View Full Version : so scared i am going to get a bad cold/flu? maybe covid

19-12-20, 11:13
so a girl at work, is soo sick, and has such a bad cough. i wish she didn't come into work, even a customer was like she is bad and should be at home. and i had to work late nigh with her.. so it only me and her. so i couldn't avoid her. and she coughed in the hall way as i was walked down. so i walked in to her cough ( freaking out about that. and she kinda breath on me too.
cant i cant get sick, have to go to work, esp with Christmas like i freaking out so much, her whole family is sick, so it must be easy to get it
it so unfair and annoying, like im freaking out so much, i have to go to work next week
can u get sick... from walking in to cough when someone has just coughed
also she did breath my way

19-12-20, 11:26
Unfortunately yes, you can catch something from someone by walking through their respiratory “droplets” I guess you’d say. It’s unfortunate that even now people insist on coming to work when ill. Is there no one in charge that could send her home? I don’t know what the rules are like where you’re at currently but we all have to wear masks at my work whenever we’re up and moving about the office. Possibly that would help as well? But the sick employee should definitely not be at work regardless.

it’s also possible too that whatever cough she has is just the lingering tail end of an illness and she’s no longer contagious? I know I’ve had coughs last for weeks after a bad respiratory illness.