View Full Version : Need reassurance regarding possible Covid-19 exposure

19-12-20, 01:30

I’m in need of some reassurance at the moment. I have what I think is a very minor exposure to Covid but it’s playing havoc with my HA anyway. It’s just not a good time and I’m hoping to have some fellow HAers talk me off the ledge before I even get to the ledge.

My HA increases exponentially during my cycle and I’m about to get mine in a day or so. My mom just also entered hospice this week. She’s in the final stages of MS and renal failure. We can’t see her because she tested positive for Covid but is one of those rare individuals who is completely asymptomatic even with having significant health issues. It’s a rough time.

Here’s my possible Covid-19 exposure story. I was food shopping. Didn’t handle a cart or basket, just picked up items and opened the door to one cold case. Used a small amount of hand sanitizer when I got to our car. At one point driving home I ran my thumb along the outside and a small bit inside the edge of my nostril. It was itchy and I wasn’t thinking. When I got home, I washed my hands and cleaned the spots I touched with a q-tip. Of course, now that nostril is running (I know that is not Covid) but I’m trying to keep my HA from going off the rails. The closer I get to my cycle, the harder I will have to work to keep it in check.

Just need to hear that I’m blowing this out of proportion. Thanks in advance for any help or reassurance!