View Full Version : Wheezing in one lung? I知 relapsing.

19-12-20, 21:11
Hey everyone. A little background here. When I was 17 (I知 21 now) my dad passed away from a rare lung condition and 4 years later my uncle passed away from the same disease, but the doctors tell us it is not genetic.

In the northeast we got a big snow storm a few days ago and yesterday I was shoveling the driveway in 10ーF weather. I was short of breath and minutes later developed a wheeze in my right lung upon exhalation. This has lasted all day and now I知 sometimes wheezing during inhalation and exhalation, but mostly just the latter.

I知 scared I have a serious lung condition and one of my worst fears is being put on a ventilator like my dad was.

Could this be an exacerbation of asthma? Bronchitis in only one lung? Has anyone ever dealt with this before? I am able to cough up a bit of sputum every so often and the wheeze goes away for a bit but cant spit it out and it ends up going back and the wheezing continues shortly after.

Been doing good with my health anxiety for the past two-ish years and this is a major setback for me.

19-12-20, 21:21
In my opinion any type of wheezing warrants a doc visit just to rule out a bacterial or viral infection. It doesn’t necessarily jump straight to a lung disease though. You were out in the cold, exerting yourself. That will make anyone short of breath. Maybe try a hot beverage like hot tea? See if that helps? I think if it continues or you develop other symptoms (congestion, fever, etc) you should go see a doc just in case you need some meds though.