View Full Version : Rectal bleeding after bowel movement (TMI)

19-12-20, 17:16
So sorry for the TMI :(
Little anxious right now, I just had a bowel movement and noticed quite a bit of blood on the toilet paper after wiping. The stool was not covered in blood or anything, but the toilet paper would have some every time I wiped.

Now that I知 done the area is stinging a little. I知 not sure what could cause it. But the day before yesterday I had a spout of diarrhea where I had to use the washroom 4-5 times in a row but that stopped today and yesterday. Yesterday I was fine, and now today there痴 bleeding when wiping.

I am trying so hard not to get anxious

19-12-20, 17:38
Fissure most likely. No biggie. It'll heal.

Positive thoughts

19-12-20, 22:22
piles and/or a fissure

20-12-20, 06:59
Yes, it's a Farmer Gile (pile) or a fissure.

Your botty is fine.