t had that much to drink (only a bottle of water and a cup of coffee). It’s triggering my health anxiety about bladder cancer, I’m aware it’s very rare in people my age (28F) but you know what it’s like when our brain just catastrophizes :( I’ve booked an appointment with my GP to do a urine test in case it’s UTI but to be honest I don’t have any stinging etc. so could it just be anxiety?

Just FYI I have had kidney/bladder ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound, all clear, and my bloodwork is fine, these were all done a couple of months ago so very recent. Sorry if I have triggered anyone, I just wanted to vent, thanks in advance for any advice.

18-12-20, 02:01
Common anxiety symptom. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Kidneys_urgency_to_urinate_frequent_urina tion_sudden_urge_to_go_to_the_toilet)

Positive thoughts

18-12-20, 10:18
Thanks so much Fishmanpa :)

18-12-20, 11:00
Could very likely be anxiety or irritable bladder / or anxiety causing irritable bladder. Very reassuring re your ultrasound and bloods being ok. Sounds very much like when I get a flare up of my irritable bladder. Mine is always there to some extent, but when anxiety is at its worst it gets worse as well and causing night waking and needing to go to toilet etc.

18-12-20, 15:21
I pee more when I'm anxious. It's normal. It's a stress response thing because it's hard to run from a mugger with a full bladder so your body needs to get rid. Your brain doesn't know that there isn't any real danger - it will respond just the same. But I also had a day earlier this year when I literally couldn't stop peeing - there wasn't anything amiss though. Try not to focus on it and it will go away.

19-12-20, 10:26
Thanks so much everyone for taking your time to reply x

29-12-20, 20:17
I’ve had this before and it’s started again, hate anxiety

29-12-20, 22:03
I really went through the mill with this last year. If you look up my old thread about uti or bladder cancer you will see the sorry state that I was in for months about this. Mine turned out to be nothing but the more you focus on it the more you will notice it.

03-01-21, 00:49
Sounds like interstitial cystitis (It’s basically an inflammation of the bladder lining, without infection) Caffeine, stress/anxiety, spicy foods, sugar, lots of things can set it off. And you tend to get uti type symptoms - minus the stinging / no infection can be found. Do increase your water intake, as it makes the environment more alkaline, and that will help any healing take place. Do cut down or avoid caffeine / spicy stuff. These are irritants / acidic. Which can hurt the bladders lining / slow down healing. Sugar is also a trigger for me, so I cut that down. I’ve had non-infection type cystitis on and off for years! It’s nothing to worry about. I find CBD tea helps a lot (or making your own tea from CBD bud) I can link you sites for those if you like. CBD seems to make things very alkaline, so I find it magic for it. I just had it again lately. Usually a cup or two of CBD and I’m fine - but it took numerous cups over a few days. It’s gone now, fingers crossed it stays gone! I also find I can’t have bubble baths, they can trigger it for me, as the chemicals irritate down south. Hope it’s gone for you soon. Xx